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Everything posted by WheelsOff

  1. Wondering the exact same thing! Hopefully it won’t be quite as competitive as it was for the guys trying to get hired in 2014-15...not an airline guy so what do I know obviously. Curious what folks currently in the industry think about this one?
  2. Trust me, I’m tracking! I haven’t been this cynical in quite some time...maybe it’s my airline aspirations drying up right before my eyes that’s doing it.
  3. Those 12 extra students we’re gonna graduate over the next few weeks while we continue to put our families at risk is totally worth it.
  4. Talk to as many IPs from the different MWS’s as you can. I didn’t do that when I was in your shoes but wish I did prior to assignment night. I foolishly put down what I thought I wanted largely based on hearsay from others without talking to some of the IPs that flew some of the jets. That said, put down what you want, in the order you want...not what people ”think” you should put. That was my advice I always gave studs when I was their Flt/CC. Anyone that tells you that you should rank things a specific way can **** off. It’s YOUR dreamsheet.
  5. To the cream of the crop, cherry-picked talent they’ve managed to recruit...the absence of a HUD is “beneath” them.
  6. Been hearing rumors of a 2 year PC getting approved out at Travis...? Also, do you need to include the intent to hire letter with the PC paperwork? I assume not required per se, but would definitely be helpful (especially if asking for a good chunk of time off)?
  7. Bump. Although more of a USERRA question: An O-4 getting out and going ANG/AFRC at their UPT commitment (roughly 12 years total service) wanting to get a line number ASAP but also get their 20. What’s the best way/strategy to make this work without burning through the 5 years of USERRA too quickly? Ideally I’d like to get through probation and pick up a year (or two) worth of orders on an AGR/full-time status, but then that only gets me to the 13-14 year mark and now only 3-4 years of USERRA left to burn... Sorry for the noob question but trying to understand how this all works.
  8. I’d bet money on it. We have one here in UPT right now actually. What’s your source?
  9. There was a post about this year’s bonus on the MAF FB page, but it got deleted. Too many cynical responses/GIFs I think. Bummer...it was some good bathroom reading material.
  10. Just curious if you wouldn’t mind elaborating on your optimism for the company for the rest of us? This article paints a scary picture of AA’s future: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4319350-american-airlines-is-in-perpetual-state-of-uncontrolled-descent Not trying to be a naysayer...I want AA to succeed. It’s one of my top picks due to domicile locations where family lives. Just get nervous when I read articles that paint a dark sky...
  11. Exactly the same way in literally every community in the MAF.
  12. The bros aren’t too fond of the Wg/cc either, to be frank.
  13. MAJCOM A3 I think? It’s a joint pub with the Navy, so that makes things weird.
  14. Bottom line, he took the fall for a weather evac of T-6s gone wrong. T-6 wet crosswind limits were mistakenly waived so some T-6s could launch with winds out of limits (a dash-1 limit). Some close friends of mine were involved, so I’m not gonna say more about it publicly (and no I wasn’t personally involved). The real story is that the Wg/cc didn’t like the OG and was frankly looking for a way to get rid of him. This was the event I think they could officially pin on him to make it happen.
  15. Back on topic, the OG/CC was relieved at CBM this week. Yikes.
  16. He was one of 4 lucky heavy dudes that were part of a heavy to fighter crossflow “experiment”. They also sent 4 more to bombers. Know one of them personally. The version I heard was that AFPC was kept out of the loop on this crossflow good idea fairy, and it pissed them off, and subsequently shut down any future crossflow chances for the fat kids, unfortunately. Edit: spelling
  17. Accurate. It was also quite a boring/anticlimactic read skimming through it, TBH. Now, I’d like to see the IG report on the former 317 AW/CC...I’m sure that would be a far more interesting read!
  18. Absolutely love mine. Also, 95% of folks in our unit do not wear rank on them. Even the OG/CC doesn’t. One guy sewed rank on the shoulders, and another stuck some Velcro rank on one of the arms. Both look ridiculous.
  19. In all seriousness, that’s what the slide probably says, but we all know the data is misleading at best. Reference all the comments above.
  20. That doesn’t make any sense. I think what you really mean is the AF is short on (pilot) CGOs who want to stay in. When pilots hit their 10 year commitment and separate, they are already an FGO, not a CGO. And *those* are the people the AF needs to keep around...
  21. I used this several years ago in that jet with my Hero 3+, worked like a champ! Audio was super clear. https://www.amazon.com/Nflightcam-Aircraft-Audio-Power-Cable/dp/B00OP8RYY8/ref=asc_df_B00OP8RYY8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167139076547&hvpos=1o6&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1162373377277114373&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=aud-801381245258:pla-307515190013&psc=1
  22. Same. ‘08-12 timeframe had some of the worst drops ever since the 90’s on the -38 side. And they wonder why those year groups are leaving... Second someone else’s post below about going Guard/Reserves rather than AD. FWIW, I got to teach Gen Holmes’ son when he came through UPT a few years ago...he was going straight into a fighter Guard unit. The COMACC 4-star’s son didn’t go the AD route like his father did. Let that sink in for a minute.
  23. It doesn’t change the calculus. The calculus, for reference: all non-flying deployments filled by rated personnel that could be filled by a non-rated person is a BS deployment.
  24. Valid point, but ya, since UPT IPs aren’t current in their MWS and actually flying on these deployments, it 100% will be some useless BS deployment to do absolutely nothing worthwhile to contribute in any meaningful capacity.
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