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Sua Sponte

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Everything posted by Sua Sponte

  1. My favorite was the “Fear the Rat” that was etched on every shitter on Manas, even the one in OG building.
  2. Depends on your rank. Same rank? Sure. Outrank him? No problem. Don’t outrank him? Expect paperwork. We had a prior Boom that was a newer copilot when I was at Fairchild. Under the radar he was seeing an AFE girl, which became public once they got married after she separated. She was pregnant and Rat did math backwards. He ended up tanking the dude on his OPR and sending him to be an AMLO with the Army in Ft. Riley. I guess on the way out of the door he said something shitty like “enjoy seeing your future kid working with the Army.” He ended up getting out, joining a reserve KC-10 unit, teaching UPT as a reserve unit, now back at KC-10 unit. Great dude, Rat totally boned him, but even I can attest when Mother Blue gives you a bad deal, your an still succeed.
  3. I’ve known Rat for years. He could honestly give a shit what others thought of him. I know that it probably upsets him that he never climbed into GO status being a HPO throughout his whole career and all. I always laughed at how no community claimed him as “theirs.” The Herk bubbas thought he was a tanker dude, which was impossible since he despised the KC-135 and community. He’s a strat airlift dude (-141/-17) by trade, but they wouldn’t claim him either. Dude was a Captain Sobel who got promoted O-6 status. I will say this, he was a really good pilot flying with him a few times. But the -141 apparently flew like the -135 does, which means a 1979 Lincoln Mark VIII. He was also one of the douches who bounced out of town with his MSM in tow on his way to school when Fairchild failed their ASEV in 2010 while Rat’s old DO, who replaced him as CC, was the scapegoat in that and was relieved of command over it. Thankfully that guy, who’s a great dude, was taken care of by some GO’s later on and made O-6 and was the Vance CV a few years ago.
  4. He was my Sq/CC at Fairchild and Manas. He made a copilot, who just had testicular cancer, talk about it in front of the squadron. He ordered a copilot in from his two weeks time off after a deployment with his family to have a formal promotion ceremony to Captain. It pissed Rat off that the guy was super pissed at him for coming in to have a promotion ceremony. Later on the guy was supposed to assume alpha alert early in the morning. The night prior he felt sorta ill, but thought he’d feel better in the morning. He woke up and felt worse, went to the flight doc and went DNIF. Rhatigan was so mad at him, he gave him an LOC/LOR for dereliction of duty since he thought the guy was trying to get out of alert duty (which was a god send to do, since you were away from the squadron and Rat). The guy is in the Guard now last I heard. I personally flew with Rat on a deployment sortie when he was my deployed Sq/CC. Since we had three pilots on board, I took my copilot back to the boom pod and let him refuel A-10’s and F-16’s all day. I felt bad for him since the cruise out to the AOR meant Rat was GKing him on all of the various Soviet era airfields between Manas and Bagram. If Rat’s reading this, he was pretty good, but I can’t believe your allowed that to happen being the A-Code! Oh yeah, one more story. Guy that was a copilot/AC at Fairchild was in Rat’s squadron. He ended up going to Kadena and getting into some “TDY Shenanigans” while on a typhoon evac that got him an Art 15. He ended up deploying soon after when Rat was the new OG at the Deid. Rat sends out an email about his “vision” and about himself as the new OG. Guy in question responds with “Hey, maybe we should lunch sometime dude.” Why? Who the knows? He tells me the next day his crew shows up and the ADO tells him that his crew is off the schedule and that he has a personal meeting with Rat. So, he goes and see Rat in his office during meeting time and Rat says “Hey, ###, come on in. Haven’t seen you in a long time.” He walks in, not thinking defensively, and sits down and Rat immediately stands him at attention yelling at him about how he’s a Colonel and how dare he use lack of email professionalism, how he had the audacity to ask Rat to write him a character reference to the Wing King at Kadena when he got his Art 15, etc. The switches tones and says “yeah, we should do lunch with me and your crew sometime, just let me know!” Rat was an English major at USAFA and speech writer for the SECAF. We used to have to select 93 ARS/All distrobox, then manually remove his name from a squadron wide email because he “hated spam.” He used to print out emails that people would sent him on various day-to-day issues, order them to his office, and proceed to pull out a red pen and correct their grammar in front of them in the email. He’s Selva’s boy (was his Wing Exec when he was a Wing King). That is most likely the only reason when as far as he did. The people I personally know who he ruined their careers are doing well in the majors. I’m not really surprised that he isn’t flying for the airlines knowing the amount of black lists he’d appear on.
  5. You can also do TAPS at your house. You’re just required to get the briefings by CBT’s and show the Family Readiness Center the certificate at the end.
  6. Once you go terminal leave, you don't come back unless it's for some kind of administrative thing, which usually isn't good.
  7. Found the problem. https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-rhatigan-1814b622/
  8. Knowing who one of the DCMA pilots are in Seattle, I’m not surprised this happened.
  9. You’re welcome C-17 USAFA grad who has T-Mobile, dad went Stanford, and enjoys Euro cars.
  10. Otherwise known as any GS that works in the student admin flight of any TRS.
  11. A lot of it is grand standing. It’s still gray area if a president can pardon himself while in office. And as most everyone knows the president has wide discretion to issue a pardon to whoever he wants. Which is really the catalyst why the NY AG/DA indicted Manafort and possibly more of Trump’s family knowing he has no pardon jurisdiction in state proceedings. I expect the Mueller Report to blow up in the face of the Dems much like the pitchfork raising Republicans had the Starr Report/Impeachment blow up in theirs, specifically Newt Gingrich in the 90’s. If it does, it’ll be a landslide re-election of Trump for another four years.
  12. Huh? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/read-muellers-full-indictment-against-12-russian-officers-for-election-interference Pretty sure most of the people on that indictment didn’t talk to Mueller’s Special Counsel or are in the U.S.
  13. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2019/03/12/air-force-colonel-at-norad-found-not-guilty-of-sexual-assault-convicted-of-assault/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=Socialflow+AIR&utm_medium=social
  14. Before he was jerking off in front of chicks, he had a great skit on divorce.
  15. http://ktar.com/story/2244099/martha-mcsally-says-shed-vote-to-confirm-brett-kavanaugh/ “We also need fairness where individuals can’t just have one person without any corroboration impact such an important decision,” she said.
  16. Some of the original -46 FTU IP/IB’s might actually be able to instruct in the -46 for less than a year, out of a 3/4 year tour, before having to PCS. But probably not.
  17. So, don’t list your buddy who’s a weed dealer as a reference?
  18. The camera system looks like a black and white version of a 7/11 security camera.
  19. How the would they know if you don’t mention it?
  20. That would depend on the state. Washington State considers talking on the phone without a hands free connection a “E-DUI.” First offense is $136. Second offense, if within five years of the first offense, is $234.
  21. No Roger Stone talk? Odd. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/19/us/roger-stone-instagram-judge.html
  22. A low legal standard which is reviewed by JAG’s of this caliber. https://afcca.law.af.mil/afcca_opinions/cp/khalji_-_39304.u.pdf Administrative action is just a fancy way of saying, “I don’t have enough for a beyond reasonable doubt legal standard conviction with this issue, but I can still tank your career anyway since I don’t like the alleged conduct you’ve displayed.”
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