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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2019 in Posts

  1. Real question? It is obvious that, after all of these years posting here, you don’t know me. I’m a little hurt.
    3 points
  2. Just like when the internal combustion engine but the entire horse-transportation industry, the entire steam engine industry, and others out of work forever...the world was never able to recover.
    2 points
  3. This nerd Rogoway’s touching himself to the idea that he got this O-6 to have to close the loop with him.
    2 points
  4. Thank you so much! Glad we made it easy for you...that’s always the goal! Serena is awesome! It was a pleasure working with y’all! Congrats again! Jon 850-377-1114 jk@mythl.com
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Best sushi: Soi bistro best Thai: mama nus, Thai chef close second
    1 point
  7. Because new wingmen don't have the proficiency and experience for going that low. In a training environment, is there a need to press? One size does not fit all. The former SAC Instrument School has morphed into the Advanced Instrument School, and they have done a ton of instrument-flight related research over the years. There is wreckage on final approach in to Osan to prove it. Investigating instrument-approach related mishaps drove some of the restrictions that are in place and the mishap rate in this area dropped significantly.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Please move the above comments to the other thread.
    1 point
  10. Pilots, burger flippers, journalists, boat captains, retailers, taxi drivers, truck drivers:
    1 point
  11. Unless the autonomy is developing itself, there will be jobs; the real question is will people be willing to adapt?
    1 point
  12. Yeah, Joe tried twice to press him on that but didn't follow through.
    1 point
  13. “Feel better” and get hooked on being paid for doing nothing, beholden to the government. Great.
    1 point
  14. Yang’s plan is dead in the water being funded by a 10% VAT, without removing any other tax burdens. Think about your monthly discretionary spending and how close to $1000 a 10% cut of that would be. Even worse he admits that $12,000/year wouldn’t actually fix anyone’s financial woes, but it might make them “feel better”.
    1 point
  15. If I remember correctly, whiteman said they do not expect to run age waivers on their bogidope posting but I’d still apply! I’d be a liar if I said I haven’t been in interviews where a post-30 dude got the job after the unit said they don’t do waivers. You never know man don’t give up! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  16. Why do we have fences and gates around our military bases then? Why do prisons have walls, cells and locks? Why do banks have safes? Why did civilizations build castles and forts? Why is the Vatican surrounded by walls, as well as most "celebrities" homes?!? Walls aren't perfect, but they do a helluva better job of keeping people out than places without them.
    1 point
  17. No. "The Wall" is a device to perform prevention, dissuading, delaying and directing to harsh terrain device to make interception of the determined illegal crossers highly likely, resulting in a far higher level of security that our current rusty screen door with a broken latch physical barriers are. You have to have an imposing physical barrier to prevent crossing then quickly melding/disappearing into adjoining urban areas or difficult to scan/detect and physically intercept rural areas. It is the first step in interception if the illegal crosser is not dissuaded, direct your opponent to where/how you want to fight then finish the engagement. No doubt it will not prevent all illegal crossings but countries still put up SAMs as they know they dissuade and destroy some X percentage of air aggressors. The problem with the detection then interception strategy is the American Legal system coupled with the Globalist Legal / Political / Media Complex. The warping and perversion of the law is incredible, leftists say they want the "smart wall" because they know even if they are detected and caught, that detection and apprehension did two things: used up CBP resources that will likely allow leakers just behind them to get in as CBP will be come saturated and then those apprehended will consume legal resources to prevent removal and again just wear the system down.
    1 point
  18. Hell that Rogoway probably gets off to this forum. Bet he has a great, “I woulda been a fighter pilot but...” story. Now he spends his time writing broad stroke factually incorrect aviation articles inbetween creating dirty tissues and Microsoft flight sim. I respect all that I work with that is the common respect men and women in uniform should extend each other as we are in this together for the greater good of something better than all of us. Sis don’t know what ya did and unless it’s going to come out in a safety brief don’t care to hear about it, her stardom probably had more to do with public affairs and others than her jumping into the spotlight. We all have seen good dudettes hit with that before. Maestro video had already been debriefed no way should be coming up again. As lord ratner pointed out we are in the business of killing people and if that offends the outside masses that stumble upon it then let me recap some of my deployment high lights the last 8 years see if that makes ya feel better. Chances are the offended are more apt to be ignorant and comy at home drinking shitty lattes. Political correctness can suck it and we as professionals should have the backs of or fells bros and bras until they have violated our trust and bond.
    1 point
  19. Just don’t do aerobatics with a cadet in your trunk, you two will be all right
    1 point
  20. Understood, will plan on retaking the test asap. Thanks again
    1 point
  21. It is one of the first things they teach on physical security that barriers are incapable of keeping people out; that thinking the existence of a wall or door will keep someone out is the absolute worst mistake you can make. There is no such thing as an effective barrier. Instead, doors, fences, and locks are delay devices, meant to keep someone busy while the the alarms bring responders. In any real physical security scenario, it is really the responders (and the threat of them) that keep people away, not the walls. Further, when there IS a wall, generally all costs for security and alerting are built into the wall, offering a fantastic opportunity for attackers to plan distractions, costly vandalism, and to circumvent the easily probed security. You k ow how expensive it is to hire a welder to work in the desert, and to haul repair materials out like that? It's certainly not cheap. And then you need an HSI expert to repair and test the security. But the desert doesn't need another delay mechanism. The desert there itself is the delay mechanism, as it takes days to cross, and there's nowhere to hide. Instead, we just need an effective alarm. Instead of a wall or barrier, what we need is drones: cheap, efficient cameras capable of quickly being replaced and covering large areas. Put a motion sensor and anomaly detection on the drone platform, have it call out a second drone for continued monitoring, and follow the incursion while alerting the actual border patrol to send out a truck. This would be far more effective. If a drone goes down or gets shot down, it would be trivial to detect and send replacements and response. All the drones need is a platform for recharging: put them on the border patrol vehicles. We don't need another delay mechanism; we already have one. We just need an effective alarm.
    -1 points
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