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The Congressman is back yo


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Hey guys, after a little break from Baseops, was checking back in with you all to see what stuff I need to be aware of.  Are there issues out there you think I need to know about or concerns, etc?  Im not going to engage in debates or complaints about votes I have taken, but was curious if there is anything I need to be aware of.  I'm still flying in the guard so I know about many of them, but wanted to see what was up

Feel free to PM if youd rather, cant guarantee Ill be on often but Ill take a look occasionally.

Hope everyone is doing well.


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How do you feel about the proposal to up the USAF manning to 350k? I was optimistic that the new CSAF was going to start fixing some of the inefficiencies in the organization, and now it looks like the the plan is to just throw more bodies at the problem. It seems like it will mask problems in the short term, and fix nothing long term. 

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17 minutes ago, Jaded said:

How do you feel about the proposal to up the USAF manning to 350k? I was optimistic that the new CSAF was going to start fixing some of the inefficiencies in the organization, and now it looks like the the plan is to just throw more bodies at the problem. It seems like it will mask problems in the short term, and fix nothing long term. 

Not sure really.  I'll look at it.  Not on armed services committee so haven't been looking.  We def need to cut the civilian force and reduce the overhead at the pentagon.  More money to destroy stuff and less money for making jobs.  Efficient and effective

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- Status of repealing Obamacare?

- Status of introduced 50-state reciprocity bill and likelihood of both Houses passing?

- BAH shenanigans (see the thread and get McCain to an old folks home)

- Re-opening F-22 line?

- Chances of getting the budget anywhere controlled?

-edited to add - how about a lil friendly Congressional enquiry to the AFDW/CC regarding his General Order #1?  That seems both ludicrous and has overtones that are scary.

Edited by brickhistory
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3 hours ago, congressman said:

Hey guys, after a little break from Baseops, was checking back in with you all to see what stuff I need to be aware of.  Are there issues out there you think I need to know about or concerns, etc?  Im not going to engage in debates or complaints about votes I have taken, but was curious if there is anything I need to be aware of.  I'm still flying in the guard so I know about many of them, but wanted to see what was up

Feel free to PM if youd rather, cant guarantee Ill be on often but Ill take a look occasionally.

Hope everyone is doing well.

I know you said you weren't on the SASC, but what is the over-arching plan on rolling BAH (and BAS) into a "single-salary" system?  From where we sit, that seems like it would be a huge pay cut due to the spike in taxable income, while not actually increasing the size of the pay checks.  It also seems that the NDAA had language directing retirements to be "held stable", as in, retirement checks wouldn't stay 2.5% per year of service of the new "single-salary", but would instead be closer to the current 2.5% of base pay excluding BAH, BAS, and any incentive pays.

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Thanks for checking back in. Here is what I've got:

I sat in a fairly small room with a 4-Star who told us that the bonus was going to be $48K per year and that flight pay would go up to $1,500 per month. This was roughly 2-3 weeks before the NDAA was finalized. I'm curious about what went down with all of this? Do you know if the DOD was lobbying for $48K and Congress just decided to go with $35K?

This 4-Star was extremely confident about what he was saying concerning the bonus. I'm just curious if he was full of it, or if he got blind sided. Or, did Congress change its mind last minute? What happened?

The message being sent to me as an eligible bonus taker this year is this:

1. Congress either doesn't understand or doesn't care about the pilot shortage.

2. The AF is trying to fix the shortage by increasing pilot production and isn't trying that hard to retain pilots.

3. Neither Congress or the AF are giving me anything close to good enough to hang my hat on when it comes to keeping me in the military. In fact I'm getting strong negative signals from both. 


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Any chance of this bill seeing the light of day?

12304b vs 12301d 

These are our choices when our squadron gets involuntarily mobilized to "deploy" to some non-contingency TSP (to do absolutely nothing).  It's akin to picking between the fat chick and the ugly chick.  

Here is an article on the matter.  What it doesn't say is that while 12301d gives you all the benefits listed in the article, it is NOT USERRA exempt (but could be with SECAF approval)...even though we are INVOLUNTARILY mobilized.  



Thanks for dropping by Baseops.

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4 hours ago, Jaded said:

How do you feel about the proposal to up the USAF manning to 350k? I was optimistic that the new CSAF was going to start fixing some of the inefficiencies in the organization, and now it looks like the the plan is to just throw more bodies at the problem. It seems like it will mask problems in the short term, and fix nothing long term. 


Don't give a drunk a drink.  

Until they tell you they are ready to quit growing the blob of non-mission relevant bullshit and the shoe clerks who feed on it.  Make them squirm and publicly state what will be dropped, eliminated and changed.

