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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2020 in Posts

  1. In that case, by your own words, unfortunately you and I are not able to be fellows, friends, etc., and that sucks. I don't agree to that deal. I'll regularly talk politics with people and my friend group is split fairly evenly between more conservative military types and more liberal neighbors and college friends. Amongst all of them, I've honestly never talked with someone, let alone a fellow servicemember, who was crouched so defensively in his or her own position that they would say things like what you wrote above. Some of the guys & gals in my current unit are among the most die-hard right-wing Trump supporters I think likely exist, but there is always common ground, there are many shared beliefs and values, and we are friends. I refuse to believe that any honestly-felt differences on politics or policy or even values are so great as to put us in the situation you describe. Even though I'm not religious per se, I've pledged allegiance to the idea that our nation would be, "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all," and I'm having a hard time squaring your above statements with that same pledge I'm sure you also said many times. Not trying to attack you with any of this, but real talk, I'm genuinely sad about what you're saying here and the mindset that led you to say what you did. I'm telling you all this out of respect too, because to say nothing would be to abandon you to the very division and discord you seem to not only accept, but even promote. My view is that we cannot be separate if we want to remain equal. We need people to do the hard work of finding common ground now more than at any previous time in my lifetime and I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and know that I'm trying my best to heal rather than divide. I hope you will reconsider.
    5 points
  2. Not gonna argue about their personal techniques of weapons handling but when you are threatened with physical violence on your own property by an unruly mob violating private property you have the right to self defense to include deterrent actions like showing said violent illegal mob you have the capability and intent to use lethal force so go back to whatever shithole or x-grievance studies department you came from. They ignored Private Property signs, destroyed a locked iron gate, used vulgar and violent language threatening the couple and their property to include an innocent pet. If they want to protest the mayor fine but if the mayor lives on a private drive not open to the public then tough shit you’ll have to find somewhere else to be noisy, ignorant and delusional. Gun owner and homeowner myself and if they got any closer to them while gathered in numbers to intimidate and were threatening them they would have had every right to drop them. Cute move to try to belittle them by pointing out they were shoeless when they were surprised at home just as they were sitting down to dinner, there’s a photo of a soldier at a FOB fighting in pink boxers as the Taliban attacked and he was lionized and loved for it I wonder why that’s not the case now? you fight with what you have on when the enemy surprise you, they didn’t retreat and didn’t back down, I think that’s what’s really pissing off the D’s and media, someone finally pushed back, I hope it happens more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  3. Since when did topics of race and leadership become political? He seems to be challenging a thought process that downplays the experiences of a large subset of our force. You may not agree with what he’s saying, it’s obviously an opinion post, but he seems to frame his argument in way to drive self-reflection from leaders at all levels on how they connect with and treat their people.
    2 points
  4. Colin Noir did a pretty good response on the McCleosky debacle above and what was and what was not within their rights.
    2 points
  5. I'll take you at good faith and yes my mind is made up about the Woke Movement. I would call them citizens of the same country but not fellows nor do I have any connection to them other than that. They believe in things anti-thetical to me, my beliefs and values. There is no common ground and we can not be friends. That does not mean we are enemies necessarily and mea culpa for that emotional language used above but we should keep our distance from each other. Not everything in life is meant to work out, some differences are not soluble and at least to my mind, there is a line between some groups of people that neither side can cross so that's just it. I'm not trying to start shit with you but I think your idea of de-escalation is cowering before them, letting them berate you, scream at you, dominate you, accuse you and your recent ancestors of being the cause of everything wrong for some people in this world and that they as the new moral arbiters of our society redistribute your wealth (not theirs btw) and restrict your freedoms and teach your children to despise you, your heritage and ultimately themselves. That's a somewhat f'd up way to say what I feel/think while trying not to insult you, to seriously discuss with you but I can't describe it any other way. The McCloskeys like Trump are not perfect and there is likely some room for critique in their response but IMO not for the response. How are the mistakes they may or may not have made in handling their weapons worse than what these goddamn animals have been doing setting fires, throwing bricks, looting, tearing down statues with no regard and vandalizing, jumping on cars and assaulting persons not down with struggle or sufficiently enough. I know that stealing TVs and liquor is the preferred technique to fighting systemic racism so we'll just overlook that but do you not find any fault with those people who were instigating the situation on that private street and private property? Like you I'm sad too that people in my country otherize me, excuse behavior I think they know is wrong and have lost the ability to hold people to account, even if they were dealt a shitty hand in life at the start, opportunities extended to them and a recognition of past mistakes. They still have agency though, they still have a choice. I can have a discussion about how to assist others so that to the maximum realistically possible we can give everyone a good start in life but I'm not gonna ever accept that it is all corrupt and evil from the roots up as they say now. If that is their position which it appears to be then we need to seriously discuss a new form of the United States, what we have now can not work. This is different than 1968, we may be like two train cars that just decoupled and drifting close for a short time before we just drift apart inexorably.
