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Everything posted by Disregard

  1. one's advice looks good. You can also contact the nearest military legal office according to http://www.justice.g...itary/scra.php. Send a written notice to your landlord ASAP via certified mail that you're moving out. airforceots.com should have some good info on this also.
  2. $100 to Fly Through the Airport http://online.wsj.co...3630937016.html
  3. Here's the entire WSJ article: http://online.wsj.co...2415519426.html
  4. The Wall Street Journal has a subscribers' only article about the Afghan Air Force using aircraft to transport drugs. Here's Reuters' take: http://www.reuters.c...E8270DU20120308 Who knew that the Afghanis had C-5s?
  5. CRM Instructor Class in Little Rock and NVG Instructor Class in San Antonio. Good places to spend your per diem.
  6. If you don't know the difference between their and they're, you might be in the bottom five percent.
  7. Lifecycle 2050 begins the end of Jan 11. This could be worth transferring your money into from L 2040 if you want a more aggressive mix of stocks and bonds and you're planning to start withdrawals around 2045.
  8. Madison Trail Apartments is nice. It's close to the base--but everything is close in Altus. Relatively new construction with a pool and grills.
  9. Skype will be available on the iPhone and iPod Touch on Tuesday, 31 March. The caveat is that it works only on WiFi, not over the cell network. This should be easier than lugging your laptop from hotspot to hotspot. In May, Skype will be available for some Blackberry phones. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/30/technolo...et/30skype.html
  10. Robot keeps Midtown block safe Rufus Terrill has had it with the drug dealers, petty thieves and vandals he says roam the streets outside his downtown Atlanta bar, O'Terrills. Instead of calling the police or hiring private security guards, Terrill built his own security robot.
  11. Tassi McKee: "She may be fat, but she sure is slow."
  12. http://blog.johnkerry.com/2006/10/kerry_if..._our_troop.html
  13. I wonder what's going to happen when she shows up to work on Monday?
  14. http://www.af.mil/news/story_media.asp?storyID=123034142
  15. I've heard the C-17 classified as "Stractical"
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