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Everything posted by 17D_guy

  1. Funny, we can't be distinctive in taking care of each other, or the mission, or not being as stupid/ate-up as the other services. Nope. We're distinctive because of the uniform. Seems to me once we switched to the POS ABU things started going down hill fast, and the AF tried to play the catch-up game with the other services over "we contribute/HUA/HOO-RAH". Perhaps if we pull our heads out of our camo asses we can figure out why we're better again. God I hate the ABU. Only good thing is the boots and those still fail at everything but being no shine.
  2. Read the article. Rank last served honorably. Same thing happened to Fiscus. He had the affair with proof as a Maj and it's been refereed to some committee. As well all know.. good things come out of committees.
  3. What's the over/under on him getting dropped at least one rank? Just think.. this guy was ID'd as a superstar by his leadership.
  4. A simple survey would take care of all these questions. Do they do one after the ACP closes out for they year to figure out pros/cons of their program? Or am I foolishly hoping someone's using that online Masters?
  5. Should have fired them sooner? Should prosecute them? What could they have done to avoid the appearance of that? Not asking to be a douche, interested in what else they could have done since I'm coming up empty. As I often do.
  6. And here lies the rub: the "something of significance" is going to be some CGO/FGO or Sq CC getting destroyed publicly because they didn't comply with the above memo, or guidance similar to it at another base. If the words weren't STS, 69 (as innuendo) or cranium/head. But instead were negro, or colored would this even be a discussion? Both are offensive to certain, but not all, people. Both required the offended person to submit or be ridiculed further and ostracized. The definition of sexual harassment is clear. I bet your CC's have a policy memo on it alone. I'm going on a limb to say it says 0 tolerance. It doesn't matter if one female is happy to throw it around or not. It's still wrong. What if there's another woman who's not comfortable with it.. now she's got to do it as well or risk not being one of the bros?
  7. Navy Admiral a pompous douche.. lies. One of my Bosses, 29 year Navy O, had the ADM as a CC a decade or so ago and doesn't buy any of this and thinks it's a conspiracy by.. someone, Obama?, to get rid of military leadership that doesn't agree with him. Did he do it, or was it done by Kabul/Leadership? Article is not clear, do you have another source?
  8. Just like the AF Climate survey where rating from "I find this job awful and not rewarding with some fun" to the blue kool-aid swilling brick wall breaking shoe are lumped together.
  9. I can not believe that in 2013 a system this stupid is in place to rate commissioned officers in the United States Air Force. Dear higher ranking members how can you not be clearing this shit up so we get honest, easy to digest feedback on how to improve as leaders, managers and (some of you) warriors? This black magic nonsense helps no one.
  10. As I've said elsewhere I don't have a problem with pilots drinking. i don't drink at all, but I wish we could have a Sq Bar, and a beer light. I think it would be great for our ALL Sq's. Additionally, no the jokes and comments don't lead to sexual assault. I never implied that, or meant to. That's as stupid as saying the "hook up" culture leads to rape. I was trying to contrast what I have seen in my corner of MSG (comm specifically). Comments/jokes do increase the likelihood of someone feeling harassed/reporting harassment. Lived through it, sucked big time. Same thing has been covered in every level of management training (undergrad, make your jokes) and PME. Ugh, I had problems with female Amn saying offensive crap to other female/male Amn. BitteEinBit has had a very different experience. Not sure if it's been Comm centric, which is where all mine has been. Sounds like an interesting environment, hope I get to experience it. I'm just trying to inject what my little bit of the MSG has been like at my bases in regards to this, not trying to take your flight suit. Cool your jets.
  11. Well, in the MSG singing songs of those type, drinking at work at all, or crude name aren't tolerated. Of course there's still the knuckleheads who think calling names/grabbing SrA Yummybritches is ok. Any they get handled, quickly. There's no "that's what she said" or "69" or the "cranium" bullshit. It degrades our fellow Airmen, which impedes our mission. We don't tolerate that shit. I've never had a commander that did. It was understood, and there didn't require a MFR. MFR's are to show that it was briefed and understood, so that after someone does it you can show proof of "leadership" instead of having the offender run to the ADC for help after they get slammed. It's for clarity, if you don't like it, that's ok.
