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Everything posted by StoleIt

  1. StoleIt

    Gun Talk

    That's generally due to your cookies and keywords in what your looking at. The adds are all unique to who is looking...or in my case I don't have adds because Chrome + Addblocker is awesome.
  2. WTF? One thread giving some friendly shit over a public marriage proposal and now BODN is in decline? Seriously? I have seen very little admin/moderator abuse on this forum. And I am fairly knowledgeable on this subject as a SMod over on Ls1Tech, which is a much bigger forum, and we would deal with it on occasion. My $0.02.
  3. Come on guys. Isn't it obvious? Creating clear and concise guidance is much more difficult, therefore any punishment for failure in doing it correctly should be much more lenient, than say...flying a multi-million dollar aircraft in a dynamic setting. I totally understand why hosing over a thousand+ Airmen should be treated less harshly than one mistake during an airborne emergency.
  4. They expecting to divert you mid-mission to Africa or something?
  5. A good read. This caught my eye: If you are always on the hunt for complacency, argues Mattis, you will reward risk-takers, and people who thrive in uncertainty. "Take the mavericks in your service," he tells new officers, "the ones that wear rumpled uniforms and look like a bag of mud but whose ideas are so offsetting that they actually upset the people in the bureaucracy. One of your primary jobs is to take the risk and protect these people, because if they are not nurtured in your service, the enemy will bring their contrary ideas to you."
  6. Recent grad here, but they are completely changing the course from 8 weeks to 5, so if it's anything specific about the course it is probably already out of date.
  7. Russia says the F-35 is Flanker bait... http://in.rbth.com/blogs/2014/10/12/why_the_f-35_is_a_sitting_duck_for_the_flankers_38959.html
  8. She flew her airplane for a duration of 300 hours in a combat zone. Fairly straight forward.
  9. StoleIt

    Gun Talk

    It was on base (at the gate) and not that it matters but apparently he has an Alabama CCW. The gun was loaded in the glove box (ie: not in a container or in the trunk) and he "lives" in the dorms so I don't think he sell it that he was going to the armory. He is 7/8's the way done with SOS so hopefully they will just slap his wrists and let him move on.
  10. StoleIt

    Gun Talk

    Rumor mill says that a friend of a friend just got arrested for having a pistol in his glove box. He got snagged for expired plates and then when he went for his registration and they saw the pistol in there. What kind of punishment does that usually come with? I think the Sq/CC had to show up and he was released into the Sq/CC's custody or something. The guy is TDY Enroute at SOS.
  11. The fastest formation: Fastest jet and fastest prop fly in formation together. 5 page story: http://allthingsaero.com/military-aviation/aircraft/gallery-world-s-fastest-formation?page=1
  12. Student has threesome with two of his teachers...one of which is pretty hot. http://wgno.com/2014/10/01/police-destrehan-teachers-had-a-three-way-with-a-student/
  13. Saudi Pilot Arrested for Refusing to Bomb ISIS in Syria According to social media activists, a Saudi Air Force officer has refused orders to carry out an airstrike on Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) positions in Syria. The Saudi officer, Captain Faisal Al-Ghamdi, is said to have refused to participate in the airstrikes due to his support of the terrorist group. The news has circulated amongst pro-ISIS pages and has been referenced by their ground activists in Saudi Arabia, adding to the already turbulent relations between the terrorist group and Wahhabi-led government. Saudi officials have yet to comment on the validity of this story; however, a picture and the soldier’s identity has been released by pro-ISIS media sources. ISIS has a strong presence in Saudi Arabia – the country’s government has financially supported rebels in Syria and Iraq to overthrow their governments. Recently, Saudi Arabia agreed to participate in the Anti-ISIS Coalition to quell the terrorist group’s presence in the region. http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/saudi-pilot-arrested-refusing-bomb-isis-syria/
  14. Three Afghan Soldiers Missing From Joint Base Cape Cod http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2014/09/21/three-afghan-soldiers-missing-from-joint-base-cape-cod/qPrmtD6AF7X51GtJeTMCfI/story.html
  15. I've seen it both ways with the aircrew OCP's. Seems like it's a post purchase modification to get the extra velcro on it though. Mine doesn't have it so I just throw my name tag on the shoulder or go without when I feel fancy and want to rock the ISAF patch.
  16. Same as the Air Force's ABU. Not practical or useful in combat, but is distinct enough for recruiting and feel good purposes.
  17. I wouldn't think so. Maintainer's have a unique uniform, same goes for tankers, and many other jobs. So unless the standard uniform for everyone would incorporate nomex then I'd safely assume special duty uniforms will still be somewhat unique (maybe just in material and not camo pattern though).
  18. StoleIt


    I'm seriously considering a diesel 2016 Colorado for my next vehicle. I think it looks great. The engine will be bullet proof, get great (for a truck) MPG, still be able to haul a decent load for being a mid-sized truck, and Chevy has made this generation of vehicles have an option of being a 4G wifi hotspot.
  19. Only people with a 1 or 2 post count claiming it's there...hmmm
  20. Why can't they keep the damn multicam? Why spend billions more to replace a uniform that is 96.9% the same pattern as what is already being issued for those down range? And why is the AF keeping the stupid ABU?
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