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Everything posted by fire4effect

  1. They'll find it in a remote desert parked next to Flight 19
  2. My money is on this guy. 10 percent finder's fee and I'll go look for it myself.
  3. Problem is more than a few tails end up there (and other salty environments) for extended periods under questionable write-ups (shocking I know) and the salt air is eating airframes and engines to the bone. I've seen it.
  4. I get the frustration, but the Army vs Air Force perspective can get skewed when you have a lot more E-4s who can get tagged for a DUI or abusing a GTC etc. but I digress. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've never had a problem with a jet getting a DUI. (i.e. a career managing equipment vs people)
  5. This is my idea of my first close encounter. Best part starts about 3:00
  6. To be fair Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are making more kids to keep paying to keep Social Security solvent for a little while longer. And having more fun while at it. When does male fertility decline? Men having children late (yahoo.com)
  7. As long as they don't decide the same thing with our crewed assets like say a P-8. Talk about something with tech they would certainly like to look at. I really hope Putin isn't that crazy.
  8. Holding the right person accountable will require enough votes in November 2024. That said in all fairness I blame his predecessor for setting the wheels in motion. The real tragedy is the espousal of women's rights by certain political entities here when so many women were left hanging quite possibly literally by their leadership.
  9. I have a mix of relatives across the spectrum (age and ideology) in Florida with warm weather and no state income tax as the biggest motivator. I honestly can't argue their point.
  10. What's really funny is that when the current administration pushes hard for green energy and limits exploration it means people with currently producing wells get more. Generally speaking.
  11. And they better not miss. When the Stauffenberg plot missed Hitler he could have arguably been diagnosed with a whole range of psychological issues with over the top paranoia at the top of the list. Imagining that mindset with nukes is scary to say the least.
  12. Flights out of Russia sell out after Putin orders partial call-up | Reuters Getting while the getting is good
  13. Taliban jabs Pakistan over US drones: ‘don’t use your airspace against us’ (msn.com) I have my guesses, but I'll keep them to myself. The best part is this has the Taliban guessing too. I nominate "The Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice" as my next target. Just aim for the no girls allowed sign on the front door.
  14. Finnish PM Sanna Marin under fire after party video surfaces | Fox News That's a politician I could certainly get behind.
  15. That's kind of how I viewed Trump. No one really knew what to expect.
  16. Top Pakistan Taliban leader killed in Afghanistan roadside attack (msn.com) Maybe "something" fell off a Reaper landing at the side of the road. "Now that would be shear artistry"
  17. If you want a good read on the risk and how to mitigate it talk to any AG Flying company out there. Out in East Arkansas a company many years ago used to give a "check ride" that consisted of watching someone do high speed ground runs up and down the strip (to see how they handled the aircraft on the runway) with some take offs and landings thrown in. Most of the AG strips were asphalt parallel to grass. Take off heavily loaded from the asphalt and land on the grass. Grass was more forgiving on landings and WAY better mitigating tire wear given the number of take offs and landing inherent in that business.
  18. I hope this raises the collective paranoia of all those animals. Always wondering if the guy standing next to them is gonna drop the proverbial dime. Plenty of people were and continue to be brutalized after the Taliban took over and carry a trusty Roshan phone. Some media reports say it was the RX9 "Flying Ginsu".
  19. I always wonder what would have happened if we bagged Bin Laden in Tora Bora early in the game and if we would have gotten so far down the rabbit hole.
  20. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/18/politics/afghanistan-watchdog-report/index.html No surprise here.
  21. RKG-3 Grenade Near Miss on Stryker | Military.com These were used at times by the insurgents in Iraq. 2-3 could pop out of an alleyway and lob them at a Humvee. Small parachute in the tail. Fortunately it didn't seem to be a common occurrence. Unfortunately this looks like something a few saavy terrorists could do over a large open air stadium on a random Saturday in October.
  22. Commercial will always win out on sheer volume. On the engine side the Air Force has gotten a little smarter when they push commercial derivative engines like for the B-52/TF-33 replacement. Especially smaller sub-vendors have little desire to make 10-20 widgets for the Air Force given how PITA the source approval process is. I actually know a couple of really smart types who were in the government but are making good money now helping the commercial world put together source approval packages to submit for government contracts. Back to the TF-33. Any platform that gets away from that train wreck of an engine can't get here soon enough. One upside to the Wedgie is it uses the very reliable CFM-56 which has a good availability of parts worldwide and will for a long time. Best airframe in the world isn't very effective sitting on the ramp.
  23. Damn. Interesting how this plays is Mother Russia.
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