    2 points
  6. To be fair, the first part may have been very much already escalated, intentionally by portions of the protester group. There is a lot we don't really know about that whole situation. The dude looked to be wildly inept at firearm handling skills. Depending on what was being said to them, his wife may have committed an assault. You calling them "shoe-less" is as much "othering" language as his.
    2 points
  7. Well I'm nearing graduation again and have been curious about flying for the USAF. This time i'm graduating PA school this August with a Master's in Science. Wanna do this new gig part-time but now that im 35 and a half, I'd like to toss my hat in the ring maybe one last time for a buzzer beater. The spark is still there, I feel and look young for my age. Not blind or deaf and no health problems. I can run like a cheetah (especially if I'm chased) and pretty sure I can make whatever fitness standards apply in my old age. Anyway, I sent my packet to a few local ANG units because I read they raised the age for pilot training. If it doesn't work out I may just buy a C150 till the airlines start to hire again, but would rather fly and serve. Any change in the current CoV-2 environment? These are some of my stats: AFOQT: P92 N63 AA74 V83 Q58, PSCM: 93, GPA: 3.7 Undegrad in Aviation Mgmt. 3.5 Master's in PA. 3 letters of rec- 1. Chief CFI at my past aviation university 2. professor who was former officer in the AF 3. professor who was ATC in Denver. BS in Aviation and will have a M.S. here soon. Also, I'm already a pilot with Multi, CFI, Instrument and Commercial back from my undergrad days. Also submitting prior EPRs from 4 years AD and 1 year ANG from 10 years ago. Is it a long shot to apply to units? I'm doing it because they raised the age so I figure they must need flyers. Thanks guys, I love hearing the success stories on this board.
    1 point
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_commissar#:~:text=In the military%2C a political,ideology) and organization of the
    1 point
  9. How you can defend those fucks are beyond me, but as usual you are blinded in thinking they are "peaceful protesters" equating them to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. While their tactics suck, those homeowners had every right to defend their property. Anyone who has watched the news over the past few weeks knows how these "protesters" become looters in a heartbeat. Honestly, every time you post, I picture you kneeling...
    1 point
  10. I don't think I ever made it past the first verse sober....that's my excuse.
    1 point
  11. Chances are that the airlines will be hiring in 2-3 years, and I believe the cargo haulers may still be hiring?. Eventually people will stop being scared of their own shadow or we'll have developed a vaccine. Think of losing out on the 2 years of bonus as an insurance policy. In the grand scheme of things, that bonus money is small fries to what you'd be giving up on the back end of your career. If you miss out on a few years of it, oh well...if you get hired, you'll likely see 2 more years where you'll make more than that bonus nearly every month.
