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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. I had the “pleasure” of working in the MPC for the inaugural one in TCM, the one where the only VUL with actual blue air escort / SEAD planned, the MAF planners told them the wrong takeoff time so there was no CAF blue air. This was after the A3 (now the sitting AMC/CV) rightfully chastised all the 130 and 17 flight leads for flying through multiple briefed threats for the “JFE”. Then I heard datalink was a complete disaster in 2019. Similar shenanigans this year?
  2. This POS and his cohorts will have blood on their hands when we get our asses kicked by the Russians or Chinese. But by god at least we don’t have mean tweets anymore!
  3. I never said what Lohmeier did was sound, nor that he shouldn’t be held liable for the consequences ; although I feel that he was willing to fall on his sword for this one. I did say he is 100% correct that Marxist ideology is a threat to the military and that critical race theory is a bunch of BS. I do think Biden hiring a partisan hack to spy on military members social media accounts is a step too far and has a high likelihood of going south.
  4. Yet my former squadron commander can send out Trump bashing articles to their squadron for “mentorship”..with zero consequences. Edit: This was while Trump was still POTUS.
  5. That’s quite the slippery slope. Yes we fall under a different set of rules but let’s not pretend the current administration isn’t actively rooting out members of a particular political leaning in the name of “extremism.” Of course we aren’t talking about Black Lives Matter or Antifa, both of which have representation in our ranks and have done more to destroy society than a few idiots with confederate flags. “Rooting our extremism” is largely hypocritical and not without political bias . Many individuals on this forum voted for Trump but I would bet none of them would come close to actively supporting an insurrection. Based on your logic, they could get rid of the article that bans flogging (93 I think?) and you could say “well you signed up for it!” Lt Col Lohmeier was 100% correct on Marxism in the military - hence why he was to be silenced. Watch your backs dudes, it will get worse, especially after Biden’s handlers decide it is finally time to step him aside for Harris.
  6. We all know what they are defined as.. go woke or go broke
  7. The same could be said about many career fields..
  8. Why is she in MN? Shouldn’t she be addressing her failing district in LA? Oh wait, she doesn’t even live in her slum of a district.
  9. There are currently many senior leaders who do that, affirmative action at its’ finest. I would hate to be hired for a job I believe I earned due to my skin color. Kind of goes against the whole MLK vision for not seeing people based on their skin color but character, you know the rest.
  10. These “diversity chiefs” and MEO types are the worst kind of people. They are an infection to the military. I am sure the PRC has diversity chiefs in its’ higher echelons...It’s going to get worse before it ever gets better - that or we will go the way of the Romans.
  11. God wouldn’t one command be enough to lose all your hair? The Dyess situation is toxic, not to mention the IG is under the scope as well. Not surprised.
  12. $10 says iPhones will now become racist next
  13. “I hope these riots continue” Now sitting Vice President Kamala Harris.
  14. Slavery, Jim Crow, Japanese internment, losing the Vietnam war, the Iraq war...and this is what you chose as the most shameful?
  15. Probably auto deleting nonner BS emails like this.
  16. Yeah they are both wrong and constitute extremism, why is that such a difficult concept to some people?
  17. This day and age a liberal president is more likely to engage us in conflict that a conservative one. How the tables have turned.
  18. Not seeing anyone butt hurt? Just making fun of the wokeism that has plagued our academy and the military. Do we even care about winning wars anymore?
  19. What are we doing about it? So far this current administration seems to only care about inclusion, uniform changes and feelings.
  20. Much like the O community, there are a lot of dirtbags that make it to the top towards Senior and Chief (if you have ever deployed, then you know). They look good on paper because they’ve stepped over their peers who are hacking the mission. Then they become SELs who have zero credibility in whatever technical mission and compensate by going after mustaches and short lengths instead of helping run the squadron.
  21. I’ve asked various commanders I’ve worked for why we don’t strat more than 15-20% unlike the Marines that strat everyone. Most say something along the lines of “the Air Force doesn’t care about you if you’re not in the top 15-20%. It’s just another method to discretely maintain an HPO system. I wish we would strat everyone 1-n, there should be no question on where an officer stands relative to their peers. But that would eliminate the cat string that causes officers to think that they still have a chance.
  22. On the MAF side, 50% of those selected for Phoenix Eagle did not do residence IDE. Many of them are commanding flying squadrons now. The real benefit of IDE for folks that want to stay in and command is an automatic vector to a staff assignment before DO/CC.
  23. Cool debate and back and forth per usual...what does the congressman think about our discussion? Air Force pilot to Air Force pilot..??
  24. She’s a huge social justice warrior and nonner; of course the dude was obviously the bad guy in this divorce mess. Good lord does she have anything better to do?
  25. What OSS is that? OSS ADO is nothing but queep..
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