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Everything posted by Swizzle

  1. COVI-control-grab round-two - ugh
  2. Huh, wonder if their 'sub' will implode killing that type of thinking 🤔 , or maybe go down with the ship? ...can't believe he floated that idea!
  3. 1. Recently Presidentially recalled to AD 2. Unstable 3. Unknown, They're figuring out their sh'niz 4. Unknown 5. Westerb European theater or Oktoberfest-staff-land ...I keed', who knows...its 5 o'clock somewhere
  4. https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/IRR/
  5. IRR isn't retired status correct? IRR vs Retired Reserve, yeah? And are the Selected Reserve those chosen units? ....and is this where the unforeseen rise in the personnel budget to go? (No says my experience because that'd require AFPC to substantially plan and coordinate then act)
  6. Haven't you heard, it's an AF rated staff shortage = no insider to complete the FAA TPS report, or TPS coversheet, or TPS coverpage, you get the idea (in triplicate, the goldenrod one being most important). And! Amn Snuffy is too busy processing pilots' separation paperwork vs. FAA nonsense. Sidenote: checkout the abysmal pilot retention metric this FY - ouch. Probably about to get worse after personnel $ SNAFU.
  7. Notice the cryptic, scare tactic of while $ lasts one can re-contract that being when, IF, it returns, but all under the overarching context of the notification that the personnel budget just ran out of $ under their management. It drips with conflict. ...but AF/AFPC won't share how much or how many contracts potential slots remain. I don't know if AvB is in a separate pot/color of $ which is isolated. Is the medical professionals bonus $ separate?
  8. PAUSEX, PAUSEX, PAUSEX... Tactical Pause... Timeout...
  9. I just couldn't let it slide. I stopped short of answering all the other baiting-posts Chang made today...
  10. How ignorant and souless your viewpoint is...while you're at it just eliminate all programs which virtue-signal people's value and importance. Not saying don't produce as much as you can, but it's a balance AND relationship with the workforce. Under your imperative, just burn all programs down which support retention, so that's adios to what - CDCs, MWR, MFLC, heck why not Doctors. And, oh yeah, how do you like your droid'icas? And how is the darkside of force treating ya? ...people aren't disposable commodities
  11. Reminder: it comes at more than a financial cost. Other countries are watching, learning, gathering intel...'there is no free lunch.' Considering that...still worth it.
  12. Good article, but year-over-year change vs. precipitous month or week-over-week change. Consumer reaction time was very different.
  13. Truth, and timing matters...but it's ultimately driven by inflation, check that # to assess potential COLA change
  14. Not for those 5 who made it or didn't depending upon the real #...just sayin'
  15. When it comes, stop-loss gonna' get ugly...quickly, because that button will get pressed when an option if in present rated status. Then the next 'intellectual' round begins. Stay frosty friends.
  16. Ha, legit backdoor...silly AF, just be transparent and show progression like a Dominoes pizza tracker. Everyone knows there exist many steps, would it be so bad to share their progression through them?
  17. Literally stage left, didn't see that; but saw the laughing Generals Wondered immediately if it was his own foot or the sandbag. Wished for a full viewpoint as that would be a difference
  18. Everyone has a loud voice about DTS on the otherhand...which will live on now - sigh https://federalnewsnetwork.com/defense-news/2023/06/dod-suddenly-abandons-plan-to-replace-defense-travel-system-offers-no-explanation/?readmore=1
  19. Last minute hasty decision wrought with taxpayer inefficient pork for special interests.
  20. https://www.cannon.af.mil/About/Biographies/Display/Article/1895880/michael-j-shreves/ Any words?
  21. Even better, a Melrose, NM truck stop brisket, green chili, cheese burrito; or two for a roadie-pocket burrito for during survival school...
  22. Pilots, shooters, etc don't need functional eyes, they need valid COVID19 vaccination cards with booster annotations, duh. Blood clots, smud-clots - meh 🫣🤔
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