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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. It's not entirely analogous to the AF and AFPC since we're more like inmates than customers, but crose enough. Interesting that behavioral science considerations are fairly high on some corporations' list in customer retention. The Rise of the Chief Behavioral [science] Officer http://recode.net/2015/01/28/the-rise-of-the-chief-behavioral-officer/?trending=yes
  2. Haha, nice. I hadn't looked into it yet, but now I know where to look. Thanks.
  3. It was more sarcastic quip about how a huge cheating ring made them the highest paid. Actually, it was entirely a shot at that.
  4. Our SARM people told us this morning not to bring them 1042s anymore, make sure it's a 2992.
  5. Maybe not anymore: Missileers are now highest-paid lieutenants thanks to massive-scale cheating bonuses
  6. What interests you, and which field do you want to work in when you're not on orders?
  7. You're being too nice; I was going to let him try and google search, because honestly I'm not sure he knows how. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Air+Force+reserve+MQ-9
  8. With the advent of so many computer and software capabilities, spiral development is a reality. With Moore's Law, even the development timeline of fighters before the rap-tor were too long to not be outpaced by computer development. Like you said, though, whether it is being done the best way is really the question.
  9. That checks, and the solution will be to reduce the inadequate training even further to speed up the timeline.
  10. Which is exactly why taking an asset like the A-10, which can work across the entire battlespace, and passing it to the Army (in the retirement debate) and tethering it to a ground commander worried about a few kilometers would be a total waste. The lack of tactical focus Lawman pointed out is also worrying.
  11. No one thought WWII was going to happen either. The world was less than 20 years removed from a war so terrible that it wasn't plausible mankind would result to warfare again. The Chinese are posturing and expanding in a similar manner to 1930s Japan, and Putin, who thinks the break up of the USSR was the greatest atrocity of the 20th century, is trying to rebuild Russia as a force. They're both waiting for the right environment to swing their influence to their advantage (ref Crimea or the Chinese claims near the Phillipenes/Vietnam); the more we let them close the military capability gap, the more attractive the use of military force becomes for them.
  12. None of those "older jets" have any built in pod capes, everything is strap on sts, so it's not behind...it's ahead from the baseline airframe standpoint.
  13. GoSatWatch App. Works pretty well.
  14. It could probably be worded as, "We surveil them until they are no longer useful, then we kill them."
  15. Since we're having the moral/ethical discussion, saw this article. Interesting insight into the thinking of the guys in the ISIS fight. Shiite Militias Win Bloody Battles in Iraq, Show No Mercy http://www.wsj.com/articles/shiite-militias-win-bloody-battles-in-iraq-show-no-mercy-1417804464 Wrt what happens when they take an ISIS prisoner, "we get their confessions, and then we kill them."
  16. He should've been there when they ran out of chicken breasts for three weeks. And now you're probably thinking to yourself, "if only there was an organization that flew large cargo airplanes..."
  17. I thought I was in the WTF thread for a minute. Nope.
  18. Whatever happens at IFS/URT/FTU isn't the right level of training/exposure to aviation for most of the people I saw. [assuming the people going into the programs are roughly the same, which could be totally wrong]
  19. There do not appear to be winglets or raked wingtips: http://www.boeing.com/assets/pdf/defense-space/military/kc46a/pdf/kc46a_tanker_backgrounder.pdf
  20. The mq-1/9 don't have any tcas system, just mode 3/c. At best, they have a JREAP tie in to link16 in theater. Everything else is based on radio/mIRC calls and counting on procedural decon.
  21. Exactly, this TCAS discussion is only valid in a benign threat environment. If your threats are anything more capable than the Taliban, pretty sure we won't be transmitting exploitable modes/codes, so tcas is NA. RPAs need a second radio before tcas, which coincidentally also allows better combat capes.
  22. mIRC. And isn't someone supposed to call mIRC clearances on the CRC freq? Maybe not, it's been a while. It becomes especially apparent in the windowless world that even with listening to the radio and a Link16 display, it's no substitute for being able to look around. TCAS would be another aid, but I'd take a second radio before that (given inability to visually search by some new system).
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