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Everything posted by VMFA187

  1. "Trans Day of Vengeance... We need more than visibility." Radical trans activists to join forces with Antifa for Trans Day of Vengeance event in DC | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com
  2. That made the rounds of a Naval Aviator forum I'm a member of about a week or so ago. Bottom line, the CBO looks at things like that every year and makes recommendations like that all the time. I think it is incredibly unlikely for that to come to fruition. I think you'd have a hard time finding politicians to vote for such a measure after we've been at war for the past 20 years.
  3. So I've been a drilling reservist for the past five years and have not received any letters or notification from AMEX asking to pay the fee - Is that not typical? I also drop to the IRR next month so any recommendations on other cards without the annual AMEX fee? I don't really even use it, but the wife does.
  4. I clicked on the thread because I just completed a reserve points course on the Falklands. I then proceeded to watch about 90" of each of those videos and while I've never been hard up on ALSA comm brevity, these dudes were killing me.
  5. The f*ck are you talking about? I'm guessing you've never had to hurt or kill someone. I'm guessing you're in the camp that think "words" can be violence as well.
  6. A whole lot of silence from some BO members who were loud af only a few months and years ago. Says a lot. You know who you are.
  7. It is possible. I don't think anyone is saying that it is not, and if they are then they need to examine history. I also think that some of our agencies act on their own without guidance or in direct violation of guidance from our nation's leadership. Do I think we did it? No, but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if at some point it were proven true.
  8. Would pay to see. Recommend Orange County because its close to San Diego and a quick trip for me.
  9. Flying fighter jets is a hell of a drug.
  10. No idea about the Reserves/Guard. However, getting backpay is the least they can do after threatening to destroy someone's livelihood with an Other Than Honorable discharge. I wouldn't be surprised if that was one carrot to use to try and avoid lawsuits.
  11. He was kicked out of his squadron about 15 months ago and sent to the MAG. He was on admin hold, receiving Tricare but no pay for about the last nine-ish months. He did immediately start working once his pay ceased.
  12. Buddy of mine who refused the vaccine just got called into legal. They asked if he wanted to continue his separation or return to active duty. He said the latter but wanted his record scrubbed of the adverse fitrep and page 11s. It was already done. They asked him what orders he wanted, he received orders to a new squadron that is standing up, which he requested. He also is going to receive all back pay, about $110k.
  13. This may be terrible, but it is what it is. The average American either A) Does not have the time to differentiate between the bullshit and make informed decisions or B) Is too lazy to take the time to analyze and think critically about the information they are presented with which almost never is honest and unbiased. Or maybe the average person no longer has that capacity which is why voting was restricted to property owners in the past, people who had a legit stake. I’m not proposing that, but maybe only those who actually pay taxes, or conduct a public service get a say in “our” future. Think Starship Troopers.
  14. Source? Not that I don't believe you, but I would like to verify it before a false "Russian collusion" vs. true "Media collusion" discussion is had.
  15. I don't know how this isn't getting more attention. It is mind blowing.
  16. It's been about a decade since I've been to the boat but 700-800 fpm is what I recall.
  17. None except for potentially providing more targets for the threat to have to cope with?
  18. 1. Yes, if the lift fan fails in STOVL it is assessed that the pilot would not have the reaction time to eject safely before he is out of the envelope so it will auto-eject. 2. 420fpm rate of descent is standard. That looks about right.
  19. Looks like the lift fan failed upon touchdown as indicated by the significant movement upwards of the 3BSM. My understanding is that auto-eject functionality is supposed to be enabled with a lift fan failure but maybe that is over-ridden with weight on wheels.
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