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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. 2007 Armed Forces Bowl 2010 FW Alliance Air Show 2010 FW Alliance Air show Last Pred based in Iraq (Nov 2011 version). July 2015 West of the Philippines July 2015 Thailand 2010 Cleveland National Air Show July 2015 West of the Philippines
  2. WSJ: The Racial Reality of Policing Interesting and probably fairly realistic perspective. While the way police work should be constantly examined, as with most processes, this is the stark reality: Also worth reading for perspective: WSJ: The March of Foolish Things with Thomas Sowell Favorite part:
  3. Getting a "your forum has disabled image sharing from this app" error when trying to post a photo from iOS app. Has anyone else seen similar?
  4. Nah, they'll probably just call them late to the IP.
  5. Getting them to not operate under the organic asset model will absolutely be interesting.
  6. It's at least 3 times as large sts as the other forums, I can't see it being tough to miss. And UTFSF! JK, I don't actually have anything against this idea. Evidence on first claim:
  7. I'm not sure exactly what the "FO 05" and "FO 02" are, but possible image placeholders for thumbnails that didn't link correctly? Could be a browser thing; running Firefox on Win7.
  8. Falls in the queue somewhere after still waiting to get the Link.
  9. People’s Liberation Army’s Unit 61398? I didn't think we were that popular.
  10. Trying the same thing and expecting different results?
  11. So you're saying, for once, something F-35 related is operational?
  12. Yadda yadda yadda fighters shouldn't even have a radar Not a very credible critique
  13. Our people wrote the underwhelming requirements. All goes back to the VSTOL.
  14. Or maybe the mws watch design isn't all that great.
  15. I'd venture most of the US Americans don't pay enough attention to know the difference.
  16. The only real trend is that historical data is not reliable for upt assignments.
  17. Yes, there's a difference even in UAVs, folks; more things on the doc statement than letting it self-wheel itself*. *Pop culture reference for those unfamiliar.
  18. There's the 152 AOG in New York AOC-wise, unsure hiring status. Edit: apparently they support USAFE...didn't realize that. Sounds terrible.
  19. How can you show career progression when you go straight to the MoH so early?
  20. Most of the "CAS" you're talking about in Afghanistan isn't CAS, it's dynamic targeting using CAS procedures. The two should not be confused, but they have been. We have a CAS JP, we have DT MTTPs, and they should be used for their appropriate applications. And satellite time is expensive. Very.
  21. But isn't that the current evolution? Aerodynamics are largely the same, and sure there are advancements to be made, but computational advancements can be much more quickly and cheaply upgraded than physical ones.
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