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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. Yeah, took them long enough. Good change.
  2. No, we couldn’t possibly accommodate more than four teams in a playoff.
  3. Taking down their best player in the penalty area is not advisable.
  4. I enjoyed that he essentially told people to stop obsessing over the rate of increase in rates, and just to focus on the final rate without at all hinting what that final rate could be.
  5. I mean I assume since most got sucked to staffs, ACC flesh peddlers are sitting like Monty Burns about it.
  6. Oh no, someone got a medal before you did when you went through 40 years ago!
  7. It wasn’t intended to be nice. Seriously…who the cares.
  8. When the gubmint subsidizes and incentivizes more bureaucracy in the name of DEI…makes it more difficult. But hopefully.
  9. Just read through the AA TA - that oh by the way the negotiator(s) improperly moved on- and it is all give with no get. Especially when you consider that Endeavor just reached an AIP for first year FO to be $100/hr. This improperly-arrived-at proposed AA TA? $101.86/hr for first year FO…and probably worse work rules! Tie a rope to it and toss it out the cockpit window when you block in; it’s an industry anchor.
  10. It’s good, if shit really hits the fan we have this awesome strategic petroleum reserve we could use that we keep stocked. You know, for any existential problems.
  11. I imagine Scott, Bob, and Ed got together at the evil airline CEO lair with a meeting chaired by Doug, and now Scott and Ed are just waiting for Bobbo to shove a crappy TA down to the weakest union to make bargaining easier at the other two.
  12. A lot of top heavy new balance dudes still who are looking at that increase in LTD as a meal ticket.
  13. Tentative Agreement is what the union votes on to get a new contract. BOD is APA (AAL) specific, the union board of directors.
  14. Heard they were in the middle of an effort to recall everyone involved with the TA, but can’t substantiate.
  15. All rumors at this point because the BoD has a quiet period for review of proposals, but modest pay and the same industry-lagging bankruptcy-era work rules sounds underwhelming.
  16. It might, actually. If I recall from some SPO guys the EVS pods caused a certain amount of uncertainty within the mach indicator so max mach was set to lower bound. Could be a tall tale they tell, though. Still cool points for sleekness.
  17. Maybe he meant he bypassed the purse strings of congress when members of his staff voted for him to do it.
  18. It costs zero dollars and zero training days to send 18x to staff/aocs to free 11x for the cockpit.
  19. You are the one who is trolling, since the only thing you can come up with is bUt tHeYrE oUr BiGgEsT tRaDe pArTnEr. You clearly aren’t paying attention to the world since you have your head in the sand with i DoNt cArE aBoUt ChInA bEcAuSe We HaVe DoMeStIc PrObLeMs. Yeah…we’re always going to gave domestic problems, and they’ll be a lot worse if someone else rises and starts having an outsize influencer on international rules and order. You’re super obtuse and you’re not even good at it.
  20. Let me know when you can see past one aspect of a complex system.
  21. Have you tried looking at it from the angle of the strategic white papers china has published saying they want to disrupt our world order? I didn’t say they’re on a marathon to militarily attack us- although they probably think they can beat us sometime soon- , like the mouthbreather you are projecting from your own obtuse perception, I said they’re on a marathon to overtake us on the world stage. DIME inclusive.
  22. You keep using this “not buying china stuff” as a feint to distract from the actual point raised several posts ago about former RAF pilots training PLAAF pilots. There is a grave conflict of interest there based on the threat to strategic interests that China poses, and your inability to comprehend it despite all the economic trade doesn’t negate it. China’s on a marathon to overtake the world order we established and depend on.
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