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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. I love the concept but realistically why do this from a fighter sized aircraft? The main argument is due to fighter type speeds so why not use something with more legs but also higher Mach number capable speeds? Put a Gulfstream out there and control this swarm and not have to worry about the handoffs as often. My $0.02. I liked the part about how there’s not a cognitive difference between RPA aircrew and fighter pilots. I believe that but cognitive abilities aren’t why some people are more gifted in airplanes (not saying all fighter pilots are better pilots than other types of pilots but you get my point). I’m sure we’ve all flown with 140 IQ types that suck and knuckle draggers that couldn’t spell cat with two lifelines but are brilliant pilots. It’s just way beyond brain power (even though that is important). If this is a creative attempt to go from a RPA to a fighter, then I wish these dudes luck.
  2. One thing I will add that is purely one mans opinion and not representing the opinion of the US Government, AFSOC, SOCOM, etc…the tail dragger configuration is different, but I hope that isn’t viewed as a bridge too far. If the 802 isn’t chosen on the basis of other factors, then okay. But if that’s the only reason, I would be very disappointed. Yes, all fixed wing pilots are trained by the AF in tricycle gear aircraft and there are some differences, but that’s nothing that can’t be overcome by training. I view it the same way as training guys to AR, do assault landings, or any of the 100 other skills that are outside what they learned in UPT. One very interesting variable in this program is the single pilot/single CSO configuration out of UPT/UCT. What this airplane is going to be asked to do is going to require some talented aviators that won’t have the benefit of copilot time to season before jumping in the AC seat OR being a wingman and progressing up the FL upgrade ladder. With that, you won’t be able to grab the folks that barely made it across the line to earn wings. You’ll have to get some of the higher performers but then you’ll be competing with big AF for more traditional top graduate assignments. And should the single pilot setup limit you to T-7/T-38 people (absolutely not IMO)? And for CSO’s, I can imagine a similar battle amongst the traditional WSO assignments. Having said all that, I hope AFSOC does a 10000x better job selling this airplane to young assignables than they did with the U-28.
  3. So I’ll doxx myself here to people that know me, but I was the demo pilot for this program. I got trained on all of the offerings and flew them with the exception of the Bronco due to their gear collapse issue* and the 145 due to catching the ‘Vid (alternate flew that one). Each one is good at certain things and not as great with others. I have nothing to do with the selection and don’t have any inside info, but I am excited to see how it shakes out. *This is just a funny story. The AT-6 and Bronco 2 were there for their evaluation and the 5th flight of their evaluation was with the AF guy to evaluate a variety of things. We went to their factory and got trained on how their stuff worked and then a 2 hour refresher the day prior to the flight on how to use HOTAS etc. Before that eval, the Bronco had their issues so I never flew it. Anyway, the next day after flying the AT-6 I land and check my phone and have a bunch of messages, missed calls, etc from my Chain. Somehow that telephone game made it back that I was in the airplane and it went off the runway and cartwheeled due to a gear collapse and no one could get in touch with me (completely false haha). I finally called back and said I was fine and had no issues and (in the most military thing ever) got bitched at for not reporting back or something. Good times at the end of the rumor whip.
  4. The demonstration flights completed last summer and the final decision is getting made in the next couple of months.
  5. I genuinely think we need to get out of the military model of rotating troops home after committed to action. Don’t come home until the war is over. See how hawkish the political elites are to attempt the recent bullshit we’ve seen with that model. And also maybe the Congress could do it’s actual job WRT declaring war and/or preventing presidents from just sending military wherever for however long.
  6. Is there a way to see your time logged as a student in each of the training jets? ARMS summary shows “student time” but all I have is “T-38IFF” and like 2 sorties I sandbagged between UPT grad and IFF start as “T-38”.
  7. This has nothing to do with airline hiring, but the USAF should be doing everything they can do get Tac Airlifter to stay. The dude should be running at least a MAJCOM. No shit heroic stuff as an individual and leader. Phenomenal American.
