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Everything posted by stract

  1. http://www.sadanduseless.com/2014/07/robert-downey-pinup/
  2. wow, that looks awesome! Think I'm going to have to check some of these out as well.
  3. the post appears to have been deleted. At least BattleRattle has some sense...
  4. so do you troll ribbon racks in your spare time? And bios have been known to have errors and/or exclusions. The heading of that section of the bio is "Major Awards and Decorations" not "All Awards and Decorations". Unless you have a copy of his official military record containing the list of all his awards, don't think you can read to much into this. ETA: who fucking cares?
  5. Maybe post this in the AFTO 781 forum. Especially if there are dead links.
  6. your CFII card only lists what you are authorized to instruct. Your pilot certificate lists what you are allowed to pilot and in what conditions. My Pilot Certificate lists: Commercial Airplane Single-Engine Land & Rotorcraft-Helicopter, Commercial Instrument Airplane & Helicopter. My CFII certificate lists: Flight Instructor Rotorcraft-Helicopter and Instrument Helicopter, since I've only been an IP in the HH-60.
  7. So you take a bunch of drugs...for the drug test. Seems like a winning idea.
  8. http://www.sikorsky.com/About+Sikorsky/News/Press+Details?pressvcmid=fb6bfa503f8d6410VgnVCM1000004f62529fRCRD Sikorsky press release says 701Ds
  9. http://www.defense.gov/Contracts/Contract.aspx?ContractID=5316
  10. ahhh, G-Lo. Mess up, fess up. Rumor was he was on the dean's other list 6 out of 8 semesters.
  11. I was able to get through the entire thing, took me about 20 minutes from start to finish. "Glad" I have photo proof of my crew with the burn pit at Balad spewing black smoke in the background...
  12. http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140620/BENEFITS06/306200073/Service-members-can-now-register-burn-pit-list direct link: https://veteran.mobilehealth.va.gov/AHBurnPitRegistry/index.html#page/home though it's still "Loading" for me after 10 minutes... ETA: I hit refresh and it loaded immediately
  13. preferably the day of some FY15 Force Shaping event closeout.
  14. a. this was already posted (see post 22 in this exact thread!) b. how about you delete his email address next time.
  15. Recommend you read the JFTR. An AFI cannot trump or contradict the JFTR, and is therefore a poor reference. As long as you know what the JFTR says (in this case it says you only have to check ONCE), then it doesn't matter what some AFI says.
  16. is there a reason why you posted this in both threads?
  17. We still use MC. Folks come out if the schoolhouse as FP/MC and have to get 400 hrs before upgrading to MP. So on contact/EP sorties those guys log FP time and on tac sorties they log MC time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. any mention of funding the CRH? (replacement CSAR helo)
  19. you can't be forced to. If you want to, then have a nut, if you don't, then make sure they put the DAV code against you and don't sign a DAV waiver.
  20. if you already have separation orders in hand, then your UDM needs to DAV code you since you're within 6 months of separation.
  21. EMS is always looking for pilots, especially those with lots of NVG time. Pay is pretty crappy $65k ish, tho if you're also raking in retirement pay/VA disability pay that may make up the difference. 7 on 7 off. GOM pays about $85k, plus extras for per diem, being Instrument rated, etc. If you don't want to live in places like Houma, LA, you have to fork over out of pocket to get to work from wherever you live. Personally I wasn't interested in this lifestyle, as I would be away from home for 2 weeks every 2 weeks, wash rinse repeat.
  22. I chose the wrong word to describe FCF. FCFing is very detailed, and it IS about the little things, but the difference is those little things matter. It's not senseless bureaucratic nonsense.
  23. works for me (Mac OS X 10.9.2 Firefox 29.0.1).
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