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Everything posted by 17D_guy

  1. Exactly. The production value was amazing, and it was the first time giant monsters/robots had a real weight on the screen. Additionally, while the cities got destroyed, at least the characters attempted to not break everything and keep the monsters away. A small plot point that I really appreciated.
  2. We've got this new one going on - AFNET will wipe your profile after 90 days non-use. So far all my Operators out here at Offutt who deploy for 100 days.. they come back to a nice clean workstation with no docs/files/favorites. I'm working with the 3 organizations that "manage" what we're calling our network now. Three.. and they don't communicate, or exist near each other.
  3. Welcome to the AFNET, you're welcome.
  4. If Godzilla is done as well as Pacific Rim was then it should be great.
  5. it's amazing watching all of USAFE shift from what this asshat induced to what it became under Gen Hobbins. I only got about 1.5 years of this idiot and think I've commented on it before. But because of his awful commercials and penchant for flights I thought we were a fighter base for a long time. It's the only aircraft I'd see at his CC Calls/Fun Runs.
  6. Yep, just submitted the Excel form for rack/stack at my location. Had SOS Corr, PT scores, and Master's Status. Then a small block for DG and/or other awards. My CC, a good dude, told me I was "behind my peers" since I hadn't finished SOS yet (pinned Capt on Jun 13). Been hammering out a non-Internet Masters. Think I'll keep doing that, and kicking ass at job vs PME corr. If getting the fake-PME done a year later is going to keep me from O4.. that's fine. The AF gets what it selects.
  7. Say again? I'd put my basing list up against yours! I found it very interesting being and Vandy and seeing the.. issues between the E's and O's in the OG. There's going to be a similar issue with us, but along the A/B shred.. and then with the 1B Cyber-Ops E's. All my peers and I want to know is how the cross-flow to "A-Shred Operators" is going to work in the future with Sq CC's, NOSC, ESD's etc.. Currently we've got a Maj CC'ing a Sq with a tenant unit run by a Lt Col. Figure that crap out. I'm trying to unscrew my bases' migration to the AFNET, and asked the "Crew Commander" Lt for a org chart showing the flow for cyber direction. Holy Mary. There's no way to explain who to call for a problem.
  8. Just had a SrA here get pop'd for golden flow. He reported to his CC that he had partaken in said paraphernalia, and went to piss. Pissed clean. Wing CC didn't sign his drug use waiver and he's a civi now.
  9. Word on street here is COMACC is going to deny it for all non-flyers. I rather hope not.
  10. You're not wrong. Shouldn't fall apart then either. CSAF got tossed.. the AF didn't.. oh wait.
  11. But that's just this young generation who's weak, expects no challenges, and is unmotivated. /S Getting to listen to retired and/or dead-eyed old officers tell me that the young Airmen/Officers coming in have it so cushy when we're 1/4 of the force and funding these mental rust buckets had is getting old fast. Keep leading by being blatantly biased in your selection of shiny pennies who can do no wrong, writing tests that don't actually take into account skill or experience, work to destroy any sense of team morale and camaraderie and then to top it off write about "rot" that is (apparently) just starting and only occurring at the lowest ranks or how people are motivated for fried potato snacks. If we don't see a sweep out of leadership in the next 3 months then nothing will change. Those leaders who got "counseled" will hide away until the current thing blows over and then come back with mission-planning for driving to the capsule and contingency plans for insect attacks on convoys.
  12. I'm 4 classes (currently enrolled in 2) from finishing a program at a legit school. I'm not stopping now after all this ass-pain.. it'll just make it hurt more.
  13. Thought he was too good to play the game, not get his Sq mates hammered for doing stupid stuff. Fair disclosure - I noticed he was rolled back after a few weeks and thought "Wow.. that sucks." Talked to his Sq mates and he was not liked. Got more stories of dumb training stuff just making life worse than it already had to be in that environment. Class mates thought he'd get kicked out, but like Lt. Cohen, was pushed/allowed through for some reason.
  14. Good, dude was scum bag through commissioning and we all wondered why he was allowed to stay in.
  15. Like a Chief of Staff, or Deputy/Vice? I agree with most everything you said, but wonder where we would hide those people behind the "leaders" and not undermine the leaders in today's military. I think you could have done something like this in the past with the army of aides that a leader could have. But today that doesn't seem feasible to me with the lust for power many of those types have/promote.
  16. Additional huge 2 on this. I can't believe that they've tied this so close for so long. You can't have training where you're not allowed to fail, ask questions, etc. That's just constant recertification.. over and over and over. Gotcha questions, no standardization, your career depending on 5% of a grade. Integrity? Mother F*cker, please. Plus the blatant favoritism that we all know takes place for that guy... Had guys I commissioned with that grumbled about the sorts of things that are going on up there right now. I'm glad the SecAF has these 7 items and it seems like she didn't just get to talk to the 'shinny pennies'. Any news on when the writer of that lovely editorial espousing the value of tater tots is getting RIF'd? Or is she just going to slot into replacement.
  17. The wonder that is ECSS - http://spectrum.ieee.org/riskfactor/aerospace/military/the-us-air-force-explains-its-billion-ecss-bonfire
  18. Wonder who's burnout/morale is worse: Missile Crews or RPA crews.
  19. Latest news I saw was OTS board this year will only consider engineers/scientists and will consist of a single board. Not at work, so I can't source, apologies.
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