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Day Man

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Everything posted by Day Man

  1. this shit has nothing to do with Ukraine/Russia
  2. Anyone can cherry-pick science and apply their own opinions...that's what we're discussing here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7245522/
  3. seems legit: just because you find something that supports your side, doesn't mean it's settled
  4. If the clinic isn't bombed first (ya know, to preserve the 'sanctity of life')πŸ™„
  5. who said all those were newborns? who mentioned race? is it possible a couple (not just a woman) tried to make it work and realized they couldn't? only 7% of those in foster were less than a year old...most were due to neglect. so let's have kids that are raised in shitty environments whose parents weren't interested in the 1st place...that plan couldn't possibly backfire.
  6. there are plenty of stories of IUD babies, pill babies, condom babies, vasectomy babies...accidents happen despite precautions. in 2020 there were 400k+ in foster care...that number, or women's deaths due to inaccessible health care, will only go up.
  7. https://kinzinger.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=402924 πŸ€”
  8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. glad to hear. out of curiosity, why didn't you reach out initially? he (Trident) has like 69+ glowing reviews in this thread alone.
  10. what's your confidence level on getting this job (IE, has the hiring authority told you it's yours)? if it's less than 100%, I'd delay until you have a few months of expenses saved.
  11. they PM'd me (for some reason?) asking the same thing...I assumed it was a russian 12 yr old and reported itπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  12. I wonder what happened in 2020 that could have crushed demand so severely? We may never know. And 16-20 seems to be a continuation of the path it was on under the Obama admin minus this.
  13. I've been watching adsbexchange for the past few days and there's been multiple tankers around here 24/7 it seems (much credit to the mobility crews and mx). current screengrab shows 3x -135s and 1x -10 (with a NATO AWACS in the bottom right):
  14. I really want this to be true because this is some gangster-ass shit from a president
  15. you mean like @congressman? how tf do you embed tweets?
  16. 2 if you don't have twitter, use incognito/private browsing to scroll at will.
  17. concur...like "leadership" that spreads unfounded rumors around aviation incidents? you have less than 0 credibility.
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