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London military public slaying


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The man with the machete's full statement to the camera was:

"We swear by Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reasons we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth. We apologise that women had to see this today but in our lands our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government. They don't care about you."

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Religion of peace.

Founded by a violent warrior,.. who married a 7 year old, and consummated the marriage when she was 9. But I digress.

Here's a good resource: http://www.amazon.com/Not-Peace-But-Sword-Christianity/dp/1938983289

If Christianity's founder had done this, we would be celebrating his death, not his resurrection.

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Coincidence that the attack to place on British soil one month before the anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill? I think not. Clearly the work of the Tea Party.

Edit: spellin

Actually it was the 558th anniversary of Richard of York sacking St Albans in the War of the Roses, kidnapping King Henry the VI in the process. Clearly this was the work of his sympathizers.

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It happens every day, so why worry about it?

Three days of recent activity...

2013.05.23 (Agadez, Niger) - Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.

2013.05.22 (Moqur, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.

2013.05.22 (London, UK) - An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.

2013.05.21 (Kirkuk, Iraq) - Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.

2013.05.21 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.

2013.05.21 (Abu Ghraib, Iraq) - Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of Peace rivals.



(edit: add source and make it look more readable) (copy?)

Edited by GrndPndr
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Islamic cleric, who personally instructed one of the attackers, praises them for their "courage."

"When I saw that, honestly I was very surprised - standing firm, courageous, brave. Not running away. Rather, he said why he carried (it out) and he wanted the whole world to hear it."

"The prophet (Mohammad) said an infidel and his killer will not meet in Hell. That's a beautiful saying," he said. "May God reward (Adebolajo) for his actions."

"If you breach the covenant of security with Muslims you are digging your grave," he said. "I cannot condemn what Michael did. I don't see it as a crime as far as Islam is concerned".

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This guy sounds like a good candidate for those drone strikes we are not allowed to do anymore.

An even better idea would be to allow people the ability to defend themselves...which they don't have in the UK. There's a reason they have a violent crime rate nearly 8x compared to here in the US. If gun and knife control worked then the UK should have nearly a zero rate when it comes to attacks with such weapons.



Edited by HeloDude
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An even better idea would be to allow people the ability to defend themselves...which they don't have in the UK. There's a reason they have a violent crime rate nearly 8x compared to here in the US. If gun and knife control worked then the UK should have nearly a zero rate when it comes to attacks with such weapons.



Are you effing kidding me dude? It bothers me that a person of your apparent lack of judgement is trusted in the control of a national asset that has the potential to cause major bodily harm to those around you if not managed effectively.

I read your comment and inherently knew it to be wildly innacurate, given that the U.S. is by FAR the most violent (major) developed country in the world. The only countries that compare (with a few small outliers with much smaller populations) are 3rd world shitholes in the depths of genocidal civil wars.

I don't know why, but I figured I'd put in the time to figure out how this grade 'A' asshole Steven Goddard managed to cloak his claim in even a modest amount of cover to grant legitimacy to it. I'd estimate it took 12 seconds. Turns out, his only cloak is that of merely PROVIDING two hyperlinks with the mere suggestion that they support his claim. Nevermind the fact that the two links COMPLETELY refute his statement. Just provide a link...looks legit...people like HeloDude who can't/won't think for themselves will spread the gospel.

Here's the definition of 'violent' crime from the UK study:

Violent crime covers a wide range of offences, from minor assaults such as pushing and shoving
that result in no physical harm through to serious incidents of wounding and murder.

Here's the definition of 'violent' crime from the FBI:

Murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault

Pushing and shoving that results in no physical harm, huh? Damn those Brits are a violent bunch. There's certainly a reason their 'violent' crime rate is 8x higher than in the U.S., but it's certainly not due to whatever crusade you're on about. Your arguement is a legitimate one, so hows about you don't water it down with retarded assertions. Hows about you actually think about what you're saying before you say it.

If you'd like a good laugh, read HeloDude's post and then actually READ to the two studies. Then do a legitimate comparison between murders/rapes/etc in the two countries.

