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Everything posted by mcbush

  1. Looks like the misinformation's already flying, with the Gazette reporting that the Major who punched earned his commission in 2015. Only additional info, which comes with the obvious caveats surrounding witnesses and aviation accidents, is this: "Alexander Rodriguez told The Gazette he heard two loud bangs and looked up to see the Thunderbird slowly gliding roughly 40 to 50 feet above the ground."
  2. For the young punks out there, what's MDOS? My Googling skills didn't turn anything up.
  3. ILS, just out of curiosity, what's your background?
  4. I started to quote specific portions of your post in rebuttal, but it wound up being the whole thing. Not to shit on your enthusiasm, but suffice to say that the term "the most eye-candy" probably isn't thrown around much at the Pentagon.
  5. Israel actually doesn't even stamp passports these days, they just give out little cards. Haven't had an issue with it in my relatively short flying career (since 2013).
  6. Quibling, but yeah, NNEMP is a viable strategy. "Examples of such operations include the destruction of electronic control systems critical to the operation of many ground vehicles and aircraft." Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_pulse#Non-nuclear_electromagnetic_pulse_.28NNEMP.29
  7. Wouldn't mind reading up on some of those stories if you're willing to share them.
  8. That can't be right... they're closed for training every week!
  9. According to this AF Times article, it's likely her or McDew, so....
  10. I wanted to do an MBA and looked at Oklahoma State too. Wound up going with the U. of Nebraska program in the end. It's pretty well rated and comes in about $200/hr above TA... not a bad price for a respectable degree. I'm about halfway through it now. Some days I actually enjoy the work and sometimes I wonder why I'm even bothering. If you've mind up your mind though and definitely want to knock out the Masters now, I'd recommend the program.
  11. Speaking of which... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-11/boeing-said-to-face-sec-probe-into-dreamliner-and-747-accounting
  12. This is excellent advice. Obviously allocations are ultimately determined IAW your individual risk tolerances, but nunya's right on the money here, in my opinion, especially for a young guy.
  13. Heard earlier today that 8/22 in a current SWA class don't have the type. Also anecdotal, but things seem to be trending in that direction.
  14. In today's WTF news, Playboy will no longer publish photos of nude women as of March 2016. Pigs fly. Hell freezes over. More at 11. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/13/business/media/nudes-are-old-news-at-playboy.html
  15. What's the best way to find books on tape, by the way? Any app or website recommendations? Got another 20 hour drive coming up myself.
  16. Guy in my squadron used to be Army infantry. Wound up with multiple Purple Hearts before going the pilot route. I can't speak for him, but that sounds less fun to me than chasing girls in college and heading straight to UPT.
  17. For what it's worth, we were briefed that they were reducing the crew ratio from 3.0 to 2.5 rather than 2.0. To answer your question though, at least from my persepective, adding all these Ebola missions on top of everything we're normally covering has us stretched pretty thin. This is even more true considering the restrictions placed on guys once they return from an Ebola-infected country. Regarding the discussion on WIC grads, the only two patch wearers in my squadron are the CC and the DO. Absolutely great guys, both of them, but it's not like they're really able to spend their time sharing all that knowledge and experience with the younger generation. This makes less sense in a C-17 flying an approach in a standard, backside configuration than in other aircraft, because the proper response if you're below glideslope is to add power rather than to raise the nose. Can't say that's not what happened, though.
  18. Note that this is only true for traditional contributions, not Roth.
  19. Huh, I actually would have said the opposite. To me, it seemed like a pretty-well run operation at the time (2011). As long as you can plan it out ahead of time and the schedule makes a decent amount of sense, I'd say go for it. Buena suerte.
  20. Where is it, man? I haven't heard a thing about this.
  21. I did this trip three years ago. Took a bus down to Tarifa and then the ferry to Tangier, spent a couple nights, and then wound up flying up to Madrid. Very easy, I didn't have any issues at all. PM me if you need more info.
  22. For those that watched the Vice documentary, remember this guy? The spokesman? Looks like he fell just short of his goal. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-spokesperson-reported-as-dead-9682738.html
  23. https://sms.transcom.mil/sms-perl/smswebstart.pl
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