    1 point
  12. I would have done the same as them... but it looks like Bonnie and Rambo have never fired a gun in their lives.
    1 point
  13. If they hadn’t come out, then what. Good for them...
    1 point
  14. I am coiled up because I have to be, the shift in the conversation in this country has gone from policy, positions, opinions to values and more ominously to identity, immutable traits that I can't and don't want to change, nor will I mock and insult them by pretending that I am something else or deny them. My identity is of equal value, has no intrinsic fault, is no more guilty in the balance of history than any others and has built societies that despite being told are inherently evil, most people of other identities really want to live in, weird. Policies, positions, etc... are tradeable things. We can give and take on them, this tax rate up or down, this policy more stringent or lax and we can change our opinions on matters as time and circumstances change. We can't change who or what we are fundamentally (race, gender, sexual orientation, heritage) and the Left of late is WAY more interested and invested in setting up that oppositional construct where basically its all other identities against one/two others. What did "they" think would or will happen? That this COA of Identity Politics would not cause a defensive reaction in those one/two groups? Not all of the individuals in that group are willing to be put upon and as their strategy unfolds and the collaborators of said one/two groups will eventually realize they will just be the last horses in line at the glue factory, some of them are not going to be down with the program. They will fight back. Legal and political means thankfully for right now but if you follow the Intersectional/Critical Race Theory out to its logical conclusion, it will destroy this imperfect but aspiring to be democratic republic multiracial society. Maybe it's how it will end, fulfilling the cliche that like empires are never murdered, they commit suicide. There is no common ground with those who think you are inherently evil. Jewish people know this terrible and depressing fact of life very well unfortunately, some people will just always be your enemy. I'm not happy about division and I'm not about promoting it but I am realistic about accepting it. I respect your opinions and postings on BO, don't view you as a foe, there's a gradual spectrum we all fall somewhere on in the eyes of others who are reasonable. As to the country and the pledge you cited, it is indivisible but it is not immutable. If the people change, what they want changes, the way they live changes, what they believe changes then why not the order under with they live change?
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Sooch (former U-2 squadron commander) flies again: https://www.space.com/virigin-galactic-spaceshiptwo-2nd-glide-flight-spaceport-america.html
    1 point
  17. It's times like this that I'm so glad l live (mostly) out here in the sticks. Just as soon as I can secure some land for my grass strip, I'll be even further out. It's much cheaper, the people are good and violent protestors know better than to come out our way. It appears the protestors broke through a gated fence to get on that street, which is private property, and some are being charged with trespassing and assault by intimidation. Thankfully they're lawyers. I'm a gun lover as much as the next person. I probably would have been out there monitoring my property, but with my gun safely in its holster.
    1 point
  18. The protesters come from "shitholes," are "a violent & illegal mob," study "x-grievance programs in college," are "the enemy" and "deserve to be dropped." Cool cool, sorry to have engaged, I see that your mind is well made up. Honestly it makes me sad and disappointed that you just casually talk about your fellow citizens or just fellow human beings like that. This isn't war, where sometimes you need to dehumanize and "other-ize" in order to kill the enemy; this is America. What I'm arguing for re: this couple and your lionizing of them is that de-escalation of the situation and demonstrating responsible gun ownership would have been a better path. These folks are not heroic for branshing loaded firearms at people on the street walking by their house, with fingers often on the triggers and while also occasionally barrel-checking each other's backs. That's reckless behavior that I know you wouldn't tolerate in a combat zone, let alone what should be the expectation while on your front lawn in Anytown, USA.
    1 point
  19. I'm sure there are some exceptions, but multiple units and people I spoke with before getting hired said that they wanted to hear that you were applying other places to show that you really wanted it. If you're only applying to one unit they may be flattered, but there may also be people that think "if this guy really wanted to be a pilot he'd be applying everywhere". Sent from my SM-N975U using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Fuck there's 4 verses? What the shit?!?
    1 point
  22. serious. SOF MQ-9s are the heat. I can get their feed instantly. talk to them on the redline. MIRC them. que them instantly to my SPI. and they have 18 hours play time. and highly accurate weapons. some of the shit i've seen that community do is insane. insane.
    1 point
  23. So I'll admit I asked your opinion and got exactly that. That's fair. But I was hoping for something more empirical. Two of my best friends are JTACs I worked with in Al Tabqah and Manbij and their opinions are exactly opposite yours. So you'll have to pardon me when I don't weigh "guy on the internet" as highly. I'm personally impressed by what we've asked the RPA enterprise to do and what they've accomplished. I do think there is value in investing in their enterprise. Specifically training, which for the last 15 years has been made a third tier priority because of the ground forces. Much of your complaints would be absolved if the community was allowed to train.
