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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. Burt Maclin had unfinished business.
  2. Bahahahahhahaahaha!!!! Standing by for DADT jokes.
  3. Robin Olds gets an entry. http://www.badassoftheweek.com/index.cgi?id=784151231971
  4. You will be issued one and will have (probably) have to show some basic proficiency with it during UPT when making a fuel log and calculating turn points. Don't buy one unless you really want to.
  5. I should countersue for an extreme lack of sense of humor. I'm pretty sure talking about sucking out a wad I shot into a corpse is not a literal thing. I would not be surprised to see things as small as "so to speak" being banned. I would say that it would have to be closed door but isn't that basically where she saw all this stuff anyway?
  6. This is the first Onion article I ever read and is still one of my favorites. So hilarious.
  7. Also, I know now it seems like flying is going to be this magical thing that you'd be willing to sacrifice anything to achieve. However, one day you will realize that it is just a job, and the things in life that actually matter won't be there with your current vector. Just be yourself and sell that. It's much easier/effective to do that than try to be some character you saw in Top Gun.
  8. Interesting factoid: The sound you hear from his pocket watch during the film is recorded from Lincoln's actual pocket watch from his presidential library. I really wonder if that movie would have affected the Presidential election with the Democrats painted as a bunch of racist, slave holding jerks and the Republicans as the great hope for black people. Please don't assume this sentence is a Democrat bat signal to start another political jihad in a good thread (@nsplayr).
  9. Good night, Chesty. Wherever you are. Aside: I wonder how many people know the AF birthday without going to Google.
  10. We really need a sarcasm font 'round here.
  11. How does that work without Sniper pods?
  12. They won't have every single possible perk, but they will bring the essentials along. Hell, ask some older cranium Hog dudes and airlift guys about early days at Bagram. And due to the expeditionary nature of the Marines, having that capability is necessary. Like you pointed out, the Harrier hasn't had to do that (to my knowledge), but having that capability is a nice card to have.
  13. Pretty sure Obamacare is retroactive to the bubonic plague and every problem since.
  14. I'm sure she'll land on her feet like this upstanding citizen. **NSFW....AND GROSS!** http://www.huffingto..._n_1597062.html
  15. You know it's serious when twitter gets involved.
  16. Best part of that story was that a citizen from North Dakota filed to have New York secede from the union. That's beautiful.
  17. Hey Sweet I'm SOF...THAT is how you troll people.
  18. Just become a 4 star/one of his buddies. http://news.msn.com/politics/general-investigated-for-emails-with-petraeus-friend
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