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Aviation Continuation Pay (ACP - The Bonus)


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Yup that's right. With the legacy bonus, prior rated UPT students have always been able to take their respective bonus while in UPT up until the day they graduate and get their pilot wings. Just wondering if the same is true for this new bonus program.

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone know if a temporary change to your exemptions and/or W4 will reduce bonus taxes? My idea is adjust those for the month of the bonus payout, then adjust them back to standard afterwards - goal is not give the govt an interest free loan. If this isn’t going to work, any other ideas?

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10 hours ago, brabus said:

Anyone know if a temporary change to your exemptions and/or W4 will reduce bonus taxes? My idea is adjust those for the month of the bonus payout, then adjust them back to standard afterwards - goal is not give the govt an interest free loan. If this isn’t going to work, any other ideas?

Not a professional; consult one…

Not directly. The payout will be withheld as a bonus, but remember: it’s taxed the same as any normal income. If that withholding is at a significantly higher rate than the rest of your income (unlikely, I’d guess), you COULD adjust to “flatten” that bubble over the rest of the year to hit 0(ish).

Consult a pro & don’t dork up the math. Not worth the pain or risk of messing it up without realizing it… IMHO. 

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On 2/23/2024 at 10:24 PM, brabus said:

Agreed,  not worth the potential fuck up. I just hate giving the govt a dime for free…I’m the guy who is happy to owe a few thousand in taxes. A tax refund means I failed.



This is my stance as well, which often means I write a big check.  A friend just said they were fined (block 38 of 1040) for not paying enough.  His view was that he made more using that money elsewhere, so he'll pay the fine, even if we all know the fine is bullshit.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/27/2024 at 2:18 PM, brabus said:

Guard bonus is out (now called EARI instead of AvB…OPR bullet!) Looks the same as last year at a quick glance. 

I can find the AD and AFRC bonus with this name on myFSS, is there an ANG version as well?  My Wing's retention office is about as useful as a paper bag in a monsoon.. the only information they have fits the categories of none, little, and vague..

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Posted (edited)

@herkbier PM me NIPR email and I’ll send it (pretty sure I have it in my email, but I’ll check in the morning). Or your bonus coordinator should have it, but I assume you’ve already gone down that road and they’re useless.

Edited by brabus
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Posted (edited)
On 5/7/2024 at 7:17 AM, herkbier said:

I can find the AD and AFRC bonus with this name on myFSS, is there an ANG version as well?  My Wing's retention office is about as useful as a paper bag in a monsoon.. the only information they have fits the categories of none, little, and vague..

if @brabus doesn't have it I do... PM me a NIPR email if you still need help.

Edited by abmwaldo
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On 5/8/2024 at 1:41 PM, brabus said:

Sent to herkbier…if anyone else needs it, send NIPR email via PM (or to abmwaldo I suppose).

Thanks. I should’ve asked if there was a DSG only offer. We had one a few years back in the Reserves, but I guess that’s been scaled down a bit or eliminated 

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Vandy01 said:

So..... has anyone actually received their aviation bonus payment this year, or is the USAF out of money (and just "fixing the glitch" by not paying us)? 

If you haven’t received your contracts bonus on schedule, then your CC, his/her CC, and so on should be asking about this weekly, if not daily.  This is no different as not receiving your basic pay.  I would also reach out to your Congressman’s office ASAP.

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4 hours ago, Vandy01 said:

So..... has anyone actually received their aviation bonus payment this year, or is the USAF out of money (and just "fixing the glitch" by not paying us)? 

Vandy, I received mine a few weeks ago, no issues. My LES also told me the month prior that I was getting the payout too. 

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That's good to hear... Mine is about 2 weeks "late" in relation to my previous payments-

It appears to be stuck at AFPC somewhere, I had the FSS look into it, and that's also what it shows in the CMS case.  I'm not in panic mode or anything, but how it takes so long to go from "processing" to "paid" is beyond me...  

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