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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. Humble, compassionate, and un-selfish. Clearly the man we want leading tomorrow's Air Force. "Streamlined Gp awards process; 69 manhours saved! Definitely Promote"
  2. This statement right here (17D, I love your sarcasm) points to exactly what's wrong with so much of the world today.
  3. As one currently working with Big Green and International Green: I think you're right...and those guys are still head-and-should above some of their international cohorts. I've seen several "leaders" here who couldn't hold down a job taking out the trash...anywhere...validated because I've witnessed them fail at that exact task...repeatedly. Yes, it could be worse.
  4. You think they care about convenience of proletariat, or anything even approaching common sense? Much have you to learn, young padawan.
  5. That's the problem. We can't spare them. Strat-air focused leadership in the MAF seems to often under-appreciate the product they are getting in C-130 and C-17 WOs. Of course, none of us know what KC-135 patches do though, so you've got me there.
  6. Exactly the situation I'm in. Judging by the resistance I'm experiencing, you'd think I was asking to get the F-35 procurement canceled.
  7. "WIC is a leadership schoolhouse disguised as a tactics course." While I agree with that statement, Big Blue, according to how they promote and develop people, appears to believe that leaders come from Exec offices, not cockpits. Therefore, your best tactical leadership should go to exec offices in order to get promoted. Epic. Failure.
  8. ...anyone still wondering why pilots are getting out so quickly? This process is jacked. AFPC KNEW that they'd be late. They probably knew it in May. Nope, gunna wait to notify people that their lives are on hold for another month...because the promise of waiting only another month holds lots of water.
  9. Was anyone else a little surprised by the stats on RAW?
  10. Dusting off an old threat to highlight some journalism excellence. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/06/25/massive-overhaul-to-keep-air-force-c-130-flying-for-80-years-into-2030s.html My favorite: Apparently C-17 engines are vulnerable to flying debris and uneven terrain, which highlights why C-130's are good at low level and propellers are somehow good at FOD reduction. Someone get that guy a Pulitzer. Outstanding journalism aside. It's good to see the H's get a solid upgrade.
  11. Clearly you haven't met the USAF acquisitions process.
  12. Urgent medevac. Nothing clarifies your purpose like saving a life. It can leave you wholly spent because giving anything less than perfection is not an option, but is worth it. ...formation combat airdrop and down range dirt LZs are a close second.
  13. ...they just re-labeled a box of high grit sand for that purpose...
  14. Cannot be overstated. It's sad but true. We should want to be joint in how we fight. We need to be. USAF management makes it a career killer for almost every billet that might be useful for a joint fight.
  15. Little known fact: this is also a force multiplier... ...for Delta.
  16. ...so it's high time we invade Afghanistan!
  17. The Stig does not approve of being associate with those clowns.
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