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Everything posted by Prosuper

  1. Just saying, one of those ghosted was a guest of President Obama in the Oval office, a policy change in the extreme.
  2. Since they have all the steely eyed missile men now does that make us the 2nd smartest branch of the armed forces?
  3. If a MSgt has a Capt taking out the garbage and he also views Airmen sitting on their ass not taking out the garbage , well from this MSgts perspective that will be the last time a Capt even looks at a garbage can and those Airmen would regret ever having a Capt take out the garbage. Now if it is in the Capt's room in billeting in a training environment and MSgt instructor is inspecting the room as part of the course then it is permissible.
  4. Make a deal with China, since they share a border with Afghanistan. We can get out quick and leave chaos and a power vacuum or let them take over piece meal. I'm sure they don't want a basket case on their border after they are trying to take economic advantage of the mineral wealth there.
  5. Scenario , if your illegally carrying your handgun in your daypack as you go to your workcenter . There is a mass shooter incident going on and you drop him and save many lives does leadership come down hard on you? I remember a Marine recruiting center was attacked and a Marine outside the center pulls his gun and kills the shooter, it put USMC leadership in uncomfortable spot. Is it better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6?
  6. Maybe at least Trump can tell the Crown Prince WTF are you doing instead of Dubya getting all of the Bin Laden family out of the states covertly. " Cmdr. Bill Gibson, the center’s officer in charge, said in 2017. "These relationships are truly a win-win for everyone involved."
  7. A sporty landing on a icy runway at ORD today.
  8. But isn't it the main purpose of having enlisted pilots that USAF can keep them in a flying job for the rest of their career unlike a commissioned ones who forced to do career expanding jobs preparing them for flag rank? How many enlisted to officer to pilot are actually selected, if selected and make it through the training are they selected for Major? Saw some prior E's go the route and get rifted which makes me think thanks for the training hello airlines then we come around to how do we solve the pilot shortage?
  9. Been reading things that some people that matter are rethinking the KC-10 retirement. In my little world we still have to produce 73 KC-135's a year from the PDM line at OCALC Tinker. They come in every 5 years and doing simple math 73 X 5= 365 which means no upcoming retirements soon plus the block 45's upgrades and unscheduled depot level maintenance inputs (UDLM). I won't be surprised if we start pulling some out of AMARC and take return of the 4 Singapore has stopped flying since they bought and now operational with the KC-47. The KC-135 is old but it works. Most jets get fuselage and upper wing reskin when here , that said a engineer told me it more or less zero times the fuselage. Food for thought.
  10. Is Erdogan just doing this to distract the populace in Turkey on how badly he has led the country? Also would we have gone to war against Turkey a NATO ally even though a sucky one at that to save the Syrian Kurds? We do still need free passage through the Bosphorus straits so the Navy can get into the Black Sea. Will Russians fly close air support for Syrians fighting against Turkish forces and screw up their S-300 deal? How long can the Turks fly their KC-135's, F-4's and F-16's without U.S. logistics?
  11. Jimmy was a young Airman working with me at Mildenhall cutting his teeth on KC-135A's in 1985, he is one of the good ones.
  12. Same in the MX world, new guys getting engine run qual go out to a jet on the line and just start one engine. Back in the day we had to go the sim once a year and have emer and jump chock procedures thrown at us for requal, that is all gone now. I'm one of the few still qualified to run the OC-135B , the last time I've been to a sim on that was 1988 at McClellan AFB in California. Yes it doesn't exist anymore.
  13. Will USAF tech data account come with it followed by TCTO's?
  14. Also be good at your current job, even though you want to be commissioned the SNCO's will make or break you. If your a good dude and do your job they will help pave the way and be encouraging.
  15. https://www.stripes.com/news/navy/33-year-old-navy-lieutenant-killed-in-death-valley-super-hornet-crash-1.593007?fbclid=IwAR2awVdQgqhGz44qCbN_bFiVxsNSJvXY92tGc88dexPI5wO8inIzpALLlc8
  16. The real question is how a guy with no military flying training get into a Mirage and fly it. Sounds like the story of a Marine Crew Chief who applied for a commission and pilot training numerous times and kept being denied. After his last chance he said screw it stole his A-4 and got some stick time, went to the brig, discharged and had a long successful career as a civilian pilot. There are numerous Enlisted maintainers who have to go the simulator to stay engine run qualified once a year, after emergency procedures especially if it's a heavy and the mx guys have a ton of experience we got through our requal quick and spent the rest of the time flying it (E-3). Some guys were awful and some guys had the talent to land it every time. One guy was real good at doing AR's, pretty good with no formal training. There are a bunch of enlisted who busted their butt to get a degree, do all the paperwork to apply but are in certain career fields the USAF deem critical and are stuck and get denied. I can guarantee the first time a young kid goes to an air show a dreams it is not about being a Crew Chief. Being nearsighted I was forever denied the chance to have a future of getting paid to fly, now to all the rated guys here pray to your creator for thanks that everything fell into place to have those wings pinned upon your chest.
  17. Japan has more DDG's than anybody, if anybody has a interest in keeping those straights open it's them. Plus if they do it they can dictate terms to China, which will bring up old old old grudges.
  18. No money either to support Hamas and Hezbollah, so no more rockets flying out of Gaza. Will they be crossing into Afghanistan to retaliate , they have regular airline service to Mazar E Sharif (OAMS).
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Praying_Mantis, I was wrong one Frigate sunk another damaged and towed to port. 3 Speedboats destroyed and two oil Iranian platforms damaged.
  20. With Iranian internal problems could this be a ploy to unite everyone against the great Satan? The ruling junta in Argentina tried this before by invading the Falklands in 1982. Did not turn out to well. Just thinking out loud. Last time back in the 80's we sent most of the Iranian blue water Navy to the bottom.
  21. To be fair the Air Force does a poor job of getting rated officers ready to command anything with a large amount of enlisted. If a single seater the only time you deal with them is on the flight line mx, debrief, intel, and medical. Its not until your a O5 do you have to deal with a knucklehead standing tall giving you a reporting statement at your desk. If you have a good First shirt he helps keep stupid stuff off your desk. In the middle part of my career I was in the 89th at Andrews, there were nothing but NCO's and it was easy going. Then I went to KC-135 mx unit with young Airmen , it was a slap in the face having young shitheads right out high school to stop acting like they were in still in high school .
  22. yep, on the bottom about the middle of the fuselage, depending on the moosehead on the refueling truck you have to take it completely off by releasing spring loaded pins. Worked a TA contract for 9 years.
  23. Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal.... Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you're not a good soldier. There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn't bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders. Curtis Lemay
  24. Miss marked, that is for more cow bell sounder.
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