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Everything posted by brickhistory

  1. I refer the poster to the preceding lines in the post excerpted as examples of "competence."
  2. So let's review this past week for this Administration: 13,000 kids in "not cages." Russia recalls its ambassador; Putin challenges Biden to a debate which is declined. China embarrasses the SecState in the first meeting with this Administration. And Biden busts his ass not once, not twice, but three times climbing AF1 stairs. On the same climb. Good think it wasn't a ramp like Trump's or there'd be calls for a health evaluation... But he has kept off Twitter so there's that win.
  3. At last, an honest man in Washington, DC: Say my name at the :19 second mark
  4. So we are to believe all women unconditionally, right? (sarcasm) Personally, after reading the breathless tabloid-like venue linked, I'm skeptical to the point of disbelief that this individual would act that way or be dumb enough to put anything out there that could be recorded for later use against him no matter how good looking the lady might be. Looks like a future opponent throwing one of the two main charges available, the other being racism, that will guarantee coverage. Easy to deny if the incumbent never dated her. If he did, then there's more question to be answered. But I do note from the politico report linked above, that he wanted to be SECAF under Trump. That's interesting.
  5. Another one of those (in)famous "resets?" https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/03/17/russia-recalls-its-us-ambassador-after-biden-labels-putin-killer/4740400001/ A foreign policy expert indeed. But at least he didn't do it via a mean tweet.
  6. Here's a stray thought that might be useful: If you are considering taking the mediocre man's money and going civil service, look at going NATO civilian. Not only do those cats work at NATO speed so there'll be plenty of time off, but they are in nice NATO places. There's even one office in the Norfolk area. And, you cannot be taxed on your retirement by any NATO member, including Uncle Sam. I have no idea what working at one of these would be like. Only a couple of illuminating conversations with a retired USAF and retired RAF dinner conversations while attending a NATO school a few years back. It is a MAAAASSIVE old boys' (in the who you know, not your gender context) network to get selected and get promoted, but it's doable if this is a thing for you.
  7. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/illinois-playbook/2021/03/15/remap-not-trump-may-oust-kinzinger-executive-orders-challenged-why-foxx-felt-triggered-492108 As I noted, it just appears that the incumbent knows the gig is up and is positioning himself for other venues. No ill-intention towards him. Just seen this play before.
  8. A correction to a news story has traditionally been along the lines of "We said that Bob had brown hair. In fact, he has blonde hair. We regret the error." This "correction" negates the entire story. It's a big deal. Along with the many media outlets that also said they independently verified the story. Every single one of those outlets used the same anonymous source. One source connected to an important player in the story. Basic integrity would seem to question the bias of that source and that other sources or facts need to be checked in order to have confidence in the original source. But "Orange Man bad" was enough validity. It directly corroborates the disbelief in journalism that exists. If they'd lie, my word/"correct," your word this, what else have they reported on previously, or will in the future, that relies on such a single source? Funny, the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed because it was fake news - despite on the record sources, documentation of the FBI seizing said laptop, etc, etc, etc. Yet this one anonymous source got front page/lead stories from the usual suspects and it's all good. I believe some truth teller has the mantra "Democracy dies in darkness" boldly attached to their frontpage. But nothing about truth. Ok, the rules are known now. And, Fatboy Slim aka "I coulda been Defense Minister" Vindmann wants to determine who can have access to information sources and decide for themselves: https://www.lawfareblog.com/can-litigation-help-deradicalize-right-wing-media Deciding what is good for people to know/have access to/make their own determination is a good gig if you can get it.
  9. Washington Post retracts story claiming Trump told Georgia Secretary of State official to "find fraud." https://triblive.com/news/politics-election/the-washington-post-publishes-correction-on-trump-call-with-georgia-investigator/ The single anonymous source was the campaign manager for GA SecState. Who made it up. Proven by the finding, in a "delete" file, the actual recording of Trump to the investigating official. Multiple other news organizations, who claimed to have also verified the now debunked story, relied on this same single source. This story was used as "evidence" in the second impeachment proceeding. But totally worth it. There are no more mean tweets going out. Sometimes, the end justifies the means...
  10. 'Member that time when an election was challenged, courts ruled (or didn't hear it, same thing), and the election results were duly certified by the Congress? Good times. Unless you won your Iowa seat. Then it being contested, recounted, ruled on by a court, then certified doesn't count. The House will decide. Good times. Good and hard. Quickly.
