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Everything posted by Breckey

  1. Well he is a fighter pilot...
  2. I saw a presentation from Redstone, that mentioned the Block 2.5 -60U's will be built to the MH-60M standard with a couple other doo-dads. From what i gathered it will be converted on the same assembly line, which means there won't be 200lbs of extra wiring chilling in the baffles of the aircraft.
  3. Or the CSAF email from the USAFA smack.
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/18532986@N07/sets/72157626140462192/with/5475227251/ Pretty sweet gallery of painted A-2 jackets.
  5. That and you don't wear a visor when using NVG's
  6. The CABIN ALT light didn't come on until 14 seconds before impact, passing ~20k ft. I'd assume he was conscious the whole time because he initiated a recovery only 11 seconds later.
  7. Looks like LM's eyes were bigger than its stomach.
  8. And not one deployment medal.
  9. We got an SII from 20 AF today reminding us not to hit things while flying. Thanks for that Global Strike
  10. Fingertip references must be difficult
  11. Speaking of that, Michael Yon wrote a bunch of stories on a MEDEVAC failure that he witnessed in September. Give great kudos and praise to the Pedros. http://www.michaelyon-online.com/red-air-americas-medevac-failure.htm
  12. Yuppers. Soon we will rule the Big Sky alone. Mwahahaha!! But on a more serious note, it seriously sucks for those guys if they lose the C-27.
  13. There was a plan to supplement but not fully replace. As late as 00-01 timeframe there were initial plans for a Pave Low V. The full Opsrey solution only came about when the end of the Pave was not able to be averted.
  14. I uploaded the MQF into the download section. I'm still working on getting the figures uploaded.
  15. Would have been tough getting them on LHC's though.
  16. Does anybody know if there is a memo or something authorizing the Rocky S2V as flight approved. Global suck command is only allowing the Belleville's, and i know that the 60 guys wear them with impunity.
  17. The F-35 has the capability for A/A and A/G internal weapons carriage. Externally it supports mavericks, dumb bombs, and rockets. Also the thing carries something on the order of 18k of gas. Probably as much loiter time as the viper, if not more.
  18. The more WTF moment is why your reading a blog called "Crazy Aunt Purl"
  19. One: these are just test birds. Two: these aircraft will be going to do Nellis range support to free up the aircraft there to the CAF and do not necessarily need the AR boom or CSAR gizmos break break Looks like CVLSP is dead...again. https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=a7b503992b4be8388d31db75b81b69e5&_cview=0
  20. You know it doesn't say that you can put your wallet in the pockets of your flight suit. Must not be authorized.
  21. Had this discussion with a Chief on Friday. He said that if it's not approved in the AFI, then it's not allowed. I did some researching and discovered that that language was in the previous version of the uniform reg but is absent in the new one. So as long as its not forbidden or modifying the purpose of a uniform then its good to go.
  22. I believe they can carry SDB's. There was a designation change to F/A for a couple of years in the early 2000's for budget reasons i think.
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