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Everything posted by brickhistory

  1. Absolutely agree. But to your's and Prozac's responses/question, what good does it do now? Designed to stop the Soviet hordes from coming through the Fulda Gap and sticking toes in the English Channel, those hordes don't exist, Ivan doesn't need to have those size forces anymore since turning the gas tap off is just as effective as pressuring Old NATO into doing nothing. New NATO jumped on board full of hope and optimism - Poland, et al - but Old NATO is not going to throw down for them today any more than they did in the past. Why was NATO a thing in Afghanistan? And we, apparently, ran off without telling them. A) Sure seemed outside the NATO AOR and not a NATO mission and B) we and they didn't accomplish much despite efforts of good people in numerous nations. Taliban 1, US/NATO 0. If they aren't going to fund it like they should, if they aren't going to fight in their own little continent which I don't believe they will, why does it exist? Putin knows he's got the best hand. Short of putting US bodies in as a speed bump, what can we or NATO really do? What is worth our nation's blood and treasure. I don't see it. But I'm old and yell at clouds, too...
  2. Well said. When the Wall came down, we and the rest of the West thought the entire world wanted a Coke and a Big Mac. Us collectively going into eastern Europe was a strategic mistake. Encourage those former Soviet-controlled nations certainly. Do business with them and get them adapted to a modern capitalistic, free society absolutely. But put them in a binding contract to shed blood and treasure over? Not so much. Ivan the Bear has always considered that his sphere of influence. And now he's strong enough again, somewhat, to throw his weight around. Radical idea: disband NATO. The reason for its creation is gone and has been for decades. edited to add: If Ukraine turns into a shooting war, NATO will fold anyway. Old NATO won't want to get involved and will let Ivan have his way.
  3. False in many cases. At least for me. A rushed prophylaxis being pushed as a 'vaccine' when it is demonstrably not and has a not negligible serious side-effect potential. The percentage of heart issues, in particular, leading to a coronary, given my family history, is simply not worth the risk to me. I make an informed decision. Authoritarians may not like it, but I utterly reject their views. Can it help some people? Certainly. Is it a 'vaccine?' Absolutely not. I trust my personal medical team rather than a government that has repeatedly lied. Not said "we just don't know," but lied. Multiple times. And they, the FDA, claimed to have reviewed prior to approval some half-million documents, but want to delay the public release of those documents for 50 years. I look forward to the clinical timeline studies of this in the next 5-10 years.
  4. You do you. (sts) I'll do me. (err, yesssss) Don't try to do me and I won't try to do you. I don't expect and won't tolerate the gub'mint trying to do me.
  5. Frankly, that doesn't matter. The numbers cited are entirely too large for a 'vaccine' that isn't. I can still get/transmit the virus despite getting the jabs. And add in a not insignificant risk of further life-threatening or life-altering side effects? Heckuva job, Brownie...
  6. Did I miss where he resigned as a serving general officer? Or was it as a political appointee? (It was the latter) I'm not hung up on the GO/FO thing, but they are as responsible for our geopolitical weakness as our political class. Same thing in fact...
  7. Best (kidding) alibi yet has been Prince Andrew's deposition some time back when the accuser said she was introduced to him at a party and he was "really sweaty." Randy Andy's reply was that he never sweats ever since his Falkland Island combat tour. Sorry, ol' boy. I'm pretty sure you are fcuked. And not in a good way this time...
  8. I'll give this one a "maybe." He and SECAF were 'fired' over the multiple nuke buffoonery events, but, yes, it was a disagreement with USAF and SECDEF over Predator CAPs vs. F-22s. So, the 'maybe' part of this was did he resign over principle or get fired? Huge difference. If it was resigned over principle and we needing more than the relatively few F-22s we did buy, then good on him. And Gates is definitively in the "failed us" category of VMFA187 above. Failed us in Afghanistan and left us light on firepower for any near/peer fight. Thanks, Bob!
  9. Agree, but would add in our most senior military leadership for some several decades. Post- Fogelman, name one four-star that has resigned in protest or over principle. The guys who are supposed to provide their best military advice to our civilian leadership. Now, granted, they may have pointed out the issues behind closed doors, which they are supposed to do, but not one has resigned over being ignored. Indeed, it certainly appears that at least one sitting general took it upon himself to conduct different foreign policy than his duly-elected, Constitutional boss. Those cushy corporate boards and revolving very senior gub'mint posts ain't gonna fill themselves...
  10. As a 'great' American once said (paraphrased), "Somebody did something..."
  11. a. If the countries actually near-by aren't willing to stand up against The Bear, why is it on us? Germany, France, et al, you lead. We'll follow the sounds of crickets to find the your NATO fight and join in. That is, of course, assuming you have the cojones to ignore the lack of gas that Russia isn't sending your way and you are shivering in the dark. b. Big China can and will assimilate Little China eventually; likely within Xi's lifetime (aka Winne the Pooh). And we won't do a thing. Regardless of Administration, but especially under this one, by the time we could get there in any meaningful way, it's a done deal. CCP is willing to take the casualties; I'm not sure Taiwan is prepared to. I know we aren't. Nor would we trade Shanghai for L.A. in any large-scale exchange.
