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Everything posted by StoleIt

  1. Yeap, that was entertaining. Gave the flight suit haters in my group a lot of ammo too.
  2. We aren't even selling the Saudi's F-35s last I checked...
  3. Sounds like we just need to get the ball rolling on the 6th Gen...so we can have it to replace half the Raptor fleet in like 80 years.
  4. This. I had 3 flights then a check for my ATP, but I ended up weather cancelling one ride and pressing to the check anyway because I've got a pretty extensive GA background and felt comfortable in the mighty Apache. My IP was $40/hr, the DPE was $350 total, $250/hr for the airplane. 9.4 hours total (including the check ride) so I managed to squeek in right at $3k but I'd say that's more of an exception than the rule.
  5. I feel bad for the selects...they are going to Altus and will get thrown in the KC-135 FTU...and they will probably never touch the -46.
  6. Could the CSAF/SecAF even institute such a change? Or would that have to be a congressional restructure of the AF to add WOs?
  7. Ten bucks says someone made an OPSEC complaint because it showed the ramp. But that was a damn impressive video with great editing. A lot of work and planning must have gone into that.
  8. So can the tanker crews move into the BPC rooms that are going to be empty? Yea...didn't think so.
  9. I guess they got the sensor's working.
  10. I have the Belleville TR393's and I really like them. Got them issued to me also so not paying out of pocket was a plus.
  11. That begs to question...are the Russians: A) Incompetent at navigation B) Knowingly violating a sovereign boarder C) Profit?
  12. An F-16E or an F-15SA costs something like 80-90% as much as an F-35 does...why does this make sense? Sounds like too many people are listening to Sprey...
  13. How the hell has wearing blues once a week become a "tradition?"
  14. I wish my autopilot worked 96.9% of the time...
  15. Northrop beats out Lockheed/Boeing. http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2015/10/27/northrop-grumman-wins-usaf-bomber-contract/74661394/
  16. People ask him for his opinion and he gives it, can't fault him for that. I am talking to a freshman cadet right now that is asking me questions about AD. I honestly don't know how I will answer the inevitable, "should I join/be a pilot?" A year ago at my previous assignment, I would have said yes. Currently, I am not as confident. I can't imagine the morale improving any time soon either...
  17. I don't see this will stop cadets from gunning for pilot slots. I doubt it would have stopped me given my low level of knowledge and high level of blue kool aid. And, sadly, this will be a decent band-aid stop gap for future manning. It's a lot easier to make, for all intents and purposes, 20 year slaves rather than fix retention properly by eliminating queep and making the job more appealing for those already in.
  18. Does the F-35 have a significantly different seat than all the other pointy nosed jets?
  19. Russian Caspian Flotilla launches missiles at targets in Syria
  20. Just saw The Martian also. I liked it! Well worth it. (Didn't read the book).
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