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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2024 in Posts

  1. Father of Gold Star Marine killed at the Abbey Gate Shouts "Remember Abbey Gate" and "United States Marines" at the STOTU and is arrested and charged. The next Day Biden Apologies to the illegal alien who killed Laken Riley for calling him an illegal. #FJB!
    6 points
  2. I don’t think young children have the mental ability to determine what’s going on in their bodies so much that a medical provider believes they should be given puberty blockers or be mutilated. I believe then that these vulnerable children should be protected as much as possible. There’s plenty of things we don’t allow children to do just because they want to…and yet with this issue, we have adults (both parents and medical providers) pushing these children to desire such things. It’s unbelievable. Once they’re an adult and can do anything else legally (to include drink alcohol) then sure, they can do whatever they want. This is about protecting young children from those who wish to harm them.
    4 points
  3. If my adult neighbor drank a full bottle of jack every night, I'd try to convince him not to and help him out of his situation, but at the end of the day it's his choice and I can't stop him. If my neighbor's 12 year old kid drank a bottle of jack every night with the encouragement of their parents and doctor, that is child abuse. The parents and doctor should go to jail and the kid should be placed in a foster family where they have a chance at life. Life altering surgeries because they have been pushed into or allowed to continue in a mental delusion is no different.
    3 points
  4. If illegal immigration is so good for our economy and for American citizens then why are we having a “crisis”? Why are cities saying they need additional funding to help with these illegal aliens? It also wasn’t that long ago that Biden and his fellow Dems actually cared about illegal immigration…makes you wonder what changed.
    2 points
  5. When it became racist to expect people from other nations/cultures to at least attempt assimilation via nothing more than learning English.
    2 points
  6. Not to mention additional capes the Army provides in that AOR. It’s just a shame the DOD gives said capes/missions to a bunch of dumbasses (not to say there are no smart people involved, but they are an extreme minority).
    1 point
  7. That's kind of my point. What is the goal of preventing gender affirming care? Are we creating better people? They're likely to be a dreg of society with or without a penis. Any legislation on gender affirming care addresses the end result of harmful or neglectful parenting and social norms, not the destructive conditions that lead to mental illness. So now if you want to address the root causes, you have to create nanny state laws that allow for seizure of kids from homes and laws that prevent exposure to whatever the state deems dangerous. I don't like that either. The people who are least equipped (and being raised) to deal with modern life are self-sterilizing and effectively ending their genetic lineage. And... they're happy to do it. And... likely willing to become angry/violent if not allowed. Who are we to deny their pursuit of happiness? Why not let it play out? I'm willing to speak with your neighbor's kid and list all the reasons why he shouldn't touch the hot stove, but if he still want's to.... It's not on me. It's on his parents. What I am against, is any sort of outside funding. Do what you want, but not with my taxes or insurance premiums. If the parents have to work overtime for months on end to have their kid's tits chopped off, I think the whole dynamic might change.
    1 point
  8. If you're someone who becomes conflicted about who you are and believe you need to change your body, I support whatever makes you happy. The chances of you outlasting my family and friends are slim. There are states that you can’t get a tattoo under the age of 18, even with parental consent. As a serious nation, if we allowing children to determine whether they’re a boy or a girls, we have failed our youth. My oldest boy loved Black Panther, wore costume everyday. I didn’t say “well time to move to Wakanda” he knows who he is. The hard part of being a parent is saying no and protecting them. Not allowing children to proceed down a path with life altering outcomes. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  9. Makes getting flagged by Joe’s 240 in the chow hall not seem as bad in comparison.
    1 point
  10. No, you just failed to comprehend what you are reading. Where did I say 6 million was too many? I'll give you a hint: nowhere. I did the math before posting it, obviously. I threw 2% growth out there as a target because it represents a high-water mark for American growth in the modern era. I also said: Now if the only way to get 6 million (immigrants + natural growth) is to import all low-skilled labor, then no, we wouldn't do that. Your nonsense about 6 million brain surgeons shows how you are not being a good-faith participant in the conversation. The world is not comprised of only poor Mexicans and brain surgeons. As I said: The balance of our population is equally important to it's growth. If growth was the only factor that mattered, South America and Africa wouldn't be a dumpster fire. I'd rather not adopt that model, thanks. Most likely the late 90's, when communication technology allowed immigrants to focus their efforts on reaching very specific locations where there were high densities of immigrants from their homelands. You also have a huge shift away from geographic growth, where decades ago the construction of the interstate highways moved millions of people to new parts of the country, and the immigrants were often the first to move. Now they are concentrating in major population centers or states where they have high density, such as the Somalis in Minnesota. So yeah, once again, things change. Adapt or die. And once again, when the Asians you reference came a hundred years ago there was a tremendous need for physical labor, such as building the railroads. Pretty much all construction was done with manual labor back then. Didn't need an education, and you didn't need to speak English. Yes, as compared to the high-school dropout native who will have a negative net impact. Could it be that employing immigrants for highschool-dropout-jobs is reducing the demand for highschool-dropout-natives? Obviously it is, by the tens of millions. That study shows how expensive the uneducated native population is becoming, because they aren't working. Interestingly, it also shows that the financial benefit expires after the first generation of immigrant. Their kids become a negative proposition. We can have a conversation about eliminating most Welfare programs for everyone, which I support, but it's a different topic. We can't just get rid of our unskilled native-born citizens. Redirecting their potential employment to cheaper, illegal (or legal) immigrants only makes the problem worse.
