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Everything posted by nunya

  1. I agree, but this makes me sad for the state of the nation. I've personally seen chivalry and defense of another go sideways several times (although not to this extent) and it's just not worth it.
  2. You mean like the airline captain including his fighter hours and number of traps in his announcements? I bet you could even find a USAF Vet hat to wear.
  3. You can't fight city hall so it's incumbent on us then to work smarter not harder. Starting a business? Your wife better own it, especially if she's a veteran. Your (assumedly not deadbeat) early-career adult kids have access to cheaper credit? Rent your house from them. Use UTMAs and 529s (especially with the new Roth rollover rules). Fund Roth IRAs for your kids. Bunch your charitable tax deductions with a DAF. "Eat the rich" isn't going away. Better make yourself unappetizing.
  4. ADOs, too! That’s where the real work is done. DOs are just figure heads! 😇
  5. Beware pro rata. Move any Trad IRA money into a Trad 401k if at all possible. Try to do the contribution and conversion in the same calendar year as the tax year. ie not between 1 Jan and 15 Apr. Makes the bookkeeping easier. Be careful with your tax software if you DIY. I find it’s not always intuitive to make the actual forms read correctly. I always check the actual 8606 (not just the tax software questions) against an example before I file.
  6. Need to be on active orders for 30+ days, so yeah, I’d say you’re covered. I’d call, I bet they’ll handle it. edit: looks like you can handle it online. https://www.americanexpress.com/us/help-support/service-members-civil-relief/
  7. So you haven’t read the Emancipation Proclamation, huh? Wrong again.
  8. Roth 401k RMDs are history. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2023/02/06/secure-act-rule-changes-every-roth-401k-owner/
  9. God bless the full timers doing the j o b. Better you than me!
  10. There are effectively no income limits on a Roth IRA, either. It's been hashed before on here I'm sure, but young guys rise up all the time. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/backdoor-roth-ira.asp
  11. My lunch ladies didn’t look like this. https://www.foxnews.com/us/married-connecticut-lunch-lady-allegedly-sexually-assaulted-student-sent-nude-images-months-cops
  12. Anyone need a military Bose headset? I've had one sitting in my cabinet for a few years since I quit flying Herks. It's one of the earlier models. I have two low-impedance cords for it. Free to a good mil pilot home - don't be a douche and eBay it. **Claimed**
  13. But it doesn’t cover half of $5k. $1,750 isn’t nothing and you might decide it’s still worth it but go in with eyes wide open.
  14. I'll provide a different POV. Don't get dental insurance. Dental insurance isn't like medical insurance. The annual maximums or benefit maximums or whatever your plan calls them are very low, ~ $1,500. They also typically don't pay 100% of whatever it is. Maybe 80%. So you're paying premiums every month for at most $1,500 of payback. Instead find a "fee for service" dentist that spends more than 20 minutes on a cleaning and pay their published cost. It'll be higher, but you'll probably get better care. Dental insurance reimbursement is pathetic so the dentists that have the option don't "take insurance." They might file for you, but they're not agreeing to the reimbursement rate set by the insurer. It might sound radical, but I've seen both sides of it and I just paid cash for my kid's orthodontics. Insurance wouldn't have covered it all anyway. The only difference was I was able to use an FSA, which you can't get on AD unfortunately. I chose the Dr based on qualifications other than just who was in the insurance network. I even got a cash discount.
  15. Oh yeah, I just read that in an earlier post. Congrats!
  16. https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/retirement/ You know you want to. It'll feel so good! All your friends are doing it.
  17. I think they’re all down on Beachfront Avenue in their new 5.0, but if you stop, collaborate, and listen, I bet you can get some good career advice. Good luck.
  18. But choose your target wisely.
  19. Who do I contact to have my picture removed from the internet? Asking for a friend.
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