The SECAF & CSAF made a step in the right direction with the attempt and some success in the elimination of excess / unnecessary additional duties but it has MUCH further to go.  

You're going to have get him to strategically change the career intent, focus & development in the officer corps to level the wings.  

There are issues in the enlisted cadre also, careerism at the expense of primary duty competency, but the lion's share of the problem is that the AF stuck in an Industrial Style HR system (particularly in the officer cadre) that strives to maintain a force structure not really suited for today's workforce, operational environment or financial realities.

Also, make them buy a LAAR - that would be the cherry on top.

Edited by Clark Griswold
minor fix
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6 hours ago, congressman said:

Hey guys, after a little break from Baseops, was checking back in with you all to see what stuff I need to be aware of.  Are there issues out there you think I need to know about or concerns, etc?  Im not going to engage in debates or complaints about votes I have taken, but was curious if there is anything I need to be aware of.  I'm still flying in the guard so I know about many of them, but wanted to see what was up

Feel free to PM if youd rather, cant guarantee Ill be on often but Ill take a look occasionally.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Welcome back.  No legislative questions here, but I will say that it's nice to know you're still around.  Hopefully you'll be able to add your unique perspective when able.  Cheers.

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4 hours ago, yatalpan said:

How about concealed carry reciprocity for AD service members stationed in IL but residents of other states. The Governor or his staff doesn't answer his emails.

I'm all for reciprocity.  That depends on trump and whether we have the time in the senate calendar to pass it, they are slow.  For state specific that is on state leg and governor.  Not us.  But as an illinois guy, we have it rough

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2 hours ago, SocialD said:


Any chance of this bill seeing the light of day?

12304b vs 12301d 

These are our choices when our squadron gets involuntarily mobilized to "deploy" to some non-contingency TSP (to do absolutely nothing).  It's akin to picking between the fat chick and the ugly chick.  

Here is an article on the matter.  What it doesn't say is that while 12301d gives you all the benefits listed in the article, it is NOT USERRA exempt (but could be with SECAF approval)...even though we are INVOLUNTARILY mobilized.  



Thanks for dropping by Baseops.

Possible but it needs a different sponsor than Al Franken. These dems sometimes lead bills like this so they look cool and pro military.  As a guard guy I like this bill.  It will never be law on its own hope is for it to get folded into the NDAA or defense approps

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10 minutes ago, congressman said:

Sorry I'm not quite spun up on this.  In many cases different groups spin people up on some ideas that were considered etc in order to increase membership.  So if we pass language saying we need to look at social security reform, every senior gets a letter saying the govt is taking your social security away.  Same happens in military.  These seemingly golden "guardian of the flames groups" exist on scaring military members that congress is gonna take all their benefits away.  I have kicked some out of my office for lying to me (they didn't do their research to know I was in the military.)

i will tell you all there is zero desire to take your benefits away.  Unless we Become broke AF as a country in which case it doesn't matter

Well this bill doesn't technically take our benefits away but it increases our taxable income significantly and actually make our BAH worth less than the 95% congress already is scaling it back too. Where it's really going to hurt is the junior enlisted, a married E-3 makes $25,500 a year with approximately $20,000 in BAH. Right now in Washington state that family would qualify for WIC assistance. Under the idea of making BAH taxable income their taxable would be $45,500+, which makes them ineligible for WIC unless they have 3 kids. (http://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/WIC/Eligibility)

I haven't looked at any other programs caps, just this one for now, but I imagine they are about the same. 


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Thanks for checking back in. Here is what I've got:
I sat in a fairly small room with a 4-Star who told us that the bonus was going to be $48K per year and that flight pay would go up to $1,500 per month. This was roughly 2-3 weeks before the NDAA was finalized. I'm curious about what went down with all of this? Do you know if the DOD was lobbying for $48K and Congress just decided to go with $35K?
This 4-Star was extremely confident about what he was saying concerning the bonus. I'm just curious if he was full of it, or if he got blind sided. Or, did Congress change its mind last minute? What happened?
The message being sent to me as an eligible bonus taker this year is this:
1. Congress either doesn't understand or doesn't care about the pilot shortage.
2. The AF is trying to fix the shortage by increasing pilot production and isn't trying that hard to retain pilots.
3. Neither Congress or the AF are giving me anything close to good enough to hang my hat on when it comes to keeping me in the military. In fact I'm getting strong negative signals from both. 

There is a recent record of proceedings that said something along the lines that SASC told the AF they could go themselves if they wanted $60K or even $48K and they should feel lucky they got $35K. Something else about how they wanted info on QOL fixes because they didn't think throwing money at it would fix the retention.
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1. Bush averaged around 4-5% a year increases in base pay, while Obama averaged around just 2%. Where do you see base pay going under Trump?