  12. So, This happened - http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/strategic-command-suspension-linked-probe-counterfeit-poker-chips/story?id=20413148 "Strategic Command No. 2 Suspension Linked to Probe of Counterfeit Poker Chips"
  13. I believe that is correct as well. However, I added the greater time portion onto mine because right at about the 5~6 year mark things really become clear about what the AF is, and if you're a fit for it or not. That's when E's are made in my opinion, (ALS, 2/3 duty station, supervisory duties). Not crapping on you, but I know many with your timeline (not necessarily rank) that do not have the E perspective/chill-ness many of my (10+ E years) peers do. Overall it's a hate for the political game O's play. That said there's some of my peers I would curb stomp if it was legal. I do quote random regs, because it's fun to mess with my NCO's I've had friends who were briefed by O6's they'd never make it up. Sad that talent (not me) is selected so early and before real character can be shown in trying situations. I was looking for ways to help out good bro's besides the ole' "You work hard and do great things, here's more, crappier work for you to do."
  14. Now you're just trying to make me feel stupid.. BREAK This hot off the presses, (well the 10th), you'll notice it's not AF Times and I couldn't find it on the AF Times site in a cursory glance. http://www.armytimes.com/article/20130910/NEWS05/309100018/Emails-accuse-former-Aviano-vice-wing-commander-protecting-Wilkerson "The former commander of the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base, Italy, accused his vice commander of trying to protect the base inspector general, who was a friend and fellow pilot, by sitting on an allegation of sex assault against the IG, newly released emails show."
  15. Still always surprised when this happens, and more often than it should.. unless we're counting prior-E at E4 and below 5 years service. Then it doesn't count. Somewhat of a question - I know they've pushed back the boards and there is no longer BTZ to O4. Is there a way currently to get promoted ahead of your peers? When I was an E you could always out test/SrA BTZ/STEP to get promoted ahead of the douches. I'm not seeing those opportunities on the O side, and I'm not sure if it's just not an MSG thing. I've asked around locally.. but it's all Space/Missile guys. Please note, I'm not asking who's balls I have to wash/gargle. As I said in another post I can retire happily as a O3E, my dreams have been accomplished.
  16. About the same, most of my peers are done and I guess I'm lagging since I didn't roll the TUI/Trident sorta thing. Told a O6 I was knocking out Master's classes and he asked if I had SoS done yet. I said no, (3 classes a semester), and got a dirty look. Whatever, I can retire as a Capt, give a sh*t meter broken.
  17. I would like to add this can be close to a similar scenario for multiple support career-fields to depending on where they're assigned. I have many peers who pulled multiple deployments in their first 4 years, and some of those included months long "battlefield" training. We could get into the discussion of an online degree, and then we're just talking about a NEW band-aid to a broken leadership scenario. The fact that some bases include PT scores in rating their folks is atrocious. Why don't they just include photos so they can make sure only the individuals the exec thinks are "hot" can go. Rating Lt's the same way you rate O4/5... way to set folks up for success.
  18. FTFY. They work as hard as active duty, and they'll let you know it.. repeatedly.
  19. Concur, though I would include the Aviano Wing/CC who relieved his deputy/vice/whatever and wrote the email up decrying the decision to overturn. Not because I agree with him, but because he said something. I don't fault Gen Franklin at all. I think it was an amazing letter to read and I think he made the correct decision based on what I have been able to read (FOIA/articles) on the matter, and I wish I someone with those characteristics in my chain, alas... I don't think adultery makes someone a rapist and did not mean to imply it should my statements have come across that way. I do have a problem with Wilkerson telling the guy who restored his LIFE that there was absolutely nothing else.. legal or not. Gen wrote a letter about honor, and integrity, and doing the right thing despite the repercussions. Something we see too rarely from our senior leaders imho. I think he expected the same in return and came back wanting. My opinion, and maybe the guy with wings and stars (and you guys) have a different point of view culturally that you can enlighten me on about why that's not a big deal. Kinda scummy still being legally married, but.. eh, agree with your summation. Finally, what's a RON for us Ops-but-not-Ops types?
  20. I think the "good ole' boy" comment was the casual nature in which they discussed the case, and Gen Franklin's decision to overturn the verdict. I thought the Air Force Times version had and interesting spin as well - http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20130910/NEWS05/309100011/Lawmakers-lambaste-old-boy-s-network-email-exchange Overall I was surprised Gen Franklin was so incensed at the loss of the O6 spot/security clearance for the "good" Lt Col. I wonder what his comment would be now about the adulterer still being in the AF. Relevant part from article: Way to F the boss. Stand up bro. This turned out horrible every way it could have.
  21. That's on the way down, League of Legends is where it's at now boys.
  22. Well, they trust it. They just make the e-form have the same look and functionality of the paper form. To include the e-Routing Slips.
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