    1 point
  24. I'm certainly not naieve in those respects which is 100% why I disagree with you. Yes, there are weapon system priority list but those are often built on mission requirements. Your evidence is anecdotal at best which is why it exactly is what you say it isn't, "bro talk." Being padlocked a building almost definitely doesn't mean you are in timeout. Regardless, noone records "how many times someone was put in timeout corner." But there are numbers out there on what asset employed the most munitions in the summer of 2016, what an asett's first run attack success rate is, how many vbieds, which was the #1 threat to ground forces at the time, were destroyed, etc... Ive seen all of those answers before and they might surprise you. U-28s are great when they can nail their CDE comm procedures for a given AOR. Gunships are also awesome when they can correlate a target correctly. You're using a few instances/expereince you saw and youre coloring your whole perception on that. You saw a few robots fuck up and had a conversation with some JTACs about it. Cool I've seen a lot of manned aircraft fuck up and did the same. Most of what you elude to is shit that has more to do with crew training, expereince and familiarity with the CAS environment though. And out of the above communities which one has the shortest training pipeline, gives a weapons release card to the youngest members and does not afford CT. This to me indicates that it's not the platform that's incapable but the crews, which is easily solvable on the enterprise level. Nothing of what you point to though has anything specific to do with the fact that the weapon system is unmanned. For whatever it's worth, I already said that I don't believe the MQ-9 is equipped for a light attack role. I just don't think that had Sanything to do with JTACs perceptions of the pink squishy component. The MQ-9 does what it was engineered to do incredibly well. Occasionally it has been asked to do things it wasn't engineered to do with mixed success. If you engineer a light attack platform it would presumably do that incredibly well also. If that design included the ommission of a pilot, it would still presumably perform the same, so long as it was engineered to do so and the crew was appropriately trained.
    1 point
  25. It’s an academy tradition during football games to honor those who have passed.
    1 point
  26. I'm confused here @Clark Griswold. I think you're lionizing a pair of barefoot homeowners coming out on to their porch and brandishing loaded weapons at people as they marched by their house during a protest of the Mayor who lived down the block? And with very poor trigger and barrel discipline I might add, I'm glad that they didn't accidentally shoot each other nor any of the protesters frankly. By all means, defend yourself if you are being physically assaulted and call the cops and/or intervene at your own risk if someone is damaging your property, but you can't just walk out of your house and point loaded weapons and people out on the street. This is not what responsible gun ownership looks like nor what responsible home ownership looks like, and I say that as both a gun owner and a homeowner. Standard disclosure so my conservative friends don't have an aneurysm: the Seattle anarchists/CHAZ/CHOP/whatever are f*cking stupid, looting is dumb, and I prefer a peaceful, orderly situation in my city as much as any of y'all do. But those two knuckleheads in the post above are also not helping the situation at all.
    0 points
  27. All things Equal the manned platform will be preferred over unmanned. Yes *insert call sign here* was padlocked to just go look at something not even in the city limits of Raqqa repeatedly and not just by one task force JTAC. Yes, I’ve watched 9 lines punted from one asset to another because dudes training didn’t get it done or because they weren’t responsive enough to the dynamic nature of the target. Drones weren’t the primary VBIED killer over Mosul, the Apaches flying at Block 7-9 under them were. Or did they just imagine the 1100 Hellfires we shot into that city. You guys asked the open ended question of “does the ground force care” without actually living/knowing the ground force and you seem to have definitive answers to speak for those guys. Or you don’t buy it when somebody gives you their take. Which one of us probably has the answer and backstory as to why they feel the way they do about it. It’s not hard to know how they feel about drones vs manned aircraft and why they prefer one over the other when you actually spend time with the dude who to the rest of the stack is a callsign and suffix. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    -1 points
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