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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. Weird. I thought that normally tracked you to Eagles...
  2. Yet somehow we're expected to think that getting this socialized TRICARE system for life is a major benefit of making it to 20 years?
  3. New functional. Seems to sincerely care.
  4. AFI 36-3207 is where you're looking for all this. I honestly couldn't find the specific verbiage that says apply no earlier than 12 month prior to DOS...but I didn't look too hard. AF FORM 780 is what it looks like you fill out, and it looks like you'll have to read 36-3207 in order to fill that out correctly. BREAK BREAK Found this fun bit in 36-3203 Does that mean if I separate and go to the reserves with 10 years of AD time between 28 Jan 08 and separation, and then close out my retirement in the reserves, I can get my reserve retirement at 50 (because I spent 10 years AD after 2008 before going to the reserves)? I didn't see anything in there saying I had to serve that AD time FROM the reserves...unless the verbiage "on an order to active duty pursuant to 10 USC ยง12301(d)" excludes that. This could make the reserves an even better option.
  5. Nailed it. I got notified side channel from the functional because I made so much noise. Still waiting on official notification and the RIP.
  6. Point of order: Bendy IS a diva. Snickers won't help.
  7. Did anyone else have to re-read that closely to notice the 's?
  8. Quiet you! Directly off their website: Ain't a single word in there about airplanes or pilots. Didn't a previous Commandant recently site the reason for getting rid of the doolie year and recognition was that the purpose of the academy is the prepare cadets to operate inside of the USAF bureaucracy or somesuch? It would seem USAFA has no focus on preparing or producing pilot candidates nor does it instill a warrior ethos. Hopefully some aggression still slip into the training somehow. P.S. I was in the cadet program that ran the sims when we switched from the old (as in vacuum tubes, speeder springs, oxford commas, and flyweights 'old') tweet sims to the T-6 ones back in the 2002 time frame. The T-6 sims were, and are, highly capable of helping dudes get ready for UPT.
  9. I'm right there with you. I'm leaning toward accepting it as it allows me to time my exit. But that works for my unique situation of being within 19 months of my ADSC right now. Being forced to separate in the spring of 2019 only compresses any of my separation/retirement plans. If denying continuation allows you to bail on a significant ADSC, that's a pretty sweet ace to have in your hand. Play it wisely. The private sector, while lucrative, is unforgiving to the unprepared.
  10. Spoiler Alert: They'll spin and report it in whatever way most soften the fact that people are leaving.
  11. Humble, compassionate, and un-selfish. Clearly the man we want leading tomorrow's Air Force. "Streamlined Gp awards process; 69 manhours saved! Definitely Promote"
  12. This statement right here (17D, I love your sarcasm) points to exactly what's wrong with so much of the world today.
  13. As one currently working with Big Green and International Green: I think you're right...and those guys are still head-and-should above some of their international cohorts. I've seen several "leaders" here who couldn't hold down a job taking out the trash...anywhere...validated because I've witnessed them fail at that exact task...repeatedly. Yes, it could be worse.
  14. You think they care about convenience of proletariat, or anything even approaching common sense? Much have you to learn, young padawan.
  15. That's the problem. We can't spare them. Strat-air focused leadership in the MAF seems to often under-appreciate the product they are getting in C-130 and C-17 WOs. Of course, none of us know what KC-135 patches do though, so you've got me there.
  16. Exactly the situation I'm in. Judging by the resistance I'm experiencing, you'd think I was asking to get the F-35 procurement canceled.
  17. "WIC is a leadership schoolhouse disguised as a tactics course." While I agree with that statement, Big Blue, according to how they promote and develop people, appears to believe that leaders come from Exec offices, not cockpits. Therefore, your best tactical leadership should go to exec offices in order to get promoted. Epic. Failure.
  18. ...anyone still wondering why pilots are getting out so quickly? This process is jacked. AFPC KNEW that they'd be late. They probably knew it in May. Nope, gunna wait to notify people that their lives are on hold for another month...because the promise of waiting only another month holds lots of water.
  19. Was anyone else a little surprised by the stats on RAW?
  20. Dusting off an old threat to highlight some journalism excellence. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/06/25/massive-overhaul-to-keep-air-force-c-130-flying-for-80-years-into-2030s.html My favorite: Apparently C-17 engines are vulnerable to flying debris and uneven terrain, which highlights why C-130's are good at low level and propellers are somehow good at FOD reduction. Someone get that guy a Pulitzer. Outstanding journalism aside. It's good to see the H's get a solid upgrade.
  21. Clearly you haven't met the USAF acquisitions process.
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