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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2018 in Posts

  1. We actually agree. I'm not a Trump the man fan per se. I do like very much what he represents and what he accomplished in upsetting Washington on both sides. I've stated it multiple times before - he beat 16 other run of the mill and/or RINO Republicans, then he beat Hillary. Why is that? Washington, on both sides, didn't like the fact that the plebes upset their collective applecart and are reacting to that 'outrage.' It has been amusing/saddening to see the true intentions/character/actions of the NeverTrumpers and the Republican leadership as well as the Democrats' going full retard in blind opposition (when this is probably the guy to do a deal with). To wit, with the House and the Senate, the GOP refused to repeal Obamacare, among other issues, that they swore, repeatedly, was their priority. They had their chance, for two years, and refused to do so, because they lied repeatedly. If he's allowed to succeed, massive character flaws and all, then the DC good times are jeopardized for a long while, not just this anomaly that thus far has caused the Weekly Standard to go belly-up along with the cushy editorial jobs/TV appearances. So, I want Trump to succeed. Not to stroke his massive, yet curiously fragile, ego, but to demonstrate that the great unwashed masses still run the show, not the select few, or as stated above, "Those in society, who’s opinions matter on the topic." I want to believe that my opinion matters. And I want my children to have that opportunity as well.
    6 points
  2. His Twitter isn’t for anybody but his base who wouldn’t care and want to hear what they want to hear anyway, and the idiot critics who are so obsessed with everything they can’t accept about the guy that they can’t figure that part out. People actually trying to have some sort of high brow philosophical discussion on how he’s “unfit for office” and bringing evidence to the court of discussion being “well he lied about crowd size.” Seriously that’s dumber than his constant bragging and bullshit. He’s what we get for being so TMZ. This a country that votes more to select who is gonna win a reality karaoke show on TV than for the leader of the country. Guess what, it doesn’t care enough to change the channel because Trumps Twitter. Get some better ammo or get a better candidate for 2020, because otherwise this guy wins again while the Democratic Party splinters it’s self into a dozen pieces trying to find the hardest route to an easy victory by deliberately making it more difficult for themselves.
    4 points
  3. I really could not care less what crap the AF peddles through its propaganda arm. I just see what’s around me. Everyone I know that is staying in is planning on a 365. Some guys volunteer for one so they can control the timing/location/job and negotiate an assignment with AFPC. I don’t really give a crap what the AF says, I’ll believe they are making a fix when I see it. I still am seeing guys getting “hot” for that 365 around the 15 year mark and trying to figure out how to avoid it, and ending up “volunteering” for one for the above said reasons.
    4 points
  4. You know who doesn't do forced 365s or useless 179s...the guard and the airlines. Run!
    3 points
  5. You can quote Obama's, Bush's, and all other previous presidents dumb statements all you want but I don't think they compare to the flat out lies, half truths, and 1/4 truths that Trump has stated in the last two years. It's one thing to slip up and say something stupid on camera and another to flat out lie about facts. I'm not an never trump or never anyone guy. I asked a simple question and it never fails that when you question our current president, his "side" will always spout back with "well so and so said this". Its true for both sides. We're fucked.
    3 points
  6. Not entirely true. C130 units are getting tagged with Afghan Air Advisor. We sent three people. Our leadership lucked out that they were volunteers, two of them anyway, one had an ADSC so they voluntold him. It's not just a 179. You have to learn Army, so that is another couple of months. Had leadership had to make a list and start asking -those who said no would have been shown the door. My estimate is we would have lost 20-30% of instructors across each crew position. I'm in a guard unit.
    2 points
  7. Side note, 5 of my squadron mates a few year groups ahead of me have all done 365's so I don't get your magical Unicorn bullshit. The threat is real, and high. So you can suck that rational.
    2 points
  8. Yup. Our TAG is Army. He loves him some Army. The couple of times he has come to our base I think of Buster Bluth "It's Army, mother!" When the task came to our state our leadership told him if we don't get volunteers, we are going to lose a lot of people. As far as ery we call it your LOAC moment. That's when you show to fly, after taking time off from work, they tell you can't because you have not done PT test/flu shot/Green Dot/. Mind you these are local requirements. Best day is when I saw it with one of our best IPs. No PT test no fly. He dropped paperwork that day. The next couple of years should be fun. Forgot to add TAG did not care of we lost people.
