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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2014 in Posts

  1. Can you guys not even read a bio? Career scholar? She's a WIC grad, former WIC instructor ABM. She has only 900 hours because not all ABM assignments are airborne ones. But clearly you all knew that. She's been a weapons school division cc (sq/cc equivalent), OG, and wing/cc (twice). Oh, and she was deputy CFACC too. So yeah. No relevant experience at all. She's very well regarded by tactically-minded people and did a great job as ACC/CV. And on top of all that she knows how to spell "theater" like an American. Most people with SA are good with this choice.
    7 points
  2. As far as speaking in front of the bros, whether is a farewell, or weapons academics, I've always enjoyed the ice water rule. You can talk as long as you can keep your hand submerged in a bucket of ice water...when you can't stand the cold and take your hand out...your speaking part is over. Cap-10 Posted from the NEW Baseops.net iOS App!
    5 points
  3. So you're saying 3 people found a way out.
    3 points
  4. There's the "Preseparation counseling form" that is supposed to be filled out and ended up in my AFPC records, but when I separated no one checked the rest of the forms. The folks at AFRC said that you were required to outprocess through them, but MPF didn't give a s**t. I don't think they even looked for the preseparation counseling form. What are they going to do, recall you to AD? Out of the weeklong TAP class about 30-45 minutes was useful, like the gouge on getting free LinkedIn Premium (you laugh, got 2 job offers that way, 1 of which I took...). The rest of the time I spent sitting in the back, surfing the net, and talking with the recruiters I'd been talking with before I went to TAP. And they were talking about how they were "getting" to add a 1-2 day "How to use the GI Bill" session because people kept jacking it up.
    2 points
  5. In the other service, we had a SgtMaj Post & Relief and retirement ceremony rolled into one lovely, cloudless August afternoon. On the flightline. In Dress Blue Deltas. With web belts, magazine pouches, canteens (empty), and rifles. The audience seating and the podium were in the afternoon shade of the hangar; the formations were in the sun. The outgoing/retiring SgtMaj was infamous for being long-winded. At about the 30min mark, we heard a sickening crack/thump and a rifle falling to the ground, and a half-dozen people go "Holy shit!". A Corporal passed out; as he was falling his face caught the front sight base of the rifle. Knocked one front tooth completely out, broke the other one almost flush with the gumline, broke an additional tooth, and tore his upper lip open badly. That ignorant longwinded motherfucker continued to ramble on about how much of an honor it was to take care of "his Marines" for 27 years while the corpsman tried to stop the bleeding, while the ambulance rolled onto the flightline with the siren blaring, while they loaded the Cpl into the ambulance, and while they drove off the flightline with the siren blaring again. About 15 minutes after the ambulance left, he finally shut the fuck up. The incoming SgtMaj was clearly uncomfortable with the situation; he spoke for about a minute and closed with "Let's get this over with, before we hurt someone else."
    2 points
  6. Once again, this weekend I'll drink for those who can't in Korea...F you, Air Force.
    2 points
  7. I separate in 88 days. Though I'm deployed right now, I'm trying to accomplish online preseparation counseling so I can focus on moving my family when I get back. Low and behold, the preseparation counseling I am REQUIRED to accomplish is on the Army Knowlege Online site. I have to accomplish this counseling, which by the way, doesn't work on AFCENT computers because of Comm restrictions. So, now I have to call a commercial number from a deployed location to talk to a civilian to work into their schedule to complete their requirements that don't help me one dam^ bit. THIS is why I'm getting out. I can't even separate withough completing some bull$hit requirement that has every road block in place imaginable that does nothing but waste my time.
    2 points
  8. We trust you with aircraft, we trust you with weapons, we trust you with the nations secrets, but I can't trust you to manage a six pack of Budweiser. Thats clearly beyond your pay grade.
    2 points
  9. Thank you, gentlemen. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."
    1 point
  10. It makes the most sense for the C-130Js to go to LRF, simply because the AFRC unit there has no mx backshop facilities of their own, and the AD facilities they would have to use are J-specific. They don't have that infrastructure set up yet in NC, and the H-models there are already well-established. The primary reason why AFRC wants to move the Js out of Keesler have more to do with the fact that they've never really been able to get mx fully manned down at BIX, and during storm season, the slick Js suffer in order to keep the weather birds ready to go. Moving them to LRF will give the AD access to a few more tails and result in an overall better utilization of the aircraft. As for Pope, I think they will stay open, but I doubt they'll get the Js. They will likely become a normal AFRC wing. It's interesting that MS is fighting so hard...for one, they are the only multi-squadron MAF wing in AFRC anymore. They are also one of the best funded due to the weather mission, so the BIX unit isn't really in any jeopardy of closing any time soon. The MS delegation just wants to have their cake and eat it too. In reality, since having the 403rd go to a one-squadron (and well-funded) wing, the 913th having Js and associating with the AD, and Pope keeping their H's to keep the Army and NC politicians happy, that cannot be the possible outcome, because it makes too much sense. Instead, we'll keep the Js in MS, where they won't have any utilization with the RegAF and slick mx suffers every hurricane season, and we'll close LRF right after we hired 600+ people and unfurled the flag. That's more along the lines of how our government and DoD operate.
