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Everything posted by brickhistory

  1. Back in the day, the networks used to run this short educational cartoon-like public service announcements on things like how a bill became a law, what a conjuction is and how it's used in a sentence, and how reading is fundamental, a RIF, as it were. I miss those...
  2. New York Post has a pretty big story regarding that crazy irrepressible Hunter Biden and his dad, Ol' Joe. https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/email-reveals-how-hunter-biden-introduced-ukrainian-biz-man-to-dad/ Which won't matter to nearly any voter one way or the other - you either think the Biden family did bad things or you don't. What is of more interest, to me anyway, is that Facebook and Twitter - neither of which do I personally participate in - have either restricted (FB) or prohibited (Twitter) the sharing of this story since in Twitter's words, "It might be harmful." To whom? And why do they make that determination? But proven to be false Russia, Russia, Russia/pee tape/FBI/CIA/we've got him now stories for 3+ years were just fine. Sure seems to make the case of those companies being in the news/publishing realm and not simply an IT method.
  3. As well as a life-long bromance with Neil Kinnock as well. Just sayin'... As to positions or policy, what are Biden's positions or policies? His "you'll find out when the election's over"schtick seems to be aided and abetted by the liberal media since they don't pursue these evasions, but rational voters do seem to want to know what they are signing up for. Except for the "anybody but Trump" voters. It could be Satan Hitler and they'll happily pull the lever. As I did against Hillary in 2016.
  4. Not quite as bad as forgetting, you know, The Thing...but then Romney is a pretty forgettable character.
  5. Sunday's race was another "meh." If it weren't for bad luck, Bottas would have none. Well done to Hamilton for the win and the tie in the record book. Also to Kimi for most starts ever. And to Hulkenburg for another no-notice race with points this time. Hope he lands a seat next year. As to an all electric F1, not my bag, baby. Loud engines and aerodynamics are the blunt force instruments of choice. For me anyway. For all the instant acceleration of electric, tire noise being the loudest part of the vehicle is a shame.
  6. Several next generation F1 wannabe's were supposed to get practice drives this weekend but were rained out on Friday. If you are one of the drivers who isn't under a contract for next year, that's gotta be a crappy feeling having to sit out from "your" car while Jr. gets a shot at replacing you right in front of you. As to Honda leaving to concentrate on 'lectrical stuff for the future, next year will be another kludge on top of the kludge left over from this year. If/as manufacturers go the electrical route, and since Formula E is already a thing, does that mean Formula 1 goes back to being pure gas technology only? Or something more exotic like hydrogen fuel cells, etc? One idea, not mine originally, would be for F1 to go back to entertaining the petrolheads that is their core audience and bring back V8s or V10s. Or something like some super-duper efficient 4 cylinder that produces eleventy-million horses. Or they can continue to become woke and go broke quickly at the rates they go through cash.
  7. Genus: Russianitis Species: Schiff
  8. So does "triggered" come into the realm of "phrasing?"
  9. If I wasn't/haven't been clear, my apologies. The misuse of national agencies for domestic purposes isn't about "my side" or "your side." My intent, on every post related to this topic, is that if bad things occurred and were directed by the very highest in an agency or in the White House, then there needs to be accountability and punishments for those proven to have committed crimes. Otherwise, it will only continue and become worse because underlings will see that no harm came to leadership that misused the system, so why shouldn't they when they move up in the food chain. If Obama and Company did it and walks with no consequences, then most likely Trump, his successor, and future Administrations are very likely to do the same. Which is against many, many laws designed to safeguard my, and your constitutional rights for merely being an American citizen. An unpunished misuse of national power against our own is not ok and should be punished, regardless of what political affliation. But the same media that was leading the anti-Trump charge, often times at the behest of those same Administration officials who were doing shenanigans, are either ignoring these revelations or actively downplaying/spinning them differently. You do not see much coverage of this on the networks, or the Post, or the NY Times, or the LA Times, ad nauseaum. Mud slinging in politics is one thing. "Orange Man bad" vs. "Sleepy Joe" is fine if stupid. Mr. FBI/CIA/NSA man doing things against fellow Americans for political gain is not. edited to add: I don't think Hillary is to blame for this fiasco. As much as I think she should've been prosecuted for her server complete with multiple TS/SCI/SAP/STO email traffic to/from her, the misuse of the FBI/CIA, probably others (remember ADM Rogers went to the FISA Court during this. What he reported hasn't been made public, but the Obama Administration mounted a campaign to fire him, then backed off suddenly), was at least at the Director of various agencies, if not the White House. Remember Susan Rice's infamous last day in office email to self, "The President directed that everything on this matter be done by the book." BTW, I don't belong to any party. I quit the GOP in disgust in 2016.
  10. The then Director of the CIA briefed the then President, Vice-President, Natl Security Advisor, White House Chief of Staff, et al, about how US intelligence agencies had picked up Russian communications about Hillary using a phony report to discredit Trump and deflect from her home-brew server issues. The then Director of the CIA and then Director of the FBI used that phony dossier as the basis to literally spy on a duly elected President. Scandal-free Administration... Imagine if the current Administration had done things like that. It would be 24/7 non-stop just as it was when Trump was on the defensive about the fake charges. But now? Crickets. So the GS12 of today, not seeing any of the higher-ups do a perp walk after misusing the instruments of national power for direct political gain, draws the lesson of "there's no consequences." And becomes the SES/SIS of tomorrow and does it even worse. All fun and games when it's used against the "other side." Not so much when used against you. A nation of laws or not. Pretty simple equation.