  12. With the current Administration? Don't bet on it... Kamala admits she's smoked marijuana
  13. Repeat felon that got out days ago on $1,000 cash bail for charges including reckless endangerment, domestic abuse, resisting arrest, and bail jumping. Previous arrests include a felon in possession of a firearm.
  14. Shooting people for not wanting a mildly effective, yet no long term studies on side-effects or potential problems down the road for an injection that has to be repeated, apparently, ad infinitum. Not to mention these are the exact same tactics used by the BLM protestors, including during Dutch protests, and the authorities let 'em sweep on by with the arson and destruction. Yet being hesitant or resistant to said shot (note, it's not a "vaccine" by the scientific definition until Fauci said otherwise) gets you shot. Either way, the state ensures you get some sort of shot. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/police-netherlands-open-fire-covid-lockdown-protesters-european-nation-rcna6231 Seems legit...
  15. Safe? Based on what clinically sound studies? We've chased this squirrel before. This crash program did produce something that helps. It is not a "vaccine." Effective? If you get the shot, you can still transmit the virus. If you get the shot, you can still catch the virus and get sick. At a not insignificant percentage either. Best tool? Maybe. But too many other avenues of research/treatment have been shut down arbitrarily for me to accept the efficacy on blind faith and gubmint say-so. The draconian 'mandate' isn't helping their case and makes me dig in my heels. Especially given all the political exceptions - USPS, illegal aliens, attending 'peaceful protests,' etc, etc. This virus is either so deadly to all of the US or it's not. The counters produced thus far are either ways to defeat the virus or they are not. Exceptions literally and figuratively weaken the argument for a vaccinated population. The FDA, yesterday, asked a federal court to grant it permission to answer FOIA requests in 2076. Yes, I'm skeptical. I also do not want to lose the freedom of choice argument currently underway. Otherwise, we all will continue to lose our freedoms. As we have doing at an alarming rate since at least 2001. All in the interests of "safety."
  16. Interesting kerfuffle between OK Guard and DoD. A F U to your mandate while folks are Title 32. Other states have been contacting OK to see how they did it. I expect/hope more states to join the pushback. As far as I know, there has been no official DoD response, but an anonymous source to Voice of America (odd choice of venue) stated that DoD would push OK out of the Guard and simply list them as a "state militia." Supposedly a threat to OK funding. My money is on the NGB 'union' winning this one. Good...
  17. Red Notice. Meh... Dwayne "Rock" Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gidot as international art thieves. Exotic locales. Dance-like fight scenes. Not much story. They did this for the paycheck. Don't regret seeing it, but wouldn't recommend it or watch again.
  18. Curious how the calls for "can't we all get along" arise when one political outlook is in power. But should a different one get into office, everyone is Hitler. I'm all for reasoned conversations. I'm not for turning the other cheek after the first one is black and blue. And usually under some sort of federal investigation whether it be Congressional, DOJ/FBI...
  19. Speaking of Project Veritas, the FBI has been raiding numerous homes of the their journalists, including O'Keefe's. Searching for the "stolen" diary of the President's daughter. Which contains some icky stuff concerning "inappropriate" showers with said daughter and senile Joe. (Diary was supposedly left behind at a rehab clinic and found by next patient who tried selling it to various outlets including Project Veritas) Project Veritas did NOT run any of the material and tried to return it to a Biden lawyer who refused it. So they turned it over to law enforcement for return to Biden's. Another outlet did print some of the material just prior to the election, but it gained no traction with any major outlets. Imagine if that were Trump's name associated with said showers - like the non-existent Russian golden showers or insinuations of incest with his daughter. I used to have so much respect for the FBI. Now, I wouldn't give them the time of day and would instantly lawyer up if an agent so much as said "Good morning" to me. Sad.
  20. https://www.mediaite.com/news/feds-arrest-analyst-tied-to-salacious-steele-dossier/
  21. Well, that oughta take care of any more flybys... Sure am glad you are appointed the arbiter of what is and isn't useful information. Ditto for deciding for everyone else what's best for them. Good gig. How'd you get it?
  22. I doubt he runs for a statewide office in Illinois. Don't see the votes to put him in. I stick with my future talking head auditions with a real chance of a weekend show, initially, on CNN or MSNBC prediction. He'll get lots of airtime for the 2022 election cycle and those will be his chance to move into his own pundit show. "Kinzinger Zings" or some such. I'm trademarking the name, btw. Good gig if you can get it.
  23. I disagree with the sentiments toward Powell. Overall, a decent man. He became part of the Leviathan which provided him a very good life, so his defense of it wasn't unexpected. As to McCain, as a combat vet and genuine war hero for his POW time, I gladly admit my admiration for his service. To his personal and political life, not so much. Look up "Keating 5." His personal hatred for Trump caused McCain, in his final days, to give a middle finger and vote to keep Obamacare. He also played a big role in circulating the fake Steele dossier around DC and the media. So much for service to country above self. Rocking the establishment wasn't appreciated. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-confirms-cindy-mccain-former-gop-sen-jeff-flake-top-n1282457
  24. The guy (assumption) answered the question. I appreciate it. I pretty much disagree with his position, but at least he answered the query. Attacking him won't change his mind. It will probably make him dig in even deeper. We can debate the actions and policies of the current Administration, but personal attacks won't change his past or future vote. I'd like to hear from other Biden voters and see your opinions.
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