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Everything posted by Learjetter

  1. SEP is the heat. No issues in over three years.
  2. KI Sawyer. Now, K I fucking O already.
  3. I've watched a few of his recent speeches: seems to me he's trying VERY hard (sts) to instill some individual/institutional pride by highlighting some of our outstanding people and the work they do. So, if we swell our chests with pride, and begin to feel really good about our service...the cynic in me asks: what's the shit-sandwich he's about to ask us to eat?
  4. Standard US justice system: charge felony, permit misdemeanor plea. Happens a thousand times a day. Sucks to be him.
  5. Thought I read all profits going to some kind of fallen SEALs charity fund...
  6. And, apparently, the cops shot a few bystanders as well.
  7. They've drawn down A LOT since the 90s Lear heyday of 76 jets at 9 locations...and that was after the REAL heyday of the late 80s. I was also late-rated, and was told to select a "real MWS" out of UPT. Recognize it for what it is, a treat, and don't tarry there, and you can easily be an IP in a MWS before your IPZ to Maj PRF is due. 3yrs in the Lear (one as CP, 1 as MP, 1as IP), and you'll enter MWS training as an FP, be an MP in a year, and IP six months after that. Assuming you aren't a slug, of course. And, assuming you play the office game correctly...be Chief of a shop x2 in the Lear, and get a WG or OG Shop chief position in the MWS unit. PM me for details, if interested.
  8. He didn't hold on too tight...and lost the ledge.
  9. Mostly agree...except for this: There's no reason one cannot fly VFR above an overcast layer.
  10. And the instant the first "serious" question is asked, ask if you're under investigation and for your rights to be read to you.
  11. "Idle, neutral, stick aft and hold...wait one full turn...full down and full opposite rudder and recover from resulting dive" "stick, rudder, rudder...stick, rudder, rudder" "two lights, two tights, two showed and two stowed...let's go!"
  12. USFPA is an abomination, and should be repealed immediately. My spouse agrees.
  13. Disagree. I think the brass smells blood in the water and AMC loves to make "examples" out of folks. This is a whole new AF from the one I entered 21 yrs ago. I would not be surprised if an FEB was convened.
  14. Dozens. Your base's education office can tell you if the one you choose is properly accredited / qualifies for TA. Google for "accredited by DETC" for some ideas...
  15. Plug from an old Flying Safety guy; "Darker Shade of Blue" by Tony Kern
  16. That was my kid? It wouldn't have been folks holding the door shut to keep the bastard in the restroom, it woulda been the crowd barring the door to keep me from beating the sumbich to death with his own arms. And had it been in Texas, by the time the cops got there the whole crowd would've stomped him to pulp--and no one woulda seen a thing.
  17. CH...why bring Rainman into this? He was a hog-driver, not a raptor guy!
  18. Use your .mil computer and check out the ETCA entry for SUPT https://etca.randolph.af.mil. Search for the course under AETC and read the pre-reqs...IIRC it says something like "students must not have previously attended any phase of SUPT and been removed for cause". In short, I think it's a one-shot deal. But I could be very wrong...if nothing in the ETCA then ask someone in AETC/A3T.
  19. Only the good ones...
  20. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    And you, yours! Libertarians, unite!
  21. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    Did I stutter? Sorry...if no one buys ugly guns, they'll stop making them.
  22. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    Don't buy ugly guns...
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