  8. I have almost identical timing but will be out at 15. I’ve struck out on a bunch of ANG units as “too old”. Thoughts?
  9. Didn’t see that post prior to my writing. I have no reason to not believe it and the multiple documents referenced throughout the story to document failures or quitting. That honestly changes my opinion significantly because I knew there had to be a simple boilerplate document for eliminations in a program that attrites 75% of candidates. If the other assertions are true that she will graduate no matter what, then I agree there should be consequences up the chain of command. It intrigued me that Lt Gen Slife called for an IG investigation into the claims because all these claims lead directly back to him. I know he’s a 40 pound brain playing 4D chess, but that’s interesting.
  10. So here’s a view that will probably get me crucified but I think this letter without no shit proof is a big foul. You know the whole community and all the fan boys are all boned up on the macho culture of being a CCT and think women can’t hack it*. These assertions feed exactly into that and it’s easy to get the masses worked into a froth with a “told you so” attitude. Same with all the “golden child” comments about her being a minority and fitting a woke agenda. I view this as the same view as a innocent until proven guilty type thing, hence the lack of proof. *my personal opinion is that women don’t belong on front line infantry (03xx/11 series) or front line SOF units (SF, SEALs, CCT, PJ, Raiders, Rangers) beyond a support capacity. But Congress didn’t ask me so we’re where we’re at now.
  11. Probably worth a whole thread. I read all that and I would like to see actual proof versus some brave anonymous CCT on the internet calling this woman out by name and exposing things that I guarantee he’s not privy to. For example…the offer of some ST student (female or not) to get fast tracked to the 24th STS makes zero sense and wreaks of rumor amongst students. No way did that happen.
  12. I just got pinged that I was ID’d as a bone marrow match for someone in need. What would that do for my Mil/Civilian medical? DNIF for a bit during recovery?
  13. Recruiter, local assignment, and even a humanitarian assignment would be doable. 100% have a plan and put in the work so when you present a plan, you help aid the CC in decision making. It may be unpleasant, but also have the diagnosis and prognosis factored into your “pitch” to your boss. Best of luck.
  14. You got it. Also plan to apply for VT-10 and see what happens. Looking at the application it’s basically the same as AF application but in funny Navy speak. One thing my bro in that squadron told me is that there isn’t the rushing the frat style ANG thing which is pretty interesting to me. Honestly glad about that after basically wasting a couple grand flying to multiple units (admittedly got multiple offers/interviews) just before covid hit and losing all of that with nothing to show for it.
  15. Anyone ever heard of it? Any advice? Standard POC on the announcement is like trying to find Bin Laden before that redhead got on the case. Looking at possibly making the jump and teaching NFO’s while tooling around in a T-45. Or a Super Hornet if they’ll take me.
  16. Can confirm there’s a Viper pilot at a Reserve unit that rides one of those hoverboards to the jets and around the squadron. Even better because it’s got the light up wheels so you’d see him coming down the dark hallways like a traveling circus.
  17. I promoted to 1st Lt in IFF and I was the only butter bar in my class of 10. 9 months casual (aka best 9 months of my life) 1 year UPT 1 month break to start IFF My dad went through UPT in 1969 and was incredulous that we sat around that long. GD hater.
  18. Does any normal person actually buy into this shit or is it just the Twitter sphere?
  19. Interesting takes and just saw all this. The most interesting part to me is the implication that asking guys to do their job is some active duty shit that the guard wouldn’t tolerate and it’s all about airline PIC time. Uhh…I’ve been in a TFI unit (fighter) and ANG dudes are absolutely not like that. I’ve seen those dudes fly in weather that AD guys would cancel 99/100 times. And canceling an airline flight because you don’t feel like it with no extenuating circumstances besides your gut when you’re legal to go? Good luck with that.
  20. I don’t have the reg citation, but I believe if the person you transferred the bill to hasn’t used the benefits, you can nullify them ADSC. Now getting the AFPC E-4 to understand that…
  21. Alternative sources for PNT and how starlink and others could play a role?
  22. Are you looking to blend the two? Civilian and/or military application?
  23. If you love the Air Force, why don’t you stay in? I know of a guy in the F-15 that made multiple millions on a Vegas jackpot that stayed in for similar reasons.
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