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Everything posted by Disregard

  1. Affirm--using the Baseops app. The hearts are still here. I've also had a daily crash problem for months that still occurs. The app will shutdown after reading about six to nine unread threads. (iPhone 5 with iOS 8.4) Let me know if I can provide any more info.
  2. The heart emoji for showing that someone has liked a post seems grossly out of place. Maybe swap that with something like a thumbs-up or plus sign? (Even a smiley face would be an improvement over the heart.) While posting this reply using the iPhone app, I got this message when clicking on both the camera and picture icons: Photo Sharing Your forum has disabled image sharing from this app. Thanks for taking care of the board.
  3. The nautical part of aeronautical... "The Eagle was built by the Nazis and fought for Hitler in World War Two - so how did a tall ship that once flew the swastika end up as a training vessel for new US Coast Guard cadets?" http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-33543706
  4. http://www.airforcetimes.com/story/military/2015/06/08/reserve-colonel-facing-child-rape-charges/28678233/
  5. Speaking of the Chinese: Data Breach Linked to China Exposes Millions of U.S. Workers http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/06/05/us/breach-in-a-federal-computer-system-exposes-personnel-data.html
  6. I thought that ABUs were "wash and wear." A quick Google search even claims that "starching and hot pressing of ABUs is prohibited." Is that valid?
  7. Disregard

    Gun Talk

    What about reciprocity? Can someone with an out-of-state license open carry in Texas?
  8. I recently used my free ($100 fee for five year membership reimbursed) Global Entry to inprocess US Immigration. It took about two minutes to get through the line. Another plus for the AMEX platinum.
  9. I'm not that good at month-based puns, but maybe this could counter the mustaches: http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/10/breastfeeding-moms-by-infantry-barracks-not-fooling-anyone/ (The fake story is better than the real story)
  10. I'd like the option to set the app to open to Unread.
  11. That was in Whitman's instance where he won't get close to the $53K limit while he's deployed. Say he socks away $18K into Roth TSP while he's deployed; once he gets back, he can contribute another $18K to traditional TSP (because his deployed contributions didn't count towards his $18K regular limit, and because he hasn't exceeded the $53K overall limit).
  12. While you're deployed, you can only contribute a max of $18,000 to the Roth TSP. After you hit that max, you can only make traditional contributions beyond. Once you get back, you can contribute up to $18,000 on top of what you've contributed while you were downrange.
  13. Why can't they get a uniform from a place that won't screw up the patches?
  14. Little further out, but Bastogne is a great day trip. Also, Paris is just a 2.5 hour bullet train ride away.
  15. Slightly off topic, but Vanguard typically has the lowest costs of all of the investment firms, so consider the fees that USAA is charging you. It's a simple process to change your USAA IRA to Vanguard. I switched mine a year and a half ago and I've been very happy.
  16. Where will the current tails end up? Will they convert them to E-4s or put them in museums? I had a great time touring the AF1 at the Boeing museum. Would be a big draw wherever it ends up. Wright-Patt and ...?
  17. What's so bad about a break in service for AD to TR as an O-3? Three more years as a Captain, which means three more years before getting booted later on as a passed over Major? Doesn't sound that bad to me.
  18. I disagree with the "no good monetary argument." Growth on TSP tax-exempt contributions is not exempt from tax when you withdraw it, only the principle is tax-free. However, if you rollover your combat pay contributions to a Roth IRA, all of that money (principle and growth) should be tax-free upon withdrawal. I say "should" because I'm in the process of converting my TSP to Vanguard--just need to find a notary first. Compare similar funds from TSP to Vanguard to see if the slight difference in expense ratio is made up by a better overall performance by the Vanguard fund. For instance: L2050 to VFIFX.
  19. TSP will withdraw up to the exact maximum amount, so set it up to take just over $18,000 and you'll be fine.
  20. Aren't we still waiting on the Metzger report?
  21. Kandahar may or may not be named after Alexander the Great, so at least he has that going for him, which is nice.
  22. Does the KC-10 boom "fly" itself when in contact?
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