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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. He was NOT a herc guy, tanker dude…not that it matters, every community has their chodes. My last comment was tongue in cheek, but the MAF has historically been run by strat air. edit: guess he started off as a 141/C-17 dude, first time he “flew” tankers was as their Sq commander, first time he “flew” hercs was his infamous stint as the Little Rock Wing King where he ended the careers of 3 Sq/CCs.
  2. It’s not elder abuse, the POS is responsible for his own actions. He has decades long history of saying the most nonsensical things, not the mention a long history of racist comments that no one cares about since his name is preceded with a D. It’s okay, half the country voted for him and no mean tweets!
  3. Things are changing, the new AMC CC and Vice are two of the most respected leaders in the herc community. See!? You all just needed some herc seeds for things to improve 😉.
  4. No matter our opinion on the vaccine, this is a huge win for this country and our liberties. It’s amazing to see checks and balances in work. America will be okay.
  5. We can’t talk about BLM in reference to the tragic day of Jan 6 that eclipsed Pearl Harbor and 9/11! How dare you bring up Whataboutism? We can’t afford to have our hypocrisy come to light. Those poor businesses in towns like Minnesota (most of them non-wealthy black owners) are the price of decades of systemic racism and the system rigged against minorities of the most free nation on Earth. Last time I checked, everyone in the Capital still has a job. Same can’t be said for the thousands of poor souls without a livelihood because of the Marxist BLM thugs.
  6. Idk man I’ve seen it’s value in a certain commandant command. For one, as long as they are prior 11s/12s, they were value added in the AOC when I needed something down range. They were filling spots that 11s/12s would have to fill anyways. They were essentially ALOs/AMLOs but at the COCOM level. They could easily speak to Army/Marine (our primary users) numbnuts on the staff on our behalf so I didn’t have to explain things like tac duty day and crew rest a million times. (No offense to our Marine/Army bros here - just different cultures when you are working with ground dudes). Is it highly likely that whoever was their program manager botched the rollout leaving many of them making corn on the AOC floor? Wouldn’t surprise me.
  7. If no one drove cars and everyone just rode bicycles everywhere or horse driven wagons there would be no car accidents.
  8. What a hot mess. I’m glad it got the attention of Rep Crenshaw but sadly nothing will come of this. We have seen similar stories in our own foxholes but nothing this egregious. The worst part is, this SJW crap only further undermines qualified minorities and women that actually made it through merit.
  9. He’s just saying how most common sense people feel out loud. Initial outbreak so everyone quarantine? Fine. Get the initial vaccine and wear masks? Fine. Social distance and be smart? Fine. Delta, Omicron, masks on masks off masks on masks off now on, the Biden admin and their thug Faucii’s fear tactics and ineptitude, vaccine mandates, said ineptitude bleeding into the military by bullying and ostracizing people to get the vaccine (now booster), “we will tell you whether you can see your family for Christmas,” half the workforce too lazy to work now because of Covid entitlements?! Yeah most of us are tired of this bullshit.
  10. Similarly there’s a significant portion of our populace that thinks it’s prudent to regulate free speech, criminalize so called “hate speech”, believe in cancel culture and whine like a bunch of third graders when they hear an opinion different than what their gender studies professor told them. It’s pathetic. Absolutely true though, free speech has consequences and only protects you from the government.
  11. In other news, Joe Biden finally admits there is no federal solution to Covid and that it should be handled at the state level. So this means all the federal mandates will go away right? That’s kind of how this is supposed to work?
  12. Capt and Lt close out season is going to be a nightmare for the front office folks in a flying squadron. Unless they break it down further by year groups?
  13. The older I get the more I see those in the chain of command above the Sq level stick their nose into discipline, ranging from FEF action to LORs. Is this normal? Depends on leadership? What is a “normal” level of involvement from Group / Wing leadership when it comes to Sq/CCs handling discipline or FEF action?
  14. Fear and ridicule are excellent persuasion tactics though! The Air Force has taught me that.
  15. Fair enough! I enjoyed my time in the platform, granted it was my first deployment and I was a single Lt..but damn were there some bitter people in that community and I don’t blame them.
  16. Not sure what your last point is, are you trying to say that even Donald Trump got the booster so why would most non-vaxxers (conceivably Trump supporters) not get it?
  17. My bad! Sadly the sentiment you were mocking is more common than we think and not surprising.
  18. Jesus, I don’t agree with those refusing the vaccine but good lord, I hope you aren’t in a position of command or power in the Air Force.
  19. So to be fair, only 2 of those 5 actually got fired, I know still terrible but the Air Force times conveniently left that part out. That being said, not many senior leaders have a vested interest in rooting out toxic leadership, all they need to do is look in the mirror.
  20. Calling him Brandon is far better than the things they called Trump. It’s harmless fun.
  21. Clickbait? Perhaps, but the looniness of certain BLM types leaves me not surprised.
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