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Sua Sponte

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Everything posted by Sua Sponte

  1. All that O-6 money and he couldn't fix the gap that you could fly a Herk through. Sad.
  2. He only got NJP because the key witness in the government’s case refused to testify.
  3. Yep https://www.stripes.com/news/us/air-force-general-to-retire-after-probe-finds-misconduct-1.549450
  4. https://www.18af.amc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1647272/plea-deal-reached-in-former-scott-afb-commander-sexual-assault-case/
  5. If Kavanaugh was in the military, he’d be going to a General Court Martial based on this complaint. That’s how damaging and scary any sexual assault allegation in the current times we live in.
  6. There’s a former Boom Operator, turned AFSOC pilot, who was court martialed for drugs. He’s currently flying for a famous cargo company. Anything can happen. Timing is everything and it’s all about who you know.
  7. He was a BUFF guy previously and OSI found out he was banging a SrA while deployed to Guam before he went to XL. http://afcca.law.af.mil/content/afcca_opinions/cp/hill-38979.u.pdf
  8. It's fun...unhealthy for your career though 😂
  9. So, no different than the history major serving you drinks and the art major washing dishes in the U.S? Wait, the U.S. grads are probably $50K+ in debt due to the private college they attended, unlike their European counterparts. No one put a gun to their heads either to major in those subjects. They should’ve known exactly what their potential employment prospects looked like before they graduated.
  10. Depends on what color your skin is.
  11. You have the same problem in certain FTU’s as well.
  12. Less flexible to utilize as well.
  13. Whoops http://www.ktvu.com/news/2-bay-area-pilots-indicted-on-charges-of-lying-on-medical-forms
  14. What a petty douche. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-rejected-plans-for-a-white-house-statement-praising-mccain/2018/08/26/0d0478e4-a967-11e8-8f4b-aee063e14538_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d0640e38b3dd
  15. A lot of IMA's work in TACC on the floor. A few of my friends enjoyed it, no flying.
  16. Bullshit. I've seen a person Art 15'd for a questionable GTC expense from 2-3 years previous. Commanders have the ability to pull audits of anyone's GTC at anytime. I mean, a majority of them are more focused on that stuff than actual flying, so that makes sense.
  17. No, they’re too busy watching Fox News about that illegal killing that college girl and trying to craft a response somehow using Benghazi and emails at home. I wonder what the Hannity/Trump daily phone call tone was after the verdict and plead were announced... A Marine Reservist Rep. Duncan Hunter from california and his wife we’re indicted yesterday for campaign fund misuse.
  18. All ISIS has to follow them on social media to see all their selfies in the cargo compartment with NVG’s on.
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