    1 point
  9. Until Fingers is replaced. Or until every other eligible person there has deployed for at least 45 days...then it is right back to STRD and # of short tours (listing 2 short tours...you’re probably ok). But I would caution anyone who is counting on the current policy to save them.
    1 point
  10. I just need 45 days deployed to stave one off for five years. Plus, with two under my belt already, there are plenty of other folks that will be more hot for them.
    1 point
  11. I have yet to see a guard PILOT get involuntarily, individually mobilized to a 179/365...only Reserve pilots. I'm not saying it hasn't happened or those days aren't coming, just that I haven't seen it yet in the ANG. I think leadership is smart enough to grasp the reality of the mass exodus that would happen after the first one. Either way, this is just another reason why I'll always recommend the Guard over the Reserves to all my buddies leaving AD.
    1 point
  12. Our T-6 Reservist are getting tagged for 179s as well, I believe they have broken up a few into 90s but there is no guarantee. Getting a Reserve gig may be a nice hold over until your established in Airlines but long term I'm not sure they will be able to retain very soon. Too much AD bullshit seeping into Reserves from what I am seeing.
    1 point
  13. Question from the peanut gallery: Why replace newer KC-10s rather than older KC-135s?
    1 point
  14. That doesn't protect you from the short notice 180. Completely the wing commander's decision on who goes.
    1 point
  15. Well, that makes me feel a little more secure with two short tours and a return date in 2012.
    1 point
  16. Is this based on YG or STRDs? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  17. Using his success in business over his life, I'd say he mostly knows how to push the right buttons to get the desired results. I don't think he'd be where he is if it was all just being "stupid lucky." His personality, demeanor, actions, etc. are a long ways off from what is typically expected in a "real" politician, but as Brick said, that's probably exactly what we needed at this point in our history. The "standard" politicians have given us shit (on both sides of the aisle), so why the fuck would the people want to elect another "standard politician?" I'm all for wrecking the political class in our country - we need to get back to what the founders wanted and away from this horrible "career politician" bullshit. Despite Trump's off color personality and questionable words/actions at times, I hope he has started the movement to bring this country back to the people and out of the hands of the unspoken "ruling class" (e.g. wealthy, career politicians).
    1 point
  18. Yep, so what I said - He never said we're getting a 10% raise. What he was wrong on was the "no raise in 10 years" and "one of the biggest raises." Although maybe (I don't care enough to do the math) with the new standard deduction this may be the most take home pay increase for a lot of mil...but that's not what he specifically said, so not a defending him, just a thought. Also, Brick fucking nailed it.
    1 point
  19. I have several of Bob Stevens' There I Was... books around here, great cartoons from the good ol' days!
    1 point
  20. What makes sense? Are you sure we're in the same Air Force?
    1 point
  21. From the collection of Lt. Col. Roy L. Scott. Instrument Pilot on Flickr The Cavemen's Bomber, B-1 on Flickr
    1 point
  22. Our current 4th Gen will not be properly SLEPd. Too many issues with age and patchwork fixes. Therefore you will spend way more trying to keep them running than purchasing new 4.5 Gen to do the missions F-35 is not required for. I’m not going to get into a “believe me cause I know stuff” argument since I probably fly the same stuff you do. I know, it’s difficult to understand long term funding in terms of man power and parts allocation or even flying hours. Just ask yourself, what is the cost associated with flying a 15/16 vs 35. If you really want to get into the weeds, go hang out with your maintenance as ask intelligent questions.
    1 point
  23. F-4G flew well into the F-15 era, and was damn good at its job. It was never replaced because the AF decided that LO would solve all problems, and we didn't need EA anymore. I think most would agree that was a bad decision. Do you want to start an A-A fight with the F-35 loadout? You're right, F-35 is more than LO, F-15X is also much more than just a new F-15C. There are significant limitations to F-35 and putting all our eggs into that basket isn't perfect. Would I love to have 400 F-22s, yes. Would I love to have the F-35 able to solve all problems, yes. I disagree with your notion that there is no scenario in which I'd rather be in an F-15X than an F-35, but that is as far as I'm willing to go down that discussion. When it comes to cost, the difference in purchase cost is negligible. This is all about sustainment. The F-35 is expensive as hell, the F-15X is cheap by comparison. Does anyone really think we're going to buy 1,763 F-35s? We need some cheaper aircraft with a lot of capability, F-15X is one way to work towards that future.
    1 point
  24. -1 points
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