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War with Iran and your career

Papa Herk

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This is not to debate the merits and/or lack of merits, of a possible war with Iran. If we get drawn into another war this fall, with Afghanistan still ongoing, is it worth it to you to keep pushing toward the 20 year mark in your career, or would you pull chalks?

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This is not to debate the merits and/or lack of merits, of a possible war with Iran. If we get drawn into another war this fall, with Afghanistan still ongoing, is it worth it to you to keep pushing toward the 20 year mark in your career, or would you pull chalks?

Let me rephrase that for you. "I'm only in it for the benefits. If it gets hard, I'm out."

I'm pretty sure that is what the B-17 crews in Europe and the guys contemplating another mission over Route Pack 6 were asking. [/sarcasm]

Go ahead and go now while you still can. Please.

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This is not to debate the merits and/or lack of merits, of a possible war with Iran. If we get drawn into another war this fall, with Afghanistan still ongoing, is it worth it to you to keep pushing toward the 20 year mark in your career, or would you pull chalks?


Don't ever ask why Marines think that the AF are a bunch of pussies.

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Let me rephrase that for you. "I'm only in it for the benefits. If it gets hard, I'm out."

Like I said, this is just a question for the forum, not a gripe. If I thought it was hard and decided to punch, I'd have VSP'd back in '06. Don't shoot the messenger, just asking people to think about some geopolitics and how it may affect them over the next decade or two.

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This is not to debate the merits and/or lack of merits, of a possible war with Iran. If we get drawn into another war this fall, with Afghanistan still ongoing, is it worth it to you to keep pushing toward the 20 year mark in your career, or would you pull chalks?

What do you mean "drawn into another war?" That's loser talk. Sounds like something you'd hear on MSNBC.

I'm pretty sure that is what the B-17 crews in Europe and the guys contemplating another mission over Route Pack 6 were asking. [/sarcasm]

No shit.

What the hell do you have training missions for, exercises?

The most important part of military service is enforcing the nation's policy in potentially dangerous places with the possibility of losing your life in the process. If you're in for a career, you hopefully understand that those risks will be present throughout your 20 years, but that it's exactly what you signed up for. If it's not what you signed up for, this is probably not the career for you.

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YGBFSM--- I think a full out war with Iran (or anyone else) for that matter would be the only thing to keep a lot of guys IN. I know I would love the opportunity to go take my jet to war (real war, not CENTCOM bullshit). Closest thing I ever got was Libya and that was an absolute blast. It was challenging, exhausting, rewarding and to date the highlight of my career. I doubt there are many guys in the flying world who would disagree-- the number one thing we would all like to do is what we spend ungodly hours "training" to do (well, except maybe the nuke guys-- if they're in business we're having a REALLY bad day).

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Don't ever ask why Marines think that the AF are a bunch of pussies.

Marines think?

And I don't know anyone who has yet bitched out when asked to fight in the last decade. If guys leave after honorable combat service, I say thank you, and I wish them success at whatever is next.

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Let me rephrase that for you. "I'm only in it for the benefits. If it gets hard, I'm out."

I'm pretty sure that is what the B-17 crews in Europe and the guys contemplating another mission over Route Pack 6 were asking. [/sarcasm]

Go ahead and go now while you still can. Please.

Does anyone seriously hold it against the crew of the Memphis Belle that they went home after doing their 25 missions or any guy who flew 100 in Vietnam and went home? We all signed up knowing there were certain risks, and that we were exposed to them for the duration of our service commitment. If you don't like it, leave when you're commitment is up. There is no dishonor in that. USAF= U Signed A Fuckingcontract.*

*Yes, I know I plagiarized that from the Marines.

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We're in the business of war. There are arguments for and against a war against Iran but all of those put aside, if we're going to fight Iran hell yes I want to be there.

That's why I signed up, to operate my aircraft to go do harm or keep the people safe that are doing harm to people that want to hurt Americans. If I were about to get out, that would be my deciding factor to stay in.

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I would love the opportunity to go take my jet to war (real war, not CENTCOM bullshit).

LOL. Who do you think would be running Iran? There'll be no beers for the first few days of this one. I'll be one of the first to volunteer though. It would give me a really good reason to tell some sock checking chief to fvck off!

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I'd deploy to fight Iran if it meant I didn't have to put cover sheets on my TPS reports, or whatever queep it is I am doing at the moment.

edit: verb, noun, adjectives... These are foreign concepts to me.

Edited by sky_king
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LOL. Who do you think would be running Iran? There'll be no beers for the first few days of this one. I'll be one of the first to volunteer though. It would give me a really good reason to tell some sock checking chief to fvck off!

All you'd have to do is go to one of the bases where the Herks and A-10s are in the first year or two and you wouldn't have to worry about any Chiefs being there.

Edited by LockheedFix
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Does anyone seriously hold it against the crew of the Memphis Belle that they went home after doing their 25 missions or any guy who flew 100 in Vietnam and went home? We all signed up knowing there were certain risks, and that we were exposed to them for the duration of our service commitment. If you don't like it, leave when you're commitment is up. There is no dishonor in that. USAF= U Signed A Fuckingcontract.*

*Yes, I know I plagiarized that from the Marines.

I don't hold it against the crew of the Memphis Bell or the guy who finished 100 over NVN. I know some guys in the second group. I admire that. The first question, as I read it was "Should I get out if it looks like we might get into a war" The crew of the Memphis Bell and the guys who went "Downtown" did their part. The question here was, can I get out of doing my part.

I would go. That's what I trained for and I would take the opportunity, knowing that it would be a lot harder than anything since early Desert Storm. To be honest though, the active duty made that decision for me last year, so I won't be going anywhere, unless they need ANG Intel support. Then I'll pack my Combat PowerPoint and head over. :salut:

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I quoted you, but my rage/disgust was directed at the original poster. His tone just pissed me off, but I'm not sure why. I think maybe he's implying there is something wrong with wanting the pension. We all take calculated risks, and each of us has a point where it's not worth it anymore. There's an anecdote in Barry Lyndon that captures my feelings on this perfectly.

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I was just thinking to myself how great it would be to have another half-assed hobby war to go fight in another third world Islamic shithole. It would cure boredom within the ranks of Air Force pilots for a few weeks and might even give the economy a shot in the arm.

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LOL. Who do you think would be running Iran? There'll be no beers for the first few days of this one. I'll be one of the first to volunteer though. It would give me a really good reason to tell some sock checking chief to fvck off!

Sorry, I should have more clearly stated-- our CURRENT bullshit CENTCOM operation. I fully understand going toe to toe with the Ayatollah will be a CENTCOM war; however, the shoes would go back to being no factor once there was real combat ops going on. They're like cockroaches. When the light is on (combat) they're nowhere to be seen, but when the light is off they come out of the fucking woodwork.

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