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Everything posted by Learjetter

  1. Fair winds, and following seas, Rex...you will be missed.
  2. Why is her hair cut that short? That a jarhead thing?
  3. Not my argument, but what I've been reading goes something like this: We're being "Vietnam-ed". We've decided our goals there (whatever they are now) are not worth another cent or drop of blood. Therefore, backwards-ass, stone-age, tribal folks, whose goals are contrary to American interests, need not fear the American military, nor even American policy, because ten years after combat starts, we'll leave. Same thing happened to the Rooskies. When we leave, the place will still be a terrorist safe haven. Still be a major poppy producer. Will not have anything resembling basic human rights, nor infrastructure, nor functioning government, or healthcare, or economy, or education system (except in the madras, busy formulating hate against the West in the new generation). We leave, the Taliban returns, AQ returns, and in five years it'll be like we never even went. Every relationship we cultivated with locals, hell--every local who was seen as even sympathetic to our aims will likely pay a very steep price for their collusion. Perhaps even their families, too. A few years later, we'll have to return to schwack training camps, or outlaw villas, or whatever. What should be done? Stop and expect the State Dept to shoulder the load from here on out. We kick down the door and lay waste. State is supposed to "nation build".
  4. Standard. Blue Bark missions are subject to many of the same rules as normal passenger flights, with a few specific additions and exemptions. Unfortunately, I'm very familiar with them, since the Lear often gets the call to haul folks to/from these ceremonies. Likely: someone told the Wing/CC that the girlfriend wasn't an authorized pax and he decided he didn't want to have to explain to whoever asks (likely no one) why he's willfully violating DoD 4513.15R, AFI 11-xxxx, etc, etc.
  5. It's been said: "That's exactly what AQ and the Taliban are, and have been, waiting for. As soon as "we" declare victory (give up) and re-deploy to defend other interests (go home), they win."
  6. When I see photos like this, I miss driving the -10. Nice. Thanks for this.
  7. UFB. Can you share your cc's logic in disapproving the request? In my time, as soon as a guy identified as wanting to PC, we helped him all the way...what gives these days?
  8. " Why is this medication prescribed? Naltrexone is used along with counseling and social support to help people who have stopped drinking alcohol and using street drugs continue to avoid drinking or using drugs. Naltrexone should not be used to treat people who are still using street drugs or drinking large amounts of alcohol. Naltrexone is in a class of medications called opiate antagonists. It works by decreasing the craving for alcohol and blocking the effects of opioid medications and opioid street drugs." --from NiH 1) It's 48-123: http://www.e-publish...s/AFI48-123.pdf 2) Active flyers probably wouldn't be prescribed this because if you need to be prescribed this, you're probably didn't pass your flight physical, lost your security clearance, and are not a flyer anymore. Being addicted to alcohol and/or street drugs, tobacco, or having self-injurious mental issues are all sure ways out of a cockpit, and likely, the military.
  9. If driving isn't an option, and the unit wont spring for a rental...craigslist/newspaper/local buy-here/pay-here dealers have dozens $500 cars for sale...buy it, insure it, drive it, then sell it for a song (or donate it) when you leave...
  10. My third child was born while I was in tweets, and about three weeks before track-select when I went through SUPT in the early 90s . Of course, my Flt/CC knew, and accelerated me just enough that I was a little ahead of the timeline when I went on "baby watch" (meaning sims-only beginning with the due date-so the SDO could find me and get me to the hospital on time.) Her due date was a Tuesday. Fortunately, my wife gave birth on Thursday, and went into labor at 5am--so i just took her to the hospital and called the flight room at showtime to report my status. Flt/CC gave me until Tuesday off. On Monday, the mother-in-law arrived, and I was back in the jet the next day. Tip: get a trusted adult (mother, mother-in-law, sister, good friend) to come live with you guys for the week before her due date, and have them stay for ~ two weeks after the birth.
  11. My $.02... The assumption: you're an active-duty MAF or CAF pilot early in your career The background: In my experience, "Normal" career progression to O4/O5 is ops tour x 2 and a ALFA/ALO/Trainer/schoolhouse/FTU/OSA/WIC/TPS then ops or staff/school then ops or staff or command, etc. The order varies a little, but if you're within your first three assignments, applying to the U2 instead of schoolhouse or OSA or WIC or ALFA should not been seen as a bad thing. If you're "due" for your next ops tour, or the "dessert" tour (OSA/schoolhouse/FTU, etc) you could apply without raising too many eyebrows. It's selective-hire (meaning you have to make the cut to go) and Sq/CCs understand that, so most see going to the U2 as a good thing for YOU and the U2 program. They should also tell you the career impacting pros/cons of going to the U2 and of staying "mainstream." You should not worry about "seeking information" about alternatives to mainstream careers. There are a LOT of cool flying jobs in the AF, and people get them by asking about them. Here are some non-mainstream examples: OSA, Test Pilot School, Big Safari, DCMA, AFFSA, green/blue door, exchange, DIA, FAA flight inspection, anything in AFMC's Test/Eval/Acquisition sections (usually after TPS or in ASC/ESC). MAJCOM staffs often have test/acquisition positions to run and fly new things the MAJCOMs are working on (C-130 AMP, uh, maybe scratch that one... KC-46, F-35, NextGen Bomber, you get the idea). The technique: If your Sq/CC or DO doesn't have the info, or presents a one-sided view of anything, then seek info from others (like here, or in other units in your airframe on deployments, or call the units you're interested in. You can also call/email your specific handler at AFPC: he or she will get notified of upcoming openings in these special units and may let you know about them. Search for "11x" (F/B/M/R, etc) authorizations on AMS website--it'll tell you the locations/units/rank of UMD positions you might find interesting. Search the AF Portal for announcements. Finally, be a bro, because sometimes the units flying these missions call to recruit YOU, and that's the ONLY way they hire. Some are classified, some aren't, some you stay in (once you're in, STS) some are one-tour only and back to your MWS. Good luck! ETA: YMMV
  12. So, you're saying Wisconsin-ists know how to Photoshop SEC college girls?
  13. They REALLY aren't journalists...and publish rumor and innuendo, without sources. Fun to read, sometimes, but credible? Nope.
  14. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    That sounds like an issue that needs some sunshine. I got my CCW card in Bexar county....What gives?
  15. Damn good idea, if you ask me. Especially at Kandahar. Teach/show the kids we're not evil monsters...and you may get a chance at a real dialogue in the future.
  16. Learjetter

    Gun Talk

    M2 doesn't "buy firearms"...he merely improves the arsenal. (null)
  17. Not all Chiefs are shoes... http://airman.dodlive.mil/tag/o-2-skymaster/ Linky skillz are tough on IPboard mobile... (null)
  18. So, it looks like renouncing citizenship isn't necessarily required. But, if one does relinquish US citizenship, become a true ex-pat living in, say, Sydney, can one still collect retired/retainer pay? ETA: spelling
  19. US Marine Lt Col Karl Trenker is lucky, and officially has balls of steel. Link ETA: How come this isn't reported in the US press?
  20. I've asked that question of my flesh peddler three times during my career--the answer has always been: "we're full up on helo co-pilots, try again later". According to the helo guy at AFPC during a visit last Sept, he said they're getting all the new pilots they need from UPT...and it would be a "very unconventional" career move to go from fixed-wing IP FGO to helo copilot. I've flown/been IP /EP in several airframes so far...I'd love to add helos to my AF experiences...so I'll keep trying until I retire. edit: grammar and damn iPhone autocorrect
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