  11. The increasing and accelerating politicization of our nation's military, along with the defense of said behavior: Good and hard. I hope those aspirations are fulfilled. Quickly.
  12. The gentleman voted for "Backgrounds Check Act." I'm agin it. I recommend discussions about the act go in the "Firearms Thread" in the Bar. This seemed like the place for this Republican's support, one of eight, Democrat-passed Bill in the House.
  13. I used Career Pro Global, Inc. in 2016. Pricey - $1600-ish, but worth it. My selection for interview rate went up dramatically vs. my version. They know how to use every buzzword needed to hit the OPM screening algorithm/clueless HR first screener who match, literally, job words to resume words. Bruce Hillman was my guy. Unknown if company and/or him are still around. Good luck. BTW, I was supposed to be running a B&B in Sedona now instead of just retiring from civil service. But a crashed real estate market in 2008 (my retirement year) changed those plans when kids need feeding and housing. YMMV.
  14. Since no dead dinosaurs were harmed in the performance of this walk, I believe our sons of Galland refer to these as a: Greta Walk. No, don't get up, I'll show myself out...
  15. "I want to thank...I keep calling him general...that, that...that guy that runs that outfit over there..." You mean your Secretary of Defense? I want this next four years to be good and hard so much. But at least no mean tweets. Lots more kids in cages, lots more executive orders, lots more money going to Iran. But at least no more mean tweets.
  16. Freely admit to not being in the loop on Illinois politics, so no, I have not seen different. However, if losing a seat due to declining population (why is that, but that's another thread), and the legislature is overwhelmingly Democrat, then the state GOP party might be more inclined to horsetrade about how to redraw the districts and who the most likely representative losing his/her seat will be. Right now, the congressman under discussion has raised a pretty high profile within the state. A lot may want to get rid of him for those actions. At least two counties with a not insignificant portion of his voting totals voted overwhelmingly of their disapproval of his actions. A lot may not including the Democrats if he can be used to further damage the Republicans. I have no way of knowing, but wouldn't be surprised.
  17. Award for best looking F1 car this year goes to (envelope please): Aston-Martin - love a British racing green car Runner-up (tie) Alpine Mercedes (very Darth Vader-ish as they stick with the fighting racism 'cuz it's black despite still being a "Silver Arrow, but whatever...) Worst is rebadged Hass which I refuse to post a pic. Also might not last as they are really trying to skirt the "no Russian flag due to sports cheating" rule in place, but the billionaire Russian sponsor wants what he wants... as an aside, I believe Kaepernik is still not been offered a spot on an F1 team or an NFL one...
  18. "Very fine people" these Americans of Indian ancestory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXpvajPupS8
  19. I have to admit I have been impressed by the Presidential press conferences and frank exchange of questions and answers between President Biden and the members of the press since taking office.
  20. Top Gun 2 trailer done in Lego
  21. Don't know him personally or professionally as I'm not in his district, hope he's an ok guy in person and will accept those testimonials about the many things he's done for service folk. Appreciate that. However, his constituents, the ones he's elected to represent seem to disagree with his stance rather strongly to include at least one county, I believe two but stand to be corrected, GOP committee censuring him for his vote to impeach Trump. The one county I am aware of is LaSalle County which is part of his district. Other county so censuring Iroquois which is also within this district. His choice to roll the dice to see if they either forget by next election or whether his district gets dissolved by the Illinois legislature as is likely if the state loses a congressional seat due to redistricting. I do take issue with his vote to strip the bat-sh1t crazy Georgia congresswoman of all her committee assignments. He helped deny her constituents their effective representation that they knowingly elected her to. As always in politics, IMO, it's a case of follow the money. His just started anti-Trump PAC combined with his many appearances on liberal media looks like a way to set up a comfy post-congressional lifestyle, either via K Street and/or TV gigs. Don't blame him a bit but it just strikes me as the B-model Scarborough. edited to add the specific counties which is in the district being discussed.
  22. Simply pointing out that executive branch members, including military officers, serve "at the pleasure of the President." He/she can hire/fire anyone he/she wants anytime he/she wants. It's not unprecedented, a threat to the republic, or a fraying of the national fabric. Unless Trump does it, of course. Then each and every one is nefarious.
  23. Gerald Walpin agrees with you. The fact of why he was removed is important.
  24. Wow, a political appointee fired by a politician. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked. v/r, Gerald Walpin
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