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Everything posted by Boomer6

  1. I can think of multiple reasons why you’d stay in schertz, and the all start with HEB.
  2. “What do you mean some people?” - those ppl, probably In all seriousness I’m actually interested to hear the response to this news from the non-conservatives on here.
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/us/tupelo-mississippi-pilot-threatening-crash-plane-walmart-police-say
  4. Maybe few woman and ppl of other races are applying because certain elements in the media and an entire political party have built a following around the idea that white men are trying to systemically oppress them at every turn. Or maybe it’s that these entities built a platform around the idea that America is a country one should be ashamed to be from, not even worth the simple act of showing respect for its anthem. Yeah, after 20 years of hearing/seeing that messaging play out I can’t imagine why these groups don’t want to come work for the government and salute a bunch of mostly white guys..
  5. Why is it that when stories like the Twitter post above (assuming it’s true), the Hunter Biden Laptop saga, or HRC’s emails come up there are a large number of conservatives on here up in arms over it, while we have what seems like crickets from the liberal side? Then when the HRC investigation concluded we have the liberals clamoring to defend Comey when they know they’d be in jail if they’d done what HRC did. Liberals loving law enforcement, that’s neat. Meanwhile we have the thin blue line bumpers sticker republicans ready to abolish the FBI. There’s a lot of arguing back and forth going on, but somehow I don’t see a lot of staunch conservatives ever really agreeing with any liberals on any of these topics or any of the other ones for the last decade. Can’t say I’ve seen any staunch liberals ever take the conservative side on any of these discussions either. The prominent members on either side of the fence have been arguing since Rainman left. Turns out the political threads are a waste of time. Liberals and Conservatives disagree on everything, and in other news water is wet.
  6. Let’s not bring up very similar situations that have occurred to democratic politicians that got a pass, because…reasons.
  7. The libs don’t care what the FBI does if it helps their party. It’s a shame, I’d hoped military members who’ve lamented the same kind of politics play out in their squadrons etc. would understand accountability regardless of what “side” they’re on. Trumpers aren’t any different mind you. The divide continues to grow at a rapid pace because of petty ppl on both sides happy to ignore the rules when it suits their ideology.
  8. Oh I know, but the level of unhinged trolling and thread hijacking seems familiar.
  9. You mean the guy in the money and finance thread? 🤔
  10. Just what a bot would say..
  11. Idk if you realize it but putting words in other people’s mouths, namely frog’s, is exactly what is done in the second sentence. Anecdotal evidence of hatred for LGBT ppl being applied to anyone that doesn’t fully support LGBT events happens constantly. I’ve heard it, I’ve seen it. There’s a large number of ppl in the AF that believe gay ppl should be protected under the constitution and afforded the same rights as everyone else. They’re just sick of being told if they’re not signing up to be an ally then they’re the problem.
  12. @frog it would appear you’re too ignorant to realize your weariness of toxic narcissism makes you an enabler to homophobics. It doesn’t matter why you don’t agree with the celebrations, only that you disagree. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”
  13. Oh don’t worry, AFN is playing that shit as well.
  14. When I went through (both student and IP) that was a rule and we scoffed it wholesale. Molding young minds on how to act in a bar regardless of being shmammered is a good lesson to be learned before their first CAF TDY. Also, a great way to keep them from killing themselves and find out who the douchebags were. I have some faith our youths will find a way to “anonymously” keep up a proper tradition despite the pussification of the AF.
  15. Take my freaking up-vote. However, the bobs porked it away, now there’s no false hope for 11B follow on guys. Just hookin’ their way to a cush 3 year assignment racking up enough hours to go to the airlines when their ADSC is up.
  16. FAIP plus get an 11B follow-on. Those dudes/dudettes have no incentive to crush themselves for 3 years by flying 3 times a day and volunteering for every stupid tasker that comes down from the boss. They don’t have to play the FAIP game at all, unless they’re trying to fly the B-21 I guess. It sucks but it might be better than 3 years of nut crushing only to lose out again.
