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Everything posted by Learjetter

  1. Back in the Hondo days, they experimented with cadets getting private pilot licenses at the local flight school instead of attending formal flight screening. I was the test cadet at my school. Loved it. But there was ZERO "screening"--just 44 hours in 152 & 172s and the PPL check ride. Cost uncle $2600 and I started April 2 and finished July 27. There's a reason big blue keeps returning to the "screening" concept.
  2. You answered your own question...officer first. Enlisting does not necessarily get you closer to commissioning.
  3. I can confirm that 1 of 1 APZ pilot in my unit was passed over for the second time and was offered continuation.
  4. He's trollishly touchy on a number of subjects...
  5. Decisions made (math in public) when inebriated should not be gradeable.
  6. I guess talent is in the eye of the beholder.
  7. Nope. http://defense.aol.c...test=latestnews
  8. Big dollars. That Howard is truly magnificent.
  9. You may also check out the Tricare mental health benefit--I believe every member and dependent gets something like six visits to a mental health professional, covered by Tricare, and maybe even unreportable to the flight doc. You may want to make inquiries on this to the local on-base mental health folks...they could give you some good anxiety coping techniques....but call only, or go in in civvies, and don't give them your name until your sure they will talk to you w/o reporting you to the Flt doc or your CC. Go see the chaplain--he/she is absolutely trustworthy to not narc on you about anxiety--regardless of your religious affiliation, I've found them to be very good counselors over the years when I needed to renew my mental armor. Or, you could see Dr. Google for anxiety coping techniques and never set foot in the clinic--Dr. Google may even give you better advice... Good luck.
  10. He got that published in Air & Space Power Journal? WTF?
  11. Poundcake: your new favorite acronym: UDPU Go find their site, and get the AFCENT Decorations guide. Follow it.
  12. How many of us will find out when the ISS will be overhead base x, and make sure we're rolling off the perch at exactly that time?
  13. ISUN: 14...yes, FOURTEEN squirrels. Out of 19 snares set. Had to kill three with a dull stick. Barbaric. Tasty, though!
  14. Q3 for failing to brief the harlots: "what goes TDY STAYS TDY!"
  15. I wouldn't worry. I'm allergic to penicillin. Fully documented, Flt docs don't care. Also have seasonal allergies: my Claritin comes from the flight doc. Good luck.
  16. I'm guessing it took quite a bit of booze to come up with that plan...
  17. I think it should be "pinned" right up next to "Gun Talk"
  18. Until they do. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/137th_Air_Refueling_Wing
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