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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2019 in Posts

  1. Here’s the link to the official go fund me for the family. https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-condiff-family If you want to get a glimpse into his character, here’s his deployment reunion at last years MLB all star game.
    5 points
  2. Coffee...whole bean if able. Coffee grinder is on my list of essential packing items. Just because we're in a war zone doesn't mean we have to be barbaric on coffee drinking. As far as games, all you need is a deck of cards and 3 other midwesterners who play Euchre.
    4 points
  3. I need advice since my deployment to Afghanistan was 2011/2012. I recall that our squadron had more cookies, candy, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc... than we could shake a stick at. I also recall the military telling people that airlift and sealift was at a premium and their stuff was on a space available basis. My questions: - with the reduced presence now, are Care Packages still desired? Or are they still the unneeded/unnecessary pain in the ass that they were when I was there? - what do you advise people to send in a Care Package? I ask because people at church are going to send Care Packages. And if they are, I at least want to guide them with some suggestions from those of you that are/were downrange and that can help me advise what stuff to send that won't be a waste of space. Save the porn and lube jokes. Help me to help these folks that want to help you. Thanks.
    2 points
  4. Navy standard. It’s not gay if you’re underway
    2 points
  5. Ugh... wow. Bad timing. I just changed my signature block to Hanlons Razor about a week ago? Jesus that is bad. So sorry. Q-3 for low SA stand by for changing it back. No offense meant.
    2 points
  6. "I think we landed!" LOL Classic. There's always one heckler. My kinda people. 😄
    1 point
  7. Probably the biggest revelation from the Ault report that resulted in change was less about shooting live missiles and more about the handling/care of live missiles. Ordnance guys were literally caveman piecing them together at the time and until change was put about, no method of tracking the life of the missiles was employed. Missiles were literally hung on planes and subjected to weeks/months of carrier landings without inspection. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. ing Catan ruined more friendships for than it built. Definitely send that.
    1 point
  9. Homemade cookies are always good and the church types make good ones. Ensure that a piece of bread is included in the bag. Works great to keep them moist. Depending on the unit, board games can be a big hit. I never knew Settlers of Catan could get so competitive/aggressive, but that game made a deployment way better when it caught on in the squadron.
    1 point
  10. Therein lies the problem. As a nation or political class, we’ve departed the point where there is an objective standard to be held. There’s a Republican standard and a Democratic standard and both seem willing to call out the speck in the others eye while missing the log in their own. Some of these double standards would be just absurd if it wasn’t tragic what it is doing to the nation, let alone the precedents for the future of the federal government. What bothers me the most is that there is a sliding scale of wrong doing that keeps getting more slippery. And yet it’s considered justifiable moral equivalency if it comes from your party. Republicans can’t judge Trump against the law or the Consitution any more than the Democrats can’t judge their own folks.
    1 point
  11. Ours are due to the wing Nov 14. This Thursday.
    1 point
  12. At least it wasn’t Midway. Probably would have ended up on Cicero.
    1 point
  13. I watched them load up as I drove by the runway on my way to work. I was wondering why a few hours later a 130 was circling so low over the gulf. My buddy was in the air as the search started, the amount of help and support was pretty humbling, fighters, bombers, tankers from all over the south were overhead almost immediately (relatively speaking)
    1 point
  14. Corrupt politicians. Redundant. Like assless chaps. All chaps are assless.
    1 point
  15. What are you talking about? There is no room for reasonable discussion. You are either on one team or the other!!!!! Who cares about the country if your team doesn't win??? I'm kidding of course, but it's amazing how many people think this way. I've been called a "libtard socialist" just because I dared to criticize Trump and I've been called a "Trumpster" if I gave any credit to Trump for anything decent that's happened in the past 3 years. It's absurd. I just want corruption to be investigated, congress to learn about compromise, corporate money out of politics, and for the judiciary to be apolitical, but I guess that makes me an enemy to both parties.
    1 point
  16. 2 for 1, not a bad deal. Which one are you going to take your boyfriend to?
    1 point
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