  11. Biden's 15 Sep gaffe about "black women stocking grocery store shelves" is getting more internet time in the last couple of days. In response, his campaign says he will begin writing notes to voters to explain his points. I am not making this up.
  12. Again, looking at the same data, both historical and projected, reasonable people can come to different conclusions. But not by you and others that are true believers. Instead, you want to impose your beliefs and will upon others because...they're wrong. Almost a faith in your own intellect that can't seem to consider others also use their intellect. Sounds faith-like to me... Ok, then forego anything related to fossil fuels, modern conveniences that utilize the electric grid and, ultimately, more of those fossil fuels. Until then, I can only believe that your conviction in your facts is superficial. We, the US, give away billions to...whom? Who gets the money? Do others also have to modify their behavior? And, given your rationale, what if you are wrong? I believe the earth doesn't give two craps about any species, us included. Earth's gonna earth until the sun swells up and consumes it in some billions of years. Until then, I'm gonna go drive my giant F-150 V8. Wanna ride? So endth the sermon. Seems there are other heretics on here as well. Must we all burn? Or does that contribute too many global warming gases?
  13. No race this weekend and since no one commented on last week's "cars on parade" again performance, it seems like most thought it boring as well. Honda said "we are outta here" next year as an engine supplier.
  14. The implication is/was that "conservatives" doesn't recognize "facts" or conduct critical thinking. So, besides the "othering," it is very possible to study observed phenomena and ask questions and reach different conclusions. None of which have been answered. Instead, it's "you are a climate denier and therefore unworthy." Convenient strategy that doesn't seem to be working.
  15. Ummm, if the Paris Accords were such a good thing, why didn't Obama submit it to the Senate as a legally binding agreement between the US and the other signatories? If it was such a good thing, the Senate should've approved it, or those voting it down should've suffered at the next election. It's how the rules are made and we play by those. Anything, except DACA apparently, that one President does, another President can undo. I also believe that we are more than meeting those expectations regarding emissions without having to pay literally billions to other countries. Pretty good results for us, and a sad for those grifters. Ummm, weren't we supposed to be underwater by now? Or all the polar bears waterlogged by now? Follow the money, who benefits from your carbon tax? Who gets the money? Ummm, weren't the "experts" calling for a new Ice Age about now back in the 1970s? Ummm, how did the Earth get out of the various Ice Ages? Waaaay back when the Earth was a literal iceball, how did it get past that? How did the climate cool to get into those states anyway? Climate change? Yep, the climate changes. Earth is gonna earth. To think that it cares one iota about the current life forms is pretty arrogant. But a great payday for somebody if we want to be suckers and pay "the price" to save the earth.
  16. Thank you. Remember the quiet, but epic, moments while enjoying that morning cup of coffee.
  17. So someone committed a federal felony leaking tax information that revealed no illegal activity but a bit, perhaps, embarrassing to Trump. That information was printed on Sunday. As of this morning, less than 24 hours later, Biden's campaign has a completed and running ad using that material and swag for sale featuring the info. That sure is some coincidence in timing.
  18. Trump has nominated and McConnell has moved through confirmation 218 Article III federal judges, including two Supreme Court justices. Soon to be three. To paraphrase the poet Burns, "And that has made all the difference..."
  19. I'm an appendix carry type. Galco works fine for me using an XD-S and now Shield. I chose appendix so that I had positive control of the pistol at all times. Nothing against other folks using other techniques, but I didn't like the idea of the gun behind me - my luck, I'd inadvertently print or show it with a shirt riding up, etc. Either under an untucked or tucked shirt, easy to access and I never forget it's there when answering a call of nature in an establishment. Also, if it's in front of my, I have it within my view point at all times. Best way of car carrying if keeping it in the holster for me. However, I have installed car holsters in my vehicles - used to Texas Custom Holsters, think they changed their name - leather holster attached to kydex frame that is custom made for each type of pistol and vehicle. There's a space between the holster and the car once installed so you can fit your hand around the weapon for a full draw. Easy to install via screws and/or a car upholstery shop can do it. True, it involves unholstering from my body holster, into the car holster, then the reverse before exiting the car, but it does make it much better to access should it be needed while in the car. So it increases the handling of the pistol, but makes it a way for me to keep it handy in either situation. YMMV.
  20. Worker bee FBI agents working the Crossfire Hurricane investigation took out professional malpractice insurance revealed yesterday due to "7th Floor" direction of investigation (7th Floor = FBI Director's Office). FBI knew that the primary source used by the Steele Dossier had been investigated by the FBI as a "threat to national security" from 2009-2011 via a counter-intelligence investigation. Never revealed that to the FISA court.
  21. Yup. Each legislative body sets its own rules. The 60 vote filibuster thing is not a law that has to be undone. Next legislative session in the Senate majority simply votes to change the rule. And then faces the consequences at the next election. If they want to pack the Supreme Court, they have the ability, assuming they win both Houses and the Presidency. Elections have consequences. Hillary shoulda tried harder in 2016. As to adding states, there's a rule for that, too. It's like those Founding Fathers did their homework and researched everything available on the systems of governments in history. And I believe the territory has to apply for statehood, not just be hand-waved by Congress. I am unfamiliar if Puerto Rico has had such a referendum that passed. Same for DC. And then we can get to Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, et al. "You get a state! And you get a state! And you get a state!" Bring it.
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