2. Does anyone in Congress, or DC for that matter, have a clue about what to about the USAF pilot shortage? Are they even aware of the crisis and how bad it is, or that it's going to get worse? What plans, if any, are you seeing to address it?


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  1. I think most folks would agree the DOD wastes a lot of money on the acquisitions/contracting side. The Pentagon is to blame for some of this, but some lies in the enormous infrastructure required to comply with the FARs. Simplify the FARs as much as possible (a quick initial fix, eliminate "preferred" vendors and set asides for XYZ owned businesses. Small businesses are awesome but too many get stood up deliberately to compete for contracts and end up not being able to follow through and cost more than if the product/service was purely competed in the first place).
  2. Similar to #1, let the DOD roll over money between FY. We don't usually have budgets anyway so it would increase capability and eliminate the flying around the flag pole/buying pallets of flat screen TVs that happens every September.
  3. Let DOD recolor money. When a MAJCOM is trying to sustain their aging aircraft, being able to pull in the flat screen or flying hour funds at the end of the year will help instead of waiting 3 years for a POM to kick in.
  4. Allow services to waive admin rules in the interest of personnel/mission accomplishment. A lot of the additional duties (records management, etc) or training (trafficking in persons) or X program of the day are impossible for the AF to get rid of because of an obscure congressional mandate tasking the DoD to do it.
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7 hours ago, congressman said:

What's the general order #1 issue?  I always hate general order number 1.  Usually is a fun killer.  Budget: yes if we

reform social security and Medicare which trump said we won't touch.  So you have to ask him.  I'm willing to take the tough vote. 

Reciprocity is possible I worry about a Supreme Court challenge, citing state rights.  So let's get our appointments in first 

dont follow the f22 line question 

The Air Force District of Washington (AFDW) commander, a two-star, issued GO  #1 ordering that USAF military assigned/attached/OPCON to him were forbidden to drink during the 48 hours prior to and after the coming inauguration.

Department of Air Force civilians were "highly encouraged" to follow GO#1.

His rationale was members need to be ready.

WTF?  As small potatoes as this is in the entire DC scheme of things, it is another brick in the load of "Screw this, I'm out" that Big Blue seems to not understand.

For me as an old retired fart, this has either domestic disturbance implications or a Maj Gen who needs his sails trimmed.

There is an entire thread on this.


F-22 - 189 minus the ones lost thus far, ain't enough.

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10 hours ago, flyusaf83 said:


1. Bush averaged around 4-5% a year increases in base pay, while Obama averaged around just 2%. Where do you see base pay going under Trump?

2. Does anyone in Congress, or DC for that matter, have a clue about what to about the USAF pilot shortage? Are they even aware of the crisis and how bad it is, or that it's going to get worse? What plans, if any, are you seeing to address it?


Probably expect pay increases to continue with what they have been.  The large increases under Bush was intending to push military pay into parity with civilian.  For the most part its comparable now (obviously some jobs not so much, like pilots)

People understand the pilot shortage but I don't think they quite grasp the magnitude of it.  Not sure any plans to address but the Air Force has wisely seen this as a whole issue, including problems with airline shortages, not just the military. In terms of how they plan to address that im unsure what they are cooking up.

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4 hours ago, brickhistory said:

The Air Force District of Washington (AFDW) commander, a two-star, issued GO  #1 ordering that USAF military assigned/attached/OPCON to him were forbidden to drink during the 48 hours prior to and after the coming inauguration.

Department of Air Force civilians were "highly encouraged" to follow GO#1.

His rationale was members need to be ready.

WTF?  As small potatoes as this is in the entire DC scheme of things, it is another brick in the load of "Screw this, I'm out" that Big Blue seems to not understand.

For me as an old retired fart, this has either domestic disturbance implications or a Maj Gen who needs his sails trimmed.

There is an entire thread on this.


F-22 - 189 minus the ones lost thus far, ain't enough.

EDIT:  Got it

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12 hours ago, congressman said:

1) Yep no idea what you mean here 2) I wish I was "fixthingsjesus" but I'm not


1)  I should be surprised, but I am not.  Maybe one less appearance on Foxnews will give you time to go back and look.

2)  Don't act like a Martyr, you are a representative of the people who came here ASKING for issues. 

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6 minutes ago, ClearedHot said:

1)  I should be surprised, but I am not.  Maybe one less appearance on Foxnews will give you time to go back and look.

2)  Don't act like a Martyr, you are a representative of the people who came here ASKING for issues. 

Lordy dude.

I represent 700,000 people.  Guessing you aren't one of them. Regardless Ill look and see if I still have what you sent me.   Nice Foxnews dig...you rock

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