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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. http://www.af.mil/information/bios/bio.asp?bioID=5950 For those wondering who that is.
  2. "The Dark Knight Rises". Very solid flick. Didn't find it to be as good of a film as "The Dark Knight" and Bane wasn't as good of a villain as Joker (hard for anyone to measure up to that), but it was a good conclusion to the trilogy.
  3. Why's that in the WTF thread? You some kind of hateful bigot?
  4. Since we all have Masters degrees now, we should be able to use some of that next-level thinking to come up with a solution.
  5. IIRC, things were pretty great for the 7 letter A word types pre 9/11.
  6. Check out this article about Officer retention in the Army. Apparently it's not just us dealing with the clown act. http://m.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/01/why-our-best-officers-are-leaving/8346/1/
  7. When she completes the giant death ray on the moon and enslaves humanity, don't expect a good word from me!
  8. Difficult to get tags? Easier as military?
  9. I see what you did there....That was funny. So you need to be a commissioned officer to make inputs on a thread that's subject matter is 75% scantily clad women and the other 25% people telling other people they're stupid? At least she brings something interesting (although often mistimed) to the table. And if you don't see the stupidity of your argument, you need to get caught up on your Orwell.
  10. You thought so? I thought Tobey Maguire was a much better Peter Parker. Andrew Garfield didn't really seem like he fit the role.
  11. But the new CSAF is going to make everything amazing and great! Didn't you know that? He would never do anything like that. (Sarcasm)
  12. If they're going to remake a Sly movie, this is the one I'd pay to see.
  13. Hopefully they don't just fuck around like some other countries that show up.
  14. The best part of any of those articles linked on that site are the comments left by the mouth breathers that think they are true. It's really, truly sad the level of idiocy in the general public. You morons really think some guy banned chairs? FFS.
  15. What about those massive numbers of 38 studs that went heavies and afsoc over the last few years? Are their communities undermanned as well? Guarantee you could get bodies from those folks.
  16. Red Eagles: America's Secret MiGs Haven't read all, but it is some fascinating stuff. It's amazing to me that they can keep them flying with the lack of logistical support from us in the last umpteen years.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggXmKPMaHMo
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