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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. oh no you don't...we KNEW pretty early on that covid was statistically a non event for young, healthy people. and turns out Fauci and his buddies at Pfizer KNEW it didn't prevent the spread...we were told straight up lies and coerced into taking a shot that provides zero protection and is very harmful...latest numbers i heard were 1 in 800 have side effects. that is a very high number and this shot should NEVER have been MANDATED. so don't give me this 20/20 bullshit....the warnings were being issued very early on but FUCKING CENSORED
  2. just started reading "The Real Anthony Fauci"... that dude and his cronies need to be in JAIL
  3. i'm tellin ya we let zelensky hijack american foreign policy and it's going to lead us right into world war 3 so foolish from this inept biden administration
  4. there is still A LOT of crow to be eaten from the vax enthusiasts on this site...
  5. chang is not a troll he's a well placed flag officer...
  6. Just ordered that book can’t wait to read it
  7. what's laughable is anyone pinning their hopes on a "bonus" in this pilot hiring market
  8. this has GOT to be my wife trolling on baseops...
  10. it hasn't been that way for at least 15 years
  11. no. do what stoker said. plenty of time to use UPT sims
  12. this is a really good point. on paper he is a very beatable opponent
  13. this is just me, but i would NEVER pay to go to my unit. if that was the deal i'd either A. move (most of the time not practical) or B. find a new unit closer.
  14. like showing vax cards to enter businesses, work, or school? hmmm
  15. biden would never go on something like this lol trump is a gangster
  16. The fact no one in the DOD pushed back against bagram being closed and using Kabul to withdraw is the biggest WTF of the entire event. and if you’re not being heard resign. But that takes moral courage…something clearly lacking in senior DOD “leadership”
  17. some things don't need data. it's called common sense. since the beginning of time children have been raised with a mother and father. *cue you googling tribes that raised the kids together* look at the plight of black americans and the percentage of black children born single mother household. *BUT RACISM!* cute. God made the institution of marriage to raise children. this country was founded on christian principles and it has since strayed into anything but those. THAT is the root cause. "BUT THATS NOT MY TRUTH!!!" and no i will not entertain any arguments that say the US was NOT founded on christian principles. the other problem is adults have not acted like adults. the safe space generation was never told "no". kids can't just identify as whatever they want. there's reality regardless of how someone IDENTIFIES. we've placated the lowest common denominator for too long instead of telling them NO.
  18. kind of like Biden using "extremist MAGA republicans" funny how that works
  19. "clean" energy lol if the left really was worried about "climate change" (notice global warming labeling has been removed), they would embrace nuclear power. biden has been a totally inept president.
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