    1 point
  11. They knew it was a bad deal for the west all along, some of them now are expressing regret… https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2024/03/11/nobel-economist-reverses-support-migration/
    1 point
  12. Stoker. Ratner.
    1 point
  13. i've never heard one republican talking point that says this. your understanding of the republican position is incorrect.
    1 point
  14. Maybe hard to believe, but I may have an unpopular opinion on this. Raising my kids was the most incredibly difficult thing I've done. I was working an airline job and guard job to include TDYs, deployments, etc while trying to be a decent father. The amount of thought and mental churning it took to anticipate, recognize, and mitigate all the potential pitfalls in a modern child's (especially girl's) life often seemed overwhelming. I have a very strong wife and immediate/exteneded family who live nearby. Fortunately, we were able to shape these young ones into an even better version of ourselves. Now there's another generation beginning and he's starting life with an even bigger advantage and more people to help guide him. You can't remove the danger from a child's life, but you can prepare them to confront it. That takes an extraordinary effort today. Those countless hours at the dinner table, sitting next to them on the bed talking, sitting on bleachers until my ass was numb, Googling calculus answers, etc, was painful, but a family legacy is the most important thing to me. I can't imagine attempting to concern myself the children of others to the extent that I care about mine. That's their job and so many are failing. If a family or society fails to produce mentally and physically fit young people who are wholly unable to produce the strong family dynamic required to go forth and multiply, those people eventually cease to exist. All I have to do is wait. I'lll help where I can, but I am under no obligation to drag the weak through life. If your child succumbs to these dangers, where does the responsibility lie? With the things you can't control (danger) or the things you can (preparation)? If you're someone who becomes conflicted about who you are and believe you need to change your body, I support whatever makes you happy. The chances of you outlasting my family and friends are slim.
    1 point
  15. Phenomenal amount of talent in one room.
    1 point
  16. Shack. If we're ready to go back to letting people die of starvation and sickness if they have no money, consider me an open-borders supporter. Until then, zero low skilled immigration. We will get all the low-skilled immigrants we need from the families of the high-skilled workers we grant citizenship to, and the 20-30 million we have already let in.
    1 point
  17. I appreciate your honesty on the matter, but then why should someone argue with you on the details of immigration when you’re not supportive of the most basic immigration law being enforced?—ie don’t come into our country illegally. As your Christianity argument, spare me. Unless you’re also for banning prostitution, abortion, divorce, etc. Oh and Christianity doesn’t say anything about having a complete welfare state to anyone who wants to come here. As for your ancestors, did they come before the 1930s? If so, what kind of social programs at the state and federal level were available to immigrants then and earlier compared to today? You can’t have open immigration and a welfare state…even some of the most progressive western countries understand how this won’t work well.
    1 point
  18. A more easier question to ask to determine where someone stands on the overall issue is this: Should we make coming into our country without permission a crime, and at the minimum, try deport these people? Yes, resources determine how effective we can be at this, but if you don’t believe an attempt should be made where/when possible, then your answer to the above question is no. Another question to ask is that if someone wants to claim asylum but is coming in from a country they are not trying to escape, should they have to remain in that country before we determine if their asylum request is valid/approved? If someone doesn’t answer yes to both of these overall questions then it’s irrelevant discussing the smaller questions—they aren’t interested in securing the border from those who don’t want to come in the proper way.
    1 point
  19. That’s a must see in theatre after watching it last night. It will still be amazing on whatever screen, but the raw awesome of the worm riding scene was way improved by the size and sound of a theatre. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Just watched Dune Part 2, phenomenal movie, honestly think it might be better than the first.
    1 point
  21. You know there is still a South Korea, right? You have the most curiously simplistic view I've seen in a long time. That's not to say the argument against Ukraine aid is necessarily simplistic. It's mostly just you.
    1 point
  22. Sheesh -- I used to look at this discussion to see all the cool footage of Russians getting blasted. Now it's just a whining, political buzz kill. Why don't you tools take the boring crap offline already. Here's a photo of dead Russians to help get this thread back on track.
    1 point
  23. But we made the CCP more powerful in the process, so there’s that.
    0 points
  24. I'm one of those weirdos who thinks our laws should usually be respected, but also thinks that generally free migration is a core tenet of this nation's collective soul, and denying any realistic avenue to come to America for billions of people who will literally risk life and limb to come here is downright unAmerican. I strongly believe in the rule of law, but in the end, an unjust law is no law at all. The "political stunt" I'm referring to is something along the lines of, why is it only the moralizing politicians who constantly tell us we need more Christianity in government, who are doing the most un-Christlike things to their fellow human beings. In the end, our immigration system is much like our Covid response - if we were actively trying to make it more destructive and less effective, what would we do differently? My ancestors wouldn't have been allowed into the US under the current system - I hope they'd have had the courage and American spirit to come here anyways.
    -1 points
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