    1 point
  11. Is that what 4 July stood for? And here this whole time I thought it was mattress sales and getting killed by drunk drivers. At any rate, the only nationalistic holiday I've seen celebrated around my pork belly duty station has been on 5 May if you catch my drift.... :D /stirpot Happy Independence Day everybody. 'Murica... We may suck ass at futból, but we can still FUCK YOU UP.
    1 point
  12. On the passing out in formation ... locked knees will get you everytime. If it was intentional, I recall Ancient Romans were forced to attend Emperor Nero's musical recitals and plays. They were so bad, people faked heart attacks or going into labor so they would have an excuse to leave. The analogy here is clear. Let me give you every CoC speech I've ever heard: Thank you (insert name of person who just handed over guidon here), this is a big honor. Yadda Yadda Yadda, I couldn't have gotten here without the support of my family (cue kid unable to sit still in front row with frazzled wife staring blankly ahead with attempted Stepford Wife Smile), Yadda Yadda Yadda, hard work to do, yadda yadda yadda, /Returns Salute to new squadron.
    1 point
  13. Happy Fourth of July!
    1 point
  14. So? At the zoo we had track stars fall out occasionally. Standing at attention for 45 minutes listening to a scripted speech is stupid.
    1 point
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXSLcYQHqFQ Edit: me no good embed video.
    1 point
  16. Today at the AFSOC Change of Command, 3 people passed out...during a 45 minute ceremony...inside a hanger. THAT is a big part of what's wrong with the AF. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. What you said: What I read: I'm butthurt that i got my AAD before this policy came out and I subscribe to the blanket policy that you should get an AAD regardless of its usefulness or cost to the taxpayers and your family. Wow. Believe it or not, and as vexing as you may consider it, there are officers who have been successful and promoted without an AAD. And transferred their gi bill to their kids. And lived happily ever after.
    1 point
  18. FIFY. You missed the part about her being an ABM.... I keed, I keed.... but, only a little....
    1 point
  19. When General Welsh made "Blues Mondays" optional it seemed to happen almost instantaneously - optional master's degrees? Not so much. The bureaucrats will not accept this new status quo lying on their back. The people who already completed their master's degree feel they "deserve" to be rewarded for drinking the Kool-Aid. All of our current Air Force managers have their master's degrees complete so why should the next generation be exempt from such a ludicrous requirement? Personally, I'd love to get a master's degree in something relevant or useful - if only the Air Force would send me. I refuse to waste my family's time, my time, and the tax payer's money (TA) on a degree that serves no purpose other than checking a box. I know it will hurt my career and may even get me RIF'ed but so be it. I feel that sticking to my guns about what is right is more important than looking out for my own career. The ironic part of this whole mess is that if I get RIF'ed I'll likely go to school full time and complete a master's degree. My advice - if you're not going to play their game, have a backup plan ready.
    1 point
  20. It's not really incorrect when the original question was do "you" know of anyone...
    1 point
  21. Saw this on JQPs facebook page, this guy seems to get it. http://youtu.be/lhL5svtF5m0
    1 point
  22. WELCOME TO EARTH! Or, are we talking about something different?
    1 point
  23. And by all accounts that I'm aware of, she is an outstanding choice. Simon Sinuk occasionally references her in his presentations.
    0 points
  24. I'm glad to see we have a career scholar taking command of the largest theatre of operations w/ new emerging threats.
    -1 points
  25. What you wrote: What I read: Personally, I love to go to Rome or Barcelona - if only the Air Force would send me. I refuse to waste my family's time, my time and taxpayer money doing something that I full well know will further my career and support my family for no other reason than to further my career and continue supporting my family. I feel like doing less work is more important than making sure the career I have is secure, again, the one I use to support my family. The funny part is, although I could take the opportunity to work really hard and do something worthwhile, I'm just going to pass on it now and waste my kid's education benefits that I chose not to give them (they'd have just wasted the opportunity anyways.)
    -2 points
  26. You see, the thing is that if you want to get a degree that is helpful, just go ahead and do that. I feel like I did. That belief squelches the "butt hurt" pretty decently. If you are even reasonably good at what you do, have half a brain when you talk, and don't burn your bridges, you don't need an AAD to get promoted. I don't find it vexing at all. Quite the contrary, I think you can throw a DUI in there for good measure and still get her done (although I'd up the previously stated quals a bit). The real "butt hurt" going on here is from the people being told they don't have to do it, but realize they actually still do. They want it to be true so bad that some will make bad decisions just out of spite. That is the real "wow". For all of the talk about how easy and worthless a TUI/Trident degree is, some people sure make it sound hard to get one. ...and as vexing as you might find it, if you put in the additional effort to actually study (like you say you would if you got a "real degree") you'd learn plenty that would make you a better person and officer. If "you" don't want to get an AAD, just don't. There's no "butt hurt" on my part. I have better things to worry about. Bendy
    -2 points
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