  17. Since this has become another anti vs pro-vaccine thread, disguised as a discussion on constitutional rights and the military, I’ll throw something out there maybe the pro vaccine crowd might view differently than others. For clarity, I’m very much pro-vaccines (just what an anti-vaxxer would say right?). I knew entering the AF that I might have to take the anthrax vaccine and had researched (also known as googling) the gripes ppl had about taking it and the side effects that had been reported. However, as a young lad I “knew” there was a compelling military reason for DoD to mandate members receive the vaccine, and that if I was exposed to anthrax I would be protected. The medical community at large and especially DoD has fallen short of the trust I placed in them due to the covid vaccine and it’s rollout. My science background (copy not a doctor) made me skeptical from the start of the rollout that the breadth of side effect were known based on the expedited trials and the sample sizes involved. My trust was further eroded when I watched countless interviews with medical professionals and listened to my own flt docs shrug off any concerns of possible side effects. The effectiveness rate seemed extremely improbable, but hey it was a breakthrough vaccine so maybe it’s possible. Here we are a year plus later and from my perspective it is clear the vaccine is not effective at preventing contraction, especially for the military demographic. I understand the readiness argument about not being deployable if you’re not vaxxed, but that is based on the assumption that if you’re not vaxxed you’re more susceptible to contracting and spreading the disease. I know multiple squadrons who continue to have vaxxed+boosted individuals contract covid and are prevented from deploying/PCSing or departing/returning from TDYs. That smells like the readiness issue not being solved by the vaccine. I’m now anti covid vaccine because it’s ineffective. If I’m going to take a vaccine that may or may not negatively affect my health then that shit better work. This one doesn’t. It not working makes the readiness discussion the bobs are shoveling null and void. We need something that works. If that means we do something similar to yearly flu vaccines then fine. Military members expect to have to do things they’d rather not do. They expect to give up some rights based on the contract that they signed, but in general they trust that the forgoing of their rights and desires is beneficial to not only themselves but the force as a whole. I know a lot of bros in my corner of the AF that keep asking “WTF is the point of this vaccine when we keep getting covid.”
  18. I think most of us can agree logic has went out the window with regard to the AF’s view of the vaccine. As far as the legal side goes the bobs send these declarations through legal before publishing them. Additionally, unless someone plans on suing their leadership I see an IG complaint as the only legal recourse members would have. However, I think the only way to get movement through that route would be to submit a complaint to congress
  19. Lol reported to who? The IG works for the Wg/CC. An AF level IG isn’t going to go against this kind of order. A letter to a congressman/senator, even a conservative one, wouldn’t do much with a liberal administration as top cover. Regardless of what I think I’m pretty sure there’s nothing stoping a Wg/CC from preventing ppl from going TDY unless they’re boosted.
  20. Yeah, I know of some Wg/CCs not allowing ppl to go TDY unless they’re up-to-date (vaccinated plus booster within 6mo). Just curious what other bases have the same policies.
  21. Yep, am tracking restrictions based on being fully vaccinated. Booster requirements/being up-to-date is specifically what I’m talking about.
  22. Copy. Obviously, both of those continue to occur. I’m asking if anyone knows of bases that have put increased restrictions, other than the DoD mandates that everyone be fully vaccinated, on members based on their booster status.
  23. Anyone else at a base that is barring TDYs unless you’re fully vaccinated and boosted?
  24. Ok, I’ll bite. How and why? From my narrow military point of view, funding Ukraine is helping to weaken a near peer adversary. Also, I’m sure the nerds are picking apart as many of the Su-34s and Su-35s (not sure if it was multiple) components as they can to increase our SA on their capes and limitations. Additionally, I have to suspect we’re able to collect valuable data on Russian missile capes, particularly the Adder and it’s variants. No doubt there are significant amounts of intel the US can gain in all domains concerning how Russia executes combat operations. From my narrow geopolitical point of view, if there is even a chance that our backing, along with a large number of other western/non-western nations, can push China’s timeline to the right on Taiwan, then I think it’s worth it. China is slowly distancing itself from Russia in certain aspects (to look good on the world stage of course), which will be ammunition for the rest of the world if they move against Taiwan. Ultimately, my belief is if our support for a non-NATO ally will make China rethink their plans for Taiwan and the timeline of their invasion, then the billions we’re spending in Ukraine will be a drop in the bucket to what I’m worried it will cost us in lives, assets, and treasure if China invades Taiwan in the next 10 years. Europe reducing their reliance on Russian energy seems like a great way to cut the leash Putin has had around European leaders’ necks for some time. Hopefully that will make it easier for those same leaders to impose other sanctions on Russia without fear that their population will freeze to death. Not saying Europe has made it to this point yet, but they’re moving in the right direction. Russia, in some serious miscalculations, has helped the process along by cutting off power and demanding payment in rubles. That’s all without addressing the horrible human toll that is taking place against non-combatants. I morally have issue with a government openly allowing their troops to rape and murder at will. For this reason alone I’m happy to send my taxpayer dollars to make sure those individuals get wiped from the earth.
  25. Here’s hoping there aren’t any riots at the Supreme Court building, but if there are that the rioters are prosecuted as feverishly as the Jan 6 ppl.
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