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Promotion and PRF Information

Guest e3racing

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Chang's view as he peers over his koolaid cup does not allow him to see the problem. Good people do get promoted for the most part and bad ones don't. Unfortunately, good people also do not get promoted in the process and, in this day and age of high speed data exchange, the word gets out which leads to angst and confusion. Words from "on high" attempt to attenuate that angst but promotion board actions continue generating examples of bad leaders moving up and good people moving out with the added benefit of those that survived wondering what it will take to make it to the next round of Air Force Survivor Island. To sum it up: Life isn't fair and there is no justice. So, guys are self eliminating from the game and seeking their future elsewhere.

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Here is one of the many gulfs of misunderstanding we're talking to each other across. When I say ops, I'm not just talking about deployments. They've held fairly steady in my community over the last couple years. Even as deployments have gone away in OIF and OEF those blocks have just been filled by other requirements Non-stop ops is all encompassing of the deployments, TDYs, and intensive home-station training most AFSOC units deal with on a constant basis. There isn't enough of us to go around so we're constantly busy. Most guys come to AFSOC understanding this; most guys relish it. But it gets tiring. A lot of dudes that want to go do something else for a tour aren't released because the manning doesn't support it. School slots for candidates are very difficult to get right now and guys aren't being released in any serious numbers for staff. So they start to get burnt out, bitter, jaded, whatever you want to call it. Lately, a lot of them have ended up punching. I don't believe the sky is necessarily falling in the AF or my community but things are tough right now. We've had over fifteen 12+ year guys leave in the last year for the civilian side; in a community as small as mine the loss of that experience is very difficult to deal with.

Your data may say things are getting better for some communities and in some places it may be true. Those numbers are only part of the whole story. I talked about the lack trust one two star felt was prevalent between senior leadership and the ranks. This little discussion we're having is symbolic of that. You, in the HQ are saying things are super duper awesome and the line guys are saying we're in serious trouble. The reality is somewhere in between I'm sure. Like I said before most dudes have a serious issue with what you spout because it doesn't match the reality they see on the line.

I appreciate your post and recognize some communities face assignment difficulties that others do not. It is unfortunate, but I don't anticipate key strategic personnel decisions being made divorced from the spreadsheets and the numbers. It's the ultimate Moneyball. How can we retain just enough talent for the cheapest price to get the win? Tough, tough questions with tough answers. However, it's what our bosses, the taxpayers, expect us to do.

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'Sigh'. We can debate the resources aspect, but non-stop ops? Really? The numbers simply do not back that up, my friend. Dwell times continue to get better and better.

I'm rooting for you to get a Pentagon job out of ACSC this summer, hopefully here in A1. It will really open you aperture.

So why is there talk about waiving DAV 81 at my base?

But I guess there was a 2 month period after they closed Manas but before ISIS cropped up that was nice...

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He's a sausage maker.

And he's right, the Air Force doesn't owe me anything. That's why I will take what I need from the Air Force and give back an amount equivalent to what I'm paid. If the Air Force wants more, it can pay me more...otherwise it will ask me to leave thank you very much and thank you for your service.

It's just a job and it pays the bills. There are worse things to do in this life, so I keep working at it. But there are better things to do. Throwing money at the problem works fine, but it only solves part of the problem.

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Truth to power or shouting into the void. Decent summary of what most officers see as the problem with promotion / leadership in the AF.

An Air Force officer: The military doesn’t want to retain talent (or at least that’s the perception)

Point made by an anonymous e-mail to the author specifically relevant to this discussion:

– Officer performance reports offer no objective measures of success or mission accomplishment. Absent objective measures, officers are left with subjective measures — specifically, how much their bosses like them compared to their peers. When promotion and stratification depend on your boss’ regard for you, a system creates perverse incentives toward politicking, backstabbing, and whitewashing your record. This system should naturally select towards the selfish and power-hungry.

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Guest ThatGuy

So, anyone ever PCS right before your PRF accounting date? Seems like a formula to not get promoted.

Great question. In my previous community, we have a ton of guys/gals coming back from a deployment prior to that time this year. They will ALL PCS prior to their PRF accounting date. Talking about sheer madness.

I would advise you talk to your CC prior to your PCS. I've seen it where CC's will call ahead to your new CC and ensure you are not forgotten. Especially for the shiny pennies.

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At the risk of changing the topic from the Chang Show back to original intent...

So to change the subject up a bit. Does anyone have any insight into what the promotion board was looking for specifically during this past December board for major? Our AAD's were masked and our status for SOS indicated simply whether it was complete or not. Did this make things easier or harder for the board?

I had a friend not promoted and this individual checked all of the boxes. I do not know exactly what boxes this individual checked, but I assume the board saw something that excluded him from promotion. I remember you guys/gals saying some people think too highly of themselves in regard to promotion and the promotion board will usually get it right.

Some clear messages out of this board and the O-6 board...when other things are masked...strats matter, being an IP made zero difference, AFSOC's run is OVER.

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At the risk of changing the topic from the Chang Show back to original intent...

Some clear messages out of this board and the O-6 board...when other things are masked...strats matter, being an IP made zero difference, AFSOC's run is OVER.

No kidding, we didn't do too well on this one.

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Guest ThatGuy

At the risk of changing the topic from the Chang Show back to original intent...

Some clear messages out of this board and the O-6 board...when other things are masked...strats matter, being

an IP made zero difference, AFSOC's run is OVER.

So making the bad people go away and deploying your butt off to support special needs around the world isn't viewed well by the board? Interesting....
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Some clear messages out of this board and the O-6 board...when other things are masked...strats matter, being an IP made zero difference, AFSOC's run is OVER.

CH... If I am not mistaken AFSOC has recently been behind most other MAJCOMs wrt promotion selection to O4. How bad has it gotten?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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At the risk of changing the topic from the Chang Show back to original intent...

Some clear messages out of this board and the O-6 board...when other things are masked...strats matter, being an IP made zero difference, AFSOC's run is OVER.

This is why promotions through O-5 should be done at the DT level vice the whole-of-the AF. I believe strongly that each community can select its next leaders better than a whole-of-the-AF panel.

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Guest ThatGuy

Question is how does the rate compare to ACC? Before this past board in December, ACC promotion rates to major were far less than those posted by AMC. Was it mentorship, bomb dropping only PRF's, or just bad luck? Is the same possible thing going on in AFSOC right now?

One of my buds from UPT was a DG out of T-44s, he received gunships and he got promoted this past board.

Edited by slick999
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But maybe, just maybe...by breaking out AFSCs at the promotion board, you can promote more of a stressed or undermanned AFSC (say, 18X or 11F) and fewer of an "overmanned" AFSC (like, apparently, 12B. And I AM a 12B). Then, maybe the cuts to personnel could be shaped year to year, instead of making everyone undergo the RRF exercise every time there's a drawdown.

That just makes too much sense, clearly it couldn't work.

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Guest ThatGuy

That just makes too much sense, clearly it couldn't work.

Then the RPA community would see promotion rates skyrocket. Edited by slick999
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Guest ThatGuy

It'd probably be cancelled out by how many people opt to separate after their commitment despite getting promoted anyway.

Valid point.
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