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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. The "Sons of Iraq" have been fighting ISIS since at least January when ISIS rolled in and started disrupting life for everyone. The Sunnis recognized them as bad news and fought back. This is from open source information much contrary to whatever you're trying to quote, but won't provide. Here's the first result from my 6-9 second search that corroborates what I read earlier in the year:
  2. 1500? AQ-I/ISIS has been bigger than 1500 for a long time. You're right it's not the same; it's far more brutal than it was 8 years ago.
  3. ISIS is the former AQ-Iraq Zarqawi was running, different than Sons of Iraq.
  4. I do not care for Tony Stewart, but a significant contributing factor is that the deceased got out and played chicken with race cars on a race track. Yellow flag or not.
  5. It doesn't matter, it's still a bad approach.
  6. Hah. Suppose it could just as easily be Operation Iraqi Futility, or Operation Iraq Forever.
  7. What AF trained you? Big picture? That wasn't the USAF.
  8. http://www.duffelblog.com/2014/02/air-force-change-of-command/#!bu0Dno Sounds about right.
  9. You mean they don't have a bigger perspective than "it's not our fault"? Shocker.
  10. This is a total non sequitur to the discussion. Lack of progress in Afghanistan has pretty much everything to do with asking an Army to be a police force in order to try building a federal government in a society that doesn't have any interest in nationalism or democracy versus asking an Army to fight an Army, and not with the efforts of the people we asked to fight. Or are you saying it would be successful if we put 2M soldiers in AFG? Recruiting is recruiting, it always pitches the glorious aspects and/or benefits. No one advertises about the finance/logistics, they rope you in and then you get stuck.
  11. Mmmmm, except I'm not. You are. Your statements was simply: Soldiers have bitched about QOL/pay/separating/sport-bitching for a long time, as a documented issue. As for your blabber about how much everyone is compensated: everyone world-wide, especially in the United States, has a much higher standard of living than they did 50 years ago, and the 50 years before that. There are a lot of BMWs out there in normal society, look around.
  12. I like CNN's footage of I-HAWKs followed by a Patriot launcher while discussing the sleeping launch officers for Minuteman missiles. Solid.
  13. You mean the same discussions that happened during the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc, just in an electronic format? Tough to use something as evidence for your baseless and highly generalized claim when it isn't unique to even the last century of US military members.
  14. I'm reading a book that I think details some of what is missing in the Air Force. It doesn't really fit in the "military books" thread, so I'll throw it down here. Invisibles: The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self-Promotion By David Zweig He profiles people in various skilled career fields whose craft goes largely unnoticed (and who are intrinsically motivated), but the success of their effort is inherent to the success of the organization. His three identified traits are : 1) Ambivalence toward recognition, 2) Meticulousness, and 3) Savoring of responsibility. It's an attitude and approach you still see in maintenance crews, comm guys, and aircrew, just one you wish you saw more of. I think it's worth the read.
  15. B-2 crew flew 44 hrs to AFG out of Whiteman. Giddy up.
  16. A bunch...and mostly in this thread, if that's any indication.
  17. The Solution to Border Disorder: The best antidote to illegal immigration is a functioning system of legal immigration
  18. Glad he's somewhere imparting wisdom to young guys. Waiting for this to be a public decision to take his talents for a full time dedication to domestic enemies.
  19. I'm pretty sure they don't understand their own data or method, whoever is replying.
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