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Everything posted by Boomer6

  1. Not all vaults, it depends where you’re at. We’ve been fighting this battle for 3 years in my corner of the AF.
  2. In regards to the vax effectiveness discussion. I know two fighter squadrons that have had 95% of their ppl contract COVID at one point or another. Around 50% contracted it at some point prior to getting vaccinated. After being fully vaccinated + boosted about 60% have contracted it. All of those that have contracted it twice (before and after being vaccinated) have had no change in symptoms from the pre/post vaccinated cases. You can make the argument that the symptoms weren’t as bad the second time because they had antibodies, and to be honest that doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t matter because the trope were being pushed is we need to get vaccinated to maintain readiness. When 60% of the bros contract COVID after being fully vaccinated + boosted and get taken down for 10 days of quarantine the readiness argument doesn’t hold up. The vaccine is not effective at preventing our demographic from contracting it, which is all that matters for the readiness discussion.
  3. The interview is a little hard to follow based on Bourla’s accent, so I pulled up the transcript. I can’t find the “very limited protection” quote you posted. He remarks that the current three dose vaccine provides “reasonable” protection against “severe disease” and “hospitalization” specifically against the Omicron variant. The transcript is posted below. Is there something missing from the transcript where he says the quote you’re referring to? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/01/10/first-on-cnbc-cnbc-transcript-pfizer-chairman-and-ceo-albert-bourla-speaks-with-cnbcs-squawk-box-today.html
  4. You’re right. I shouldn’t have posted it. Not an excuse, but I’m tired of losing good friends and students to accidents because the syllabus requires an event that’s no longer done in the CAF.
  5. Almost 2 years to the day we lost two bros on a formation landing at END. I guess we have to lose ppl before we can cut syllabus items that are is irrelevant in the CAF.
  6. @M2 It seems this thread and the “Changing/Switching Airframes” thread in General Discussion are basically the same thing.
  7. Invalid. PWB and the choads like him were sent packing, but Twitter let’s the taliban tweet.
  8. At what point will the mods boot someone based on a large number of active members blocking all of their content? That’s not a spear at the mods, it’s an actual question. What percent of active daily membership have to block someone before the troll gets bounced?
  9. I’m curious if any other bases are still requiring members sign the HVA207 when showing up for mandatory vaccination? This is the same form used when all the vaccines were under EUA. Now they’ve tweaked them to add COMIRNATY into the form verbiage.
  10. Looking at the vaccine mandate that was laid out for the DoD my understanding is that mil members will have to get a vaccine once it receives FDA approval. Now that Pfizer has approval that should be the only COVID vaccine members are required to get. Does that check or am I out to lunch?
  11. Lol “sportsball”. I think you gave yourself away there… This chach:
  12. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Don’t waste your time trying to make logical arguments with the likes of pooter / pawnman etc. If it doesn’t serve their political narrative then it’s invalid regardless of the data (the same goes for the foreverTRUMPERs just so we’re clear).
  13. Yeah, I guess life is simple when you believe the party opposed to you is only highlighting positive things while whitewashing anything that could be argued to be divisive. That must only be a conservative trait, liberals are too elite to engage in such shady messaging.
  14. Dude, you’re wasting your time. Your view may be based on the facts but those facts are counter to the political narrative of the current administration, and more disappointingly the counter-American service members on this forum. You’ll never get them to admit they’re perfectly fine admitting illegals to the country en masse because it will ensure their party has a better chance at maintaining power. The illegals are simply a tool to facilitate the agenda, any consequence of their leeching off of the country can easily be rectified with higher taxes.
  15. Thoughts on quitting…
  16. Gents, feeding the troll is counterproductive. Don’t waste your time trying to convince a spade not to be a spade.
  17. I don’t post on here very much and I’m sure this post will get a lot of hate…but it needs to be said. If I recall you were passed over not too long ago. After reading this statement about handing out Article 15s I’m thinking maybe big blue got something right the first time. This kind of “leadership” is the problem, not the solution.
  18. Leadership is a strong word these days..
  19. He was a former b-course IP and a good dude. Several of us shared a beer or two with him only a few weeks ago on TDY. Here’s to Taz 🍺
  20. Agreed with everything Tank said. Now for the part the Bobs in your sq won’t tell you. FAIPs are a dime a dozen these days (especially at DLF). When the rack and stack comes and the T-6 Bobs are arguing with the T-38 Bobs about who gets *insert your #1 airframe here* you need to be someone that the T-6 Bobs know and like/respect. That way when your sq/cc says, “IOperate020 deserves X airframe because: *reasons*,” the other sq/cc’s will say, “oh yeah he does great work, we’ll just have to give our T-6 guy his 2nd choice,” instead of them saying, “who the f*ck is IOperate020?!?” How does one get this name recognition? You projo a bunch of stuff around the OG and/or Wing and manage not to pork anything away. Now, you can either go about doing this the right way or the wrong way. The right way is with a humble attitude and the honest desire to put your talents to good use and help out. Or, you can be a kiss ass that the Bobs like but every bro in the squadron and all the students (who will be your IPs when you get to the CAF) loath. Good luck, it’s really not that difficult.
  21. I’m guessing the two F-15C guys were guard?
  22. Can you expand on this? Are you taking about the “must be an AC with x number of hours” rule required for crew aircraft pilots to qualify for PIT, or something else w.r.t AC waivers?
  23. USAF bros doing an exchange tour with the navy do not get carrier qual’d, whether they’re taking a job at the RAG or Whidbey. I’ve asked that question in regards to an exchange tour and been given the same answer multiple times.
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