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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2020 in Posts

  1. We’re working on it.... There won’t be a sea change overnight. The change will be generational. It’s a guerrilla war ongoing inside the MAF. Takes longer than you’d expect and there’s a lot of resistance - mostly by senior level and GS management. There’s also a significant portion of most MAF communities who want to do nothing more than ILS to a full stop and pad airline applications. Malaise can be contagious, especially when the economy is good. Furthermore you have a significant portion of Star-wearing leadership (And this their minions as well) which values EXPOSURE over EXPERTISE. Note I didn’t say ‘experience’ over expertise. In the MAF they want you exposed to all things MAF - mile wide and inch deep. They don’t care at all about big Air Force things or the application and control of Air Power as an integrated warfighting force, or expertise in employment. Just do MAF things and you’ll lead one day. Expertise is not valued as much as “MAF-exposure.“ The problem with that logic is that the CAF runs the Air Force. Literally the language of the service is that of the CAF. The vast majority of wings are CAF wings. The vast majority of GOs are CAF GOs. In the CAF when you show up in a new community, they wonder WTF is wrong with you that you got voted off the island. In the MAF if you become an expert, they scoff you for “only knowing one mission set.” It’s bizarre. The MAF scoffed the CAF for years, only wanting to build their mobility empire in the cornfields of southern Illinois, but the reckoning is coming... There’s a whole new service out there looking for another four-star, and there’s a lot of the staff function at both ACC and AMC getting gobbled up by the Air Staff... The MAFs lack of integration with the rest of the USAF will be its demise if we aren’t careful. That’s what many of us are working to fix, though that work and the results are seen by some as “un-MAF-like” endeavors.... Brought to you by your friendly (old) neighborhood Weapons Officer. Now... Get off my lawn, this grass is delicious. Chuck
    5 points
  2. Well I'd suggest ACSC students go remote and do the coursework online like most major universities but that would be a waste because the students already did it to be selected and God forbid nothing discriminates them from the non selects.
    2 points
  3. It's not just AETC, many government agencies and individuals are totally fine with telling others to sacrifice their businesses, lifestyles, and jobs to fight the virus but don't feel they need to make any changes themselves. It's basic game theory, if everyone else social distances and you don't, that's the best case scenario for you. How many commanders calls have been held since we were told to not gather in groups?
    2 points
  4. The AETC War on COVID-19 versus the response to COVID-19 in a real war. It seems someone is out of step. US Pauses Afghanistan Deployments, Isolates Arrivals There; https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/03/19/us-pauses-afghanistan-deployments-isolates-arrivals-there.html
    2 points
  5. Everything non mission essential Air Force wide is on hold right now (most people are teleworking), so I doubt we will hear much aside from all these boards/interviews being postponed for awhile. I do feel like not hearing any news is better than being told "no thanks". Some units are not allowing their people to leave the local area, so traveling to interviews/rushing squadrons is also a no-go for a lot of active duty until mid-May
    1 point
  6. Supposedly, AdBlock Plus allows one to block ads and pop-ups which make it through the filter. I think it's called "block element," accessed from the menu at the top.
    1 point
  7. This is a pretty incredible graphic (from https://www.visualcapitalist.com/global-flight-capacity-coronavirus/ hopefully they update weekly). If you want to look on the bright side the China line suggests a pretty rapid recovery once we turn the corner. China is such a weird country I hate to extrapolate just from that datapoint but their air traffic and general industry is rapidly coming back online. Hard to say what this does for tourism travel over the next ~6 months even after the virus is "handled."
    1 point
  8. Those 12 extra students we’re gonna graduate over the next few weeks while we continue to put our families at risk is totally worth it.
    1 point
  9. He’s pretty spot on for GSC, which is half CAF half MAF monster in which we’re currently picking the worst traits of both to build culture
    1 point
  10. I get it, we have to maintain readiness. But if the DoD just issued stop-movement and encouraging people to telework to minimize service members' exposure to the virus, then why are we continuing to send new recruits into high risk environments? Not only does this increase their chance of getting exposed, we are also launching them out to different bases for follow-on training like a disease-infected mother-ship launching spaceships to colonize different planets. In theory, the basic trainee gets infected right before graduation, PCS undetected, gets to new base and infects new populace. I've been to places like Sheppard, it's just another breeding grounding, only slightly better than BMT. AETC's policy just seems to counter any USG effort to contain the spread of the virus. I mean, we are releasing prisoners right now to prevent the spread. But then again, it's AETC afterall, what do you really expect from them?
    1 point
  11. Sounds like the key is inflexibility/lack of room to be free-thinking and problem solve. A few years ago when I had some direct interaction with AMD, they had zero interest in helping solve some real problems, the excuses abounded. The primary one that pissed me off was talking about how the crews wouldn’t be able to hack it...bullshit, i’d sat up front with several and had plenty of time to BS; the crews would have risen to the occasion and won...but AMD wasn’t in it to win it, they were there to make donuts and nothing else. As I think back to all my experiences with the MAF, it is very frustrating to think about all the good dudes who are held back by AMD, TACC, etc.
    1 point
  12. I’m in the same boat brother. What a difference a week makes. The thing that makes me mad is if the AF does retain me, it’ll be through no effort of their own.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Thanks @torqued Same to anyone who has a spouse/SO that's in the medical field and/or works in hospital. Maybe if I catch the Covids that'll help me get a Age ETP/UPT slot within the Guard/Reserves. By any means necessary😁 #Noshame
    1 point
  15. For fucks' sake (yes, all the fucks), it's called the Kung Flu.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Huggy I was wondering how long it would take them to catch on. You better be using my checklists! TDY to Honduras. The Hondurans were transitioning from the F-86 to the A-37!
    1 point
  18. OA-37B My favorite aircraft to work on.
    1 point
  19. How did he get close enough to tell with mandatory social distancing? You should have chiefed him for being within 6-9 feet! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  20. Man, to think all those "we need diversity candidates" lectures were wasted. But still, they know better than me and aren't afraid to lecture me on such. Along with stating that VP and Supreme Court picks will be based on genitalia and/or pigmentation. What could possibly go wrong?
    1 point
  21. I just can't muster the energy to care about an airman with a shaving waiver. Feels hypocritical after all the bitching I've done when a chief corrected my patches, sunglasses on my head, or the lack of a reflective belt. Fuck, at least these guys have documentation allowing them to skirt the regs.
    1 point
  22. Looks like Fresno boards (according to 144FW website) are suspended/postponed/canceled. Not sure which one... As of today:
    0 points
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