There is not a big enough, appropriate enough facepalm picture to append to the end of this post.

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words words words.

Now quantify your argument by informing us how many of those "violent" crimes reported are in fact "pushing and shoving." Just giving us a definition doesn't tell us anything about their actual crime rate vs ours. A better comparison would be like crimes to like crimes, ie murder rate to murder rate. Just sayin....

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Now quantify your argument by informing us how many of those "violent" crimes reported are in fact "pushing and shoving." Just giving us a definition doesn't tell us anything about their actual crime rate vs ours. A better comparison would be like crimes to like crimes, ie murder rate to murder rate. Just sayin....

Would you like me to chew your food and spit it up into your mouth as well? I guess my point wasn't clear. If you're (he's) going to use something as evidence in an arguement you're making you might want to browse through, familiarize yourself with it, and not just take it at face value. If you'd like to know the violent crime statistics in the UK vs. US, go do the necessary research, don't take my word for it.

It really shouldn't take any justification however. Common sense should tell you that if the FBI included just the number of times the cops are called to a bar fight where one punch was thrown and then the fight was broken up, the 'violent crime' stats would rise exponentially in the U.S by the UK definition.

However, since it seems that nobody is going to actually bother to spend the 12 seconds to READ THE REPORTS (to the point that the discrepancy is obvious):

Immediately below the 'definition' of violent crime in the UK report are the statistics you're looking for. They aren't broken down in a way that allows for direct comparison with the FBI stats, but they are defined down to the point that categories of crimes including murder AND a bunch of other shit in the UK, still comes out at far less per capita that the U.S. murder rate alone.

A .13 second Google search of "per capita murder rates by country" (or you could just hit "I'm feeling Lucky" because the first result is more than sufficient) yields the fact that the UK's per capita murder rate is 4 times less than that of the U.S. The two countries are comparable in rates of sexual assault, and the UK has about half the robberies and aggravated assaults as the U.S.

But then in less time than it would have taken to read my post, or read Stephen Goddard's disgustingly innacurate assertion, you could have found the truth for yourself.

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More words

Fine. The "Muslim hacking up citizens" rate is higher in the UK than it is in the US. The terrorist muslims had a gun with them while committing the terrorist act. The UK bans guns. The terrorists/criminals clearly didn't follow the gun ban law. Maybe the muslim hacking rate is lower in the US because many of our citizens have guns.

Gun controllist claim: banning guns will make the US safer. My counter claim, "Bullshit!"

On a side point, I can see the "pushing and shoving," "fist fight," and "stick and stones" rates increasing in the UK soon.


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I read your comment and inherently knew it to be wildly innacurate, given that the U.S. is by FAR the most violent (major) developed country in the world. The only countries that compare (with a few small outliers with much smaller populations) are 3rd world shitholes in the depths of genocidal civil war.

There is not a big enough, appropriate enough facepalm picture to append to the end of this post.

So...being in the US is just like being in a third-world country experiencing genocidal civil war? I'm not going to argue the merits or faults of Helodude's post, because your own statements are pretty idiotic in their own right. And no, I'm not giving up my guns because you or anyone else says so.

Try as you might, but middle class law-abiding gun owners are not the source of violence. Maybe if we stopped pretending that they are the root of our violence problem and stopped praising and encouraging gang and "thug" culture, we might get somewhere.

I found it highly frustrating that our president spoke as if my guns and my friends guns are the problem while he hosts people like Jay Z at the WH, rapping gems like this:

Mother######ers wanna act loco

Hit 'em wit, numerous shots with the fo'-fo'

Faggots wanna talk to po-po's, smoke 'em like cocoa

###### rap, coke by the boatload

###### that, on the run-by, gun high, one eye closed

Left holes through some guy clothes

Stop your bullshitin', glock with the full clip

Mother######ers better duck when the fool spit

One shot could make a nigga do a full flip

See the nigga layin' shocked when the bullet hit

The vast majority of gun violence is caused by illegal handguns, perpetrated by gangs in inner cities. I'm sure British-